Console Is So Poorly Optimized.

I can't count how many attacks I've whiffed because a gen gets popped or bloodlust activates lagging my game to hell and back. I lag on the match result screen, in the archives, when noed activates, a hag trap is tiggered, or when the doors are powered. But when I go onto pc I notice none of that, It's all nice and smooth. So what the ######### devs? Throwing console under the bus again?
It's probably because it was actually made for PC and ported to consoles. They've had years to optimize the PC version of the game.
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Yeah but now there is I believe 5 different ways to play dbd now. Phone, pc, Xbox, Ps4, and Switch. Optimizing these should have SOME sort of a priority. Phone is easy though, just make it all look like trash and it's ready.
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They have had over two years to optimize console
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It's probably more difficult for them to optimize for console without removing certain things or changing things. It's really not well optimized on PC either.
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To be fair, the 8th console generation is one of the worst, hardware power-wise, console generations in the history of consoles. You can't expect a lot from them.
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That’s unimportant.
Red Dead Redemption for example runs smoothly on console
with better graphics than better computers and they have almost one year of the pc version.
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The problem with the hatbox is even worst on console, some killers are almost impossible to play on console.
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I mean, it is important. Even The Evil Within had to run at 640p on the Xbox One, lol
And "smoothly" is subjective. 30fps (and sometimes dipping below it) is not considered "smooth" by, I would say, the majority; and RDR2 on consoles runs at below the minimum PC graphics options.