Swf should be a seperate unranked mode

I really think that swfs in ranked is not fun for killer at all and highly discouraging. Sure im up for playing swfs but I think that swf should have its own mode that doesnt get thrown in ranked. It should be a seperate mode similiar to kyfs but unranked mode. Mainly because these swfs always have comms which is the main point of this idea, this would even the playing field in a game that is survivor sided. Not to mention it would probably fix rankings because a decent amount of people in red ranks are swfs im sure the devs can probably look up those stats as well. Of course their would have to be some sort of incentive for killer to play unranked(swf mode) so it doesnt completely kill swf since it is fun to certain extent (for survivor) and maybe vice versa with an incentive to play ranked but for survivor. What do you guys think?
