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Should left behind be an innate perk?

akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

I feel weird about them considering Kindred as an innate perk for survivors, but I think Left Behind would be balanced at least to give 1 survivor a chance to get gens done for the hatch in an absolute recked game or to give 1 survivor another option besides the hatch. Now killer mains hear me out, this could benefit you as well since them finishing gens could give you a better chance at getting a 4k than hatch standoff.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Left Behind sucks. Even if it was innate thing it would only change the fact that
    -Are 2 gens done? Go look for the hatch
    -Is 1 gen done? TRY to finish a gen and hope you find a hatch right afterwards.
    -4 gen done somehow? Em.... only 3 gens on the map with hatch open take your guess what happens

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    I wouldn't mind it. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it because it's basically a "worst case scenario" perk, and worse yet, one that encourages you to do the one thing you wouldn't want to do in that situation: A generator. It's a perk that allows you to do generators faster and show the killer exactly where you are.

    It might spice up the end game a little bit more, giving the survivor a reason to not just go for the hatch. It wouldn't fix hatch standoffs on its own, but it would allow the survivor to at least speed up that stalemate where they know they can't get the hatch and the killer absolutely refuses to leave the hatch because that would be a free escape.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @Peanits said:
    I wouldn't mind it. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it because it's basically a "worst case scenario" perk, and worse yet, one that encourages you to do the one thing you wouldn't want to do in that situation: A generator. It's a perk that allows you to do generators faster and show the killer exactly where you are.

    It might spice up the end game a little bit more, giving the survivor a reason to not just go for the hatch. It wouldn't fix hatch standoffs on its own, but it would allow the survivor to at least speed up that stalemate where they know they can't get the hatch and the killer absolutely refuses to leave the hatch because that would be a free escape.

    Exactly, I wouldn't mind having it for worse case scenarios where I get a good nurse or really tilted survivors where there's a 3k before 2 gens are done and I think it would give survivors an alternate or bait for a hatch stand offs.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    Likely it will get reworked anyway, they said they wanted to look at all of the lower tier perks and attempt to make them a little more useful.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    I'd rather they remake it to be on par with other late game perks.

    Then again, Sole Survivor is a more helpful and flexible perk and that's still bad.
  • RockRage8962
    RockRage8962 Member Posts: 46

    If they had gone with the unused perk "Last Standing" and given it's functions to Left Behind, it would be more used. Just for the record, Last Standing was an early version of Left Behind, and for each survivor who escapes/dies, the survivor who used the perk would gain a bonus to repair speed. It wasn't just if you were the last survivor left in the trial.

    Left Behind as it is, isn't very useful, and I have barely seen anyone use it that hasn't been trying to unlock the "Adept Bill" achievement. The perk needs a serious rework to make it viable, as it is the most unused perk in the game at this point in time. Hopefully it gets what it needs to make it a more beneficial perk.