Can a player be banned for this?

So, first off I don't condone hate speech in anyway.

And while I understand that this game can bring out the worst in us, I don't think that hate speech directed towards my friend and I, who are both gay should be allowed.

We weren't even the ones he was mad at, but he read my username and IMMEDIATELY went on a long homophobic rant and I was just wondering if anything can be done.

My other friend clipped it and was going to use it as proof however the stranger had it to where his voice couldn't be recorded.

Please, can a developer get back to me on this? I can try and find some form of proof if I need to, I don't think people like this should be allowed into the community.


  • ImLeslieKetamine
    ImLeslieKetamine Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2020


  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's considered harassment and you can report them in the end game screen.

    If this was on console then you would report them as normal as harassment with the consoles support team

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940
    edited February 2020

    We do ban for hate speech yes, if it's in after (or pre) game chat on PC. If it's happened on console, then it would need to be reported to the respective platform - so Sony, Microsoft etc. For PC, an in game report must be made and you can also submit a support ticket with screenshots .

    Any other communication abuse needs to be dealt with by the platform it was carried out on - so Twitch, Discord for example - we are not responsible for those platforms. (saying this as it sounds from your post if it was verbal communication and as we do not have in game voice chat I am presuming it happened on a 3rd party programme).

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    If it was voice chat, its not something BVR can ban for, as its not through their system.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    First of all. Kudos to you both for being who you are, and not what society expects you to be. 2nd, people like that are just #########. I hope you found a way to report them, and that they get what they deserve...

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    How big chance is that players are banned and how long bans are? I made a post with this postgame chat and Im very curious if I can count that these players are banned and how long punishments there are.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm sure Mandy will come along and answer this officially later, but just to give you something in the meantime I'll respond in her absence.

    The stuff said in those screenshots is definitely ban-worthy, and so the chance that they were punished is quite high if you reported them properly, more so if you submitted a support ticket with evidence. You will need to have reported them in the post-game scoring screen when they said those things, and optionally submitted a support ticket in the correct category with those screenshots (uncensored) and the ID of the player(s) in question. Basically, if you followed the correct protocol for reports, those players probably got punished.

    As for ban lengths, they escalate depending on how many times the person has been banned before. For a first offence, it's 24 hours, second is 48 hours, third is one week and fourth is permanent. So if you really want to figure out how long they were banned for, you can get a rough idea by checking their profile for how many VAC bans they've received. But BHVR doesn't directly inform players whether someone they reported got punished, nor how harshly.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited February 2020

    It should work without need of using support tickets. Im reporting every player that is verbaly abusing me post game and just want to know how it work, what are probabilities of ban, how long bans are for such a verbal abuse...etc. Creating tickets is taking too much time and its not worth, you must take screenshot, find that player ID, create single ticket for every single player...etc. I did it in this case but I got answer that they cannot process it because I did not created single tickets for every single player (because all 4 of them was verbaly abusing) but I created one big ticket and forgot to note their 4 IDs. I was expecting some official answer in my topic but no mod/dev answered. Would be useful if they tell us background of report system. It can prevent some players to verbaly abuse another players like these 4 "animals" in my screens.

    About that BHVR doesnt directly inform players whether someone they reported got punished I say THEY SHOULD. You are player (and their costumer) and you was verbaly abused, you reported it and you should know if they were punished for it bacause it was you, who was harmed. Same with masking their names in screenshots. Ppl here should know names of animals that are behaving such a way, why protect them.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    Bans are on a sliding scale - so a temporary ban up to a permanent one if it continues. Not everything is bannable, we allow a certain amount of "smack talk" - death threats etc are of course bannable, and yes I would always advise a support ticket to be sent in as well as the in game report completed (in game report is mandatory in all cases).

