I mori'd every Blendette for 100 Blendettes

whats a blendette ?
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You're doing the world a favour. Keep it up.
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A prestige Claudette who is incredibly hard to see due to her bullshit cosmetics who hides in bushes the entire game, making them very hard to find. I only find Blendettes once, and then they die.
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why do they have to be prestige though? why couldn't a non prestige be blendette too?
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They're all Blendettes. But Prestige Blendettes are the pinnacle of Blendettes. It is what all other Blendettes strive to be.
Then You have Super Toxic White Shirt Tbagging Claudette, who chooses to buck the trend and grab the killers attention.
They are both forces to be reckoned with. Both must die.
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We need more killers like you. Im proud of you. <3
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This....this is art.
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You've killed 100 Blendettes, but your story does not end here... does it?
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Doing gods work, moried 3 blendies today myself.
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That is an impressive death collage of Blendettes.
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There's no words to describe how much you did to us
You deserve a reward
Congratulations! Now you're the immersion killer!
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Probably a good representation of the life of any given survivor in the entitys realm
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I see no Legacy Blendette in this collage, did they escape?
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I only consider the ones wearing P1 and P2 with any dark hair to be a "Blendette"
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Mori 100 Blendette must become an achievement
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I like the one where the Kate tbags the Blendette with you, it's like you're both on a mission here 😁
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Seeing this I am quite sure ThisBetch needs desperate help...killing more blendettes!
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lmao the ones with photobombers are my favorite
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Im setting this as my PSN background this is art
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The hero we needed.
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You have done the world a great favor my friend :)
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Thank you
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I'm pretty sure I was in one of those games with a 3-man SWF group, and the guy you moried was the only one who wasn't part of our group.
I felt bad for her but at the same time seeing it come full circle with this post makes me lol.
Thanks for the contribution and have a nice day.