Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Please save this game :(

I'm trying to hold out hope for still playing this game, but it feels like the game is forcing me out.

I try to play as killer (purple rank), but the time it takes me to cross a map where the survivors spawn, they've already got one gen nearly completed. And if I guess incorrectly they will finish it before I get there because literally everyone spawned on a gen. So that's one gen lost. I chase one person, lose another gen because it is completely across the map and I cannot apply any pressure to it and if I do then I risk losing a gen where I currently am to the same situation. Hook that guy, lose another gen to prove thyself and toolboxes. So that is 3 gens for one hook. Maps are too big to apply pressure paired with how fast gens go. I ended up just DCing because I didn't have any perks to recover, and based on other details of the match I knew there was no way I would get 11 more hooks within 2 gens. The survivors were all red rank and all had at least the minimum amount of clue about the map setups and could easily soft loop pallets and windows. Plenty of pallets to use still for 2 gens left.

Maybe I was just having an off day, switched to survivor (red rank), and once again, sit on gens, loop easy pallets while your team got gens done under 2 minutes. I don't feel rewarded when I do well as a survivor because there's no effort required to play. My chase wasn't even that long. But I never got hit, they switched off, but then I just went back to sitting on gens. They ended up DCing.

I. Don't. Blame. Them.

Can't play this game anymore. Survivor is too easy and killer is too stressful. :( I love this game but I don't like what's happening to it.