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    And what about these players in my screens? Is that still certain amount of "smack talk" or they got punishment? Problem is that it should work without need of support ticket. If I have to create support ticket after someone is verbaly abusing in post game chat, I will spend half of playing time creating tickets 😀

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    At what point is harassment enough to get banned or warned? Like saying "You're an idiot for 'yada yada'" in game is, I'd imagine, way different than cursing hardcore about race, sexuality, and wishing death upon them

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    They were saying things which I won't repeat here but which do count as death threats, so yes, that's definitely punishable. The reason why the support ticket is necessary is because the team can't necessarily see everything that goes on in your games. I don't know for a fact whether they can see the post-game chat or not. But they need evidence to ban people, they're not going to ban anyone just based on someone's word alone, so since they can't see the matches for themselves, the players need to be the ones to provide that evidence.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited February 2020

    Im expecting BHVR to investigate ingame abusive language reports, thats why reports button are there and not creating tickets after every game because survivors cannot behave properly. If they see report for abusive language, they can read post game chat and take action without need of further tickets. I think that its easiest of all report types, just open chat history and take immediate action. And I recommend take action for every verbal abusing, not tolerate even "smack talk". Game is Pegi 18 so I expect that these ppl are mature enough to not talk like animals. And if some kids cannot hold their tongue, get ban and accept punisment. Easy.

  • ImLeslieKetamine
    ImLeslieKetamine Member Posts: 119

    Okay, thank you for replying, I really appreciate it for the speedy reply!

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Thanks for the response. I’ll be reporting more often now!

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I would say the support ticket thing is in place to avoid overuse of reporting feature. I mean you get out of a match and say something like thanks for farming me (colorful insult of choice) and move on. Is that abusive? By definition yes. But like you said if you cant take a nasty word or two now and then, then how did you make it to 18+?

    Now stuff like OP said, intentional directed harassment and death threats sure ban them permanently first report.

    Moral of the story, if you are so offended and hurt then filling out a support ticket shouldn't be a big deal, but reporting everything on a knee-jerk reaction isn't the way to go either.

  • Supr3_Angel
    Supr3_Angel Member Posts: 22

    hey, who cares? There’s nothing that can’t stop you and ur friend of expressing what you guys feel towards each other, that mad guy was probably jealous because even a person like you got more lucky than him. Don’t let the negativity of others impact the way how you and your friend are.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    Atleast you'll know what to do inbetween lobbies 😂

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    My lobbies are fast, usually waiting as killer max 1, very often 10-20s. I think its because less players play killers so its no enough time for creating support ticket.

    I know that many players report just for fun because they didnt enjoy game but in case of verbal abusing its not so hard to implement profanity filter that detect and ban players that use this kind of language. Its already working here on forum. System can be implemented automaticaly or just can alert ppl that are responsible for reports solving that this players was using bad words and look on case. Find verbal abuse is so easy thx to filters and it can be solved easily.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited February 2020

    I'm not sure that detecting verbal abuse automatically is as easy as you think. Sure, they can have a system which automatically detects the use of certain words and phrases, but they can't possibly think of every nasty insult in advance to program into the system. Also, how would they police people bypassing the filter by deliberately misspelling the words?

    It's not like the forum, where they can look at every comment as it goes through and pick up on things the filter missed. Tens of thousands of people play the game every day, which means hundreds of thousands of games, and potentially hundreds of thousands of post-game chats to go through. They would have to have hire hundreds of people to moderate each game individually. It's simply not practical.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited February 2020

    Words in my screenshots are very common, it should be detected easily. These animals was so boiling that they use these words without any misspelling. Many ppl dont bother with misspelling and at least these ppl should be automaticaly banned and if these words are misspeled then I can create ticket to alert BHVR about bad words. BHVR should have special employee that will work on reports, that will read post game chats in care of verbal abuse report and take action. When I create ticket Im waiting usually 5 days until someone respond and its bad. Its allowing these animals to swear without any fear of punisment and supporting toxic game enviroment. I know I can turn off chat but I better solution is to get rid of such a ppl and keep only polite ppl that can handle their anger. For example, yesterday I had very bad game, SWF was constantly body blocking me, blinding me, destroying hooks, teabagging in gate, gen-rushing game in 5 minutes and I just skipped chat and started another game without need of swearing even I was angry but I can manage myself and if some players cannot manage themselves then ban without mercy. If some players invest money to game, buy dlc, cosmetics and then get permanent ban it can teach them how to behave next time.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You can't ban people for swearing - well, you can, but they're not going to. And some of the words in your screenshots were used in insulting ways in that context, but could be used in completely acceptable ways in a different context. So in order to only ban people who were truly abusive, the filter would have to be programmed to detect not specific words, but specific phrases, and if it's only looking only for particular phrases or sentences it's not going to pick up the vast majority of verbal abuse that goes on. So most of the time, as you pointed out, people will need to create tickets to report other players. Which is exactly the system we have now.

