Dead Hard

Dead hard is a thing because we don't want you touching us with your weapon again, cause it hurt the first time lmao
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Can killers also get dead hard as a perk plz?
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Killers still have collision when a survivor uses Dead Hard. If it looks like they're going through you, they're probably going off to one side rather than straight through.
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You can only dead hard through a killer if they swing. Otherwise you'll just run into them. Just don't swing immediately if someone runs towards you. Wait for them to waste their perk first
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I was watching the spectator mode after my wife got sacrificed and from the survivors perspective the David went through the trappers body directly. When you go against that it seems pretty unfair and I would hope it was unintended when the perk was developed
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Killers should get something similar. My idea is to be able to go through body blockers as everyone is running to the gate for example. Just an idea.
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That is just was wrong lol, not to be rude or salty.