Today I teabagged first time since 2018

So, I've had daily for Ghostface. Created a lobby, waited a bit and then survivor named "Teabagg is life" joined. I really like to think about myself as not a toxic person, but, man... ######### is wrong with this community? I got tilted and teabagged him every time I down him. At the end he was unhooked right in front on my face. He managed to use Inner strength to heal quicker, but i marked him, 1-shoted and killed. This was really satisfying, I teabagged the ######### out of him. Really hope he reconsidered some of his life choices.
I regret nothing.
Don't be toxic to each other.
The T-Bag.
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It's always satisfying owning the toxic players. Good job 😃 👍️
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You Toxic.
Glad u had fun tho.
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Did he teabag you first? Or just his name got you tilted?
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This would be the distinction between if he had it coming or not.
Though I've come across a lot of high rank survivors, once they get into thousands of hours they just screw around. Getting killers mad at them win or lose, and just messing around is pretty much all they play for anymore.
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Have to admit, I t-bagged first. Do you think it makes me toxic?
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Iam toxic?
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1 game doesn't make a person toxic. However only you know if this was 1 game or if you have a toxic playstyle. I still like the golden rule myself sooo....I play the way I want someone to play against me.
Each their own tho.
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Welp, too bad I don't feel the same. Maybe I left my conscience in another pants.
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Not super just generally.
Though really I'm disappointed you didn't Moonwalk T-Bag away while furiously nodding your head like your at a heavy metal concert.
Need to assert dominance.
Tbh I'm not sure if ur serious or not.
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TBagging isn't toxic but ok. The sooner you get over t-bagging and just ignore it the better you'll feel. I genuinely have no idea why DbD players specifically get so triggered over it. Why does it provoke such a reaction in some of you? (I'm asking a genuine question here and want to know because I don't get it, I just think t-bagging is funny and have never been mad about it happening to me)
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"they hit button, me get mad"
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Sure thing, bruh, I bet this guy who I t-bagged to death had fun. He was named "teabagg is life" after all.
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You got to let the booty bounce every once in a while. It's not good holding it in for too long.
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"I teabagged for the first time since 2018"
"Clicks link"
"So, I've had daily for Ghostface"
Did not expect, well played mate.