    So why should the devs spend considerable resources to program and implement a system which will do very little when it comes to punishing abusive players that the current system doesn't already do, just for the convenience of a few players who are too lazy to submit a manual report?

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited February 2020

    I admit that after recent killers nerfs I often tunnel because games are too fast to properly chase and hook every survivor 3x. Because of that Im reading similar swearing almost every post game chat (some are trying to add me on Steam to continue swearing there). Im not turning off chat because I want properly report every players that is verbaly abusing me and its not lazyness that I dont want waste 5 mins of creating ticket where you must find your Steam ID, your ingame ID,ID of toxic player, make screenshots, describe problem...etc. Im expecting that ingame system will at least alert BHVR employee that there was some toxic language and open case, read chat and ban/skip case. I think these chat logs are short to solve it in minute. Im not lazy to create ticket but if you have 4 survivors that swear, you must create 4 different tickets to report each toxic player (I tried to report them in single ticket and got answer that I have to create single ticket for every toxic player. And this is very time consuming, Im determined in reporting such a toxic players but its not really fun to create 4 tickets after every game.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    As I said previously in this thread we do ban for chat offences, but we are not going to ban for swearing and reporting things like swearing is just taking time away from actual proper reports. We will not act on reports of someone saying ######### you for example and constant reports from people reporting things that are actually not reportable, can lead to your access to support services being removed.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    As I've explained, though, there is actually no viable way to automate the system. I don't know for certain whether the developers can check things like chat logs without a support ticket being submitted, but we do know that submitting a ticket with evidence makes it much more likely that someone will be punished for a bannable offence.

    What it boils down to is that, assuming you are certain that what they're saying is bannable (racial slurs, threats of bodily harm, etc.), if you care enough that you want to make sure someone gets banned, then you need to submit a ticket, regardless of how tedious it is. If you don't bother, then you are accepting the possibility that they might not get punished.

    I must say, though, it seems very unlikely that you are receiving banworthy levels of abuse after every single game you play from most if not all of the survivors. I would advise that you review the rules on what constitutes bannable abuse, or ask someone like Mandy to clarify them for you if you're not sure, just to make sure that you're not wasting your own and the team's time by reporting people for things that aren't actually reportable.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I see people at least threaten to report for so many things, if even half of them follow through I can only imagine how many tickets you guys have to sift through. Kudos to the team that does this!!!

    Examples of things people have submitted a ticket for against me, unless they were trolling which is possible... Camping, tunneling, wall hack with Myers Pig and Wraith (uhm addons,) letting the last survivor have hatch (no other cooperation all game, not working with the me the killer,) hitting someone through window due to dedicated servers I mean the list goes on

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2020

    I believe your actually supposed to be able to hit through vault locations. But only a certain range. Could be wrong on that though.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Oh you can, but hitting them like 3 seconds after they vault for example... it shouldn’t happen but it does all the time... doesn’t mean I hacked though it means dedicated servers are bad

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Yes they are. Was chasing a Nea and thought she 360'd me until she dropped from the sky right in front of me and got insta downed by the fall I guess. Smh.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940
    edited February 2020

    I think that's one of the things frustrating survivor players right now - getting hit through windows which you've vaulted and run away from but the hit still registers. But this is going a little off topic, so I'll end this part of the discussion here :)