NOED is life

Because every killer I run into runs it now. EVERY SINGLE ONE. It's bad enough that my teammates don't heed my warning to cleanse totems because I honestly can't get to them all depending on the flow of the match. I don't die every match but every killer has it now.
Why is that?
Because gens go to fast lol within my first chase and down two gens go...ya I’m using noed till BHVR fixes this miserable mess
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Because they think that killer is so hard. When in reality survivor is just as hard as killer. At this point i think most of people on this forum are killer mains. You know how many ds nerf ideas i see everyday lol. The perk isn't even that bad. Same with BT. Killers are hypocrites that think there role is so hard and only look at one side. Just ignore them and enjoy the game.
Post edited by danielbird11 on1 -
Rank 1 survivor here...I haven't seen more than a couple noeds in the last 2 days. What level are you at?
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Survivor is a walk in the park lol it’s way more relaxing then killer
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For low mobility killer, 3-4 chase, all gen poped.
In this circumstances, NOED is the good investment for them to snowball or getting some kill on end game.
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I am ALSO at rank 1.
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San Fran, CA.
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Before the changes to Ruin, killers ran NOED and Ruin at the same time in many of their builds. I just don't know why all of a sudden it spiked in popularity. It can't just be because of the generators allegedly getting done too quickly.
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Need a crutch perhaps. Can't wait until the meta settles.
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Thats the thing no its not. Not as a solo player. I agree that it is easier with swf and sometimes unbeatable if they know what they are doing. But when i go against a 4 man swf i can still win and have won many times. And other killers can too but they don't. They get destroyed and then go to the forums to complain instead of getting better at the game. They run noed and camp at endgame which nobody likes. For example latest round i played was against a nurse. The strongest killer in the game and she had to resort to camping to secure a kill. Then she said in the post game chat that she could not loop the shack because once survivors get there she can never catch them. That is not survivors being op thats a killer that refuses to get better at the game. And expects wins to be handed to them on a silver platter.
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Funny that that Nurse player couldn't end loops at the shack.
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why yes, I should just win the game! why didn't I think of that?
FR, I've played both, survivor is so much easier because of the gen speeds. as killer you don't have time to get them. as survivors the gens fly in under 5 minutes sometimes.
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I play both survivor and killer pretty much 50/50 and let me tell you even solo survivor is less stressful then killer right now you can disagree but many killers will agree that killer is way more stressful
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I know right.
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I'm a rank 1 on both Survivor and Killer and I can assure that Killer is much harder. And I never play SWF always a solo and it's still a walk down easy street. That just tells you how easy SWF is.
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I know that killer is more stressful than survivors sometimes. What i don't like is that you say that survivor has no stress at all which is obviously false. Survivor can be just as hard and stressful as killer if the killer is smart and is able to apply pressure.
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I can agree that playing killer can be stressful whether or not you're trying to complete a challenge. Survivor tends to be more "fun", but when you play solo as I do, games can get very annoying but I wouldn't say stressful. The other survivors as well as the killer's play style can decide your fate during the match.
For example, the match I had just now as survivor. A few variables decided my fate at the beginning of the match. I was attempting the No Mither Rift challenge, and at the start of the match, the Nea decided to troll and drop the shack pallet and run away. We all spawned at the shack so that's variable #1. #2 is that the killer, The Hag, had Rusty Shackles, Thrill, and Devour. