after two weeks running, we can say new ruin is a failure?
So, after two weeks, maybe a bit more, I can say that I saw ruin in maybe 10% of the games, at the most.
In the rare occasions I faced it, I faced probably the most unconsistent perk of the game, it would be a middle strength perk but it s hex nature makes it a bit more than a joke.
Now my question is, if old ruin needed a nerf cos it was too strong (???), maybe now it needs a buff being barely noticable?
Hi. Red rank killer here. I love new ruin. Stop complaining.
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It’s not as good as old Ruin, but it is really good on certain killers that can protect it if it’s in a good spot. It is fantastic on Doctor if he could three gen around it.
The problem is that the developer who was in charge of totem placement hates killers and made sure that the lit totems are almost always out in the open. Who ever that was, I hope that their pet always leaves fur on their clothes and pees in their slippers!
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Inconsistency is still an issue. In my last game, it's gone when i down the first survivor in oni map..
So much for an endgame perk.
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Personally, I think to get use out of Ruin, you have to use it as a synergy perk with Surveillance much like how Spirit Fury isn't that great without Endurance. But unlike Spirit Fury, Ruin can be destroyed so I don't really use it outside of high speed killers with a further Thrill of the Hunt thrown into the combination for a specific strategy.
However, I'm pretty confident their goal when changing Ruin wasn't for everybody to keep using it at the same rate as prior to the nerf so if it's honestly being used by 10% of killers, that's still pretty high. The real failure here is BHVR still not doing crap about the genrush issue that Ruin used to be a bandaid for. And of course now that genrushing is in full force, it forces more killers to hard tunnel to race a survivor out of the game which means both genrushing and tunneling are worse than ever.
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If new ruin was an entirely different perk I would use it occasionally on pig/doctor. As it is now it does nothing to help killers in the early game which is when they need help the most. As it is now, the change to ruin was extremely tone-deaf by the devs.
The frustrating part is though, is that I've been 4k'ing almost all of my games since the change because matchmaking is an absolute joke. As a rank 1 killer if you go up against 4 equally skilled rank 1 survivors, you have to outplay them severely in order to win.
But I guess this is how the devs want to balance the game? Dilute the ranks so balance means nothing?
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Yes it’s trash, nothing’s changed.
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I mean it's really good paired with surveillance . especially on high mobility killers like Billy and killers like freddy and spirit.
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The problem is, even if it does last until late game, you still can't get use from it unless gens are close to each other to keep survivors away for long enough. Even then, there's still the chance someones going to try hunt it down. I never used old Ruin, but it was more effective than the current version
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It made the game easier for Survivors.
They accomplished what they set out to do in the first place.
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"So, after two weeks, maybe a bit more, I can say that I saw ruin in maybe 10% of the games, at the most."
yeah.... that was the point..... this is a success.
When you give players a ton of options and yert 50% runs A, then somehting is wrong.
They made Ruin a more generic perk to use, that was always the point.
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Well it's certainly made life extremely difficult for plenty of killers.
I personally wasn't depend on Ruin, but I think it wad a mistake changing it.
They need to sort match-making out. It's absolutely terrible and sadly making this once fine game an absolute calamity.
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I'm a rank 1 killer, and I use new ruin paired with surveillance in the majority of my killer builds, I didn't use use before it's "nerf".
What I like about new ruin is that I don't have to waste time kicking generators when it's up. When paired with surveillance it becomes a great tracking perk, and it helps me to provide generator pressure, as I know which generator is being worked on.
New Ruin is not a bad perk, it's now become one of my favourite killer perks in the game. To make the most of new Ruin you have to constantly push survivors off generators.
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No. I wouldn't say it was a failure, because the devs never intended for it to be any good. They didn't like the slow down, or that it 'frustrated new and inexperienced survivors.' Old Ruin is dead, and New Ruin was never meant to be a replacement. I mean, with wording like 'insidious,' can you expect anything else from it?
As for the perk itself, it's fine. If it lasts a minute while I'm chasing, I figure it did its job. I don't run it, because of it's Hex status. At least with Devour, you can get three hooks before they realize it's in place. New Ruin is just mediocre. I can get better results with PGTW, and not have to rely on the rng aspect of the Hex spawns.
I still get a kick out of the devs believing it's a late game perk. Always get a chuckle out of that, before I cry a little on the inside.
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Cocky or arrogant does not mean narcissist. Narcissism is an extreme attitude with obsession of oneself or a full blown personality disorder, neither of which you can argue describes that comment.
On topic, Ruin is great on Doctor. Good luck cleansing that baby when I have Whispers and Static Blast. Works best when it spawns near a cluster of 3-4 gens but that's the random nature of the game.
Old Ruin will not be coming back.
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Its actually quite powerful. I know that goes against the “DEVS H8 KILLORZ!!” belief we have in here but new Ruin can be really strong.
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I find it very similar to old Ruin.
Match starts, 30 seconds later is gone because everyone knows totem spawns and just by looking the killers direction you can deduce the general area where it spawmed.
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It's Z tier now.
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I currently do not like Ruin, but I also didn't like old Ruin. I don't like Hex perks, so eh.
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I dont hate new ruin at all, i hate how bad totem locations are
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I actually suffer this nerf more as a surv than as a killer, CI does more or less the same job to slow down gen rush when I play killer.
But as a surv I must say that it made the game too easy and predictable
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I have only faced it when Killers were testing it in their builds. I have yet to see anyone use it legitimately, as it's entirely useless and pointless. Even today when I faced a ruin, at the start of a match me and 1 other survivor jumped on a gen - made it 3 quarters of the way through the gen, the killer came over. We split up, and the like 10-15 seconds I was off the gen it lost maybe an eighth of it's repair. I finished the gen in no time and then took like 6 seconds getting to and starting on another. Then ruin was gone when I was working on the third gen.
That's all ruin is now. A minor inconvenience, and never makes it to the late game (as any Hex Perk that isn't NOED does).
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Lemme guess
You run it with surveillance?
This is a hex perk, it should be strong on its own, not strong with the help of other perks
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What if ruin was a hex that only allowed gens to up to 90% completed till it was cleansed. Just an ideal.
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Yeah, no. I don't agree with OP at all. Not even a little bit.
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Odd I find new Ruin way to inconsistent to be useful. I would rather run Surge as it last all game and saves me time when it procs. New Ruin has bad synergy with wanting to kick gens and or use PGTW.
Glad your enjoying it though.
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So pretty much DS, BT, DH, and Adrenaline should all be nerfed, considered they are used more than 50% at red ranks.
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10% use rate is healthy... its too similar to surge though.
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If you think rank matters AT ALL, you're wrong. Stop thinking it gives you credibility, bringing it up does the opposite.
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Could you link me to the stats you're getting that number from?
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Ruin nerf was needed due the majority of survivors found it too overwhelming while it was non issue for decent survivos, yet the nerf should have happened with the overhaul of all the maps or introducing other ways to slow game down in high ranks while not affecting low ranks where the gen speed is not an issue.
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If thats the case when is DS and BT getting nerfed into oblivion just like Ruin?
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Yes ruin is utter garbage, no killer does benefit from it against good survivors. Idk why people use it, on the killer that could somewhat benefit from it, it means little due to the mobility they do have anyway.
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No, because the perk is better
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I like killers like you, easy win for me playing surv)
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That's a bit disrespectful and unnecessary.
I'm a rank 1 killer who often plays against good survivors, half the time I'll win against good teams. My biggest strength as killer is able to apply a lot of pressure to survivors, even if you do escape against me I'll highly doubt it would have been easy.
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I also like you start messages from "I am a rank 1 killer...", sounds like you are not)
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Are you sure about that?
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Hahaha love the humor <33
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New Ruin on paper is an interesting perk. It's downfall is the HEX requirement. Get rid of it and can become a perk that's actually useful for endgame builds.
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Console budddyyy <3 sorry to interrupt I'll leave now 😁 <hides>
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New Ruin is FINE. It's most effective mid-late game after you have bumped off a survivor.
I played a Pig game where 2 gens popped before I saw a Survivor. Only one more gen got done the rest of the game, because I forced them off generators. Ruin stalled the gens.
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New ruin is a huge success!
It does NOTHING and that was the intended goal of the gutting.
Rank 20 can now do gens in peace (rank 20 do gens LOL)
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Nerfing DS, BT, DH, or Adrenaline would not be fun for survivors
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OMG! You'are a "red rank" killer? Respect bud because it's so hard to reach red ranks both sides. Kappa.
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Can't work
Killer could just bodyblock the totem and prevent the game from being finished
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It was from that guy who tested 100 matches, but it only included DS, and BT, which went doing the calculations, BT was used 67 to 68% and DS was used over 70%.
I'll try to find that forum, but it does give somewhat of a rough estimate
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I also can share screenshots from Google search)
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You describe one game. If I will use Monstrous Shrine in one game (or even a few) and have 4k 32k bp and 2 pips will it make this perk good?
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Just use Surveillance and new Ruin and calculate at least one game how much time Ruin will buy for you. For example, PGTW buys 20 sec each time if gen is more than 25%. Ruin will buy you 0,25%*2=0,5% per second on lvl 3 perk. To make PGTW job it should take 40 seconds. And now the question - how often Survs run away for 40 seconds from working genarator?
P.s. I use PGTW at least 5 times per game, so just calculate. And this perk could be used for late game.
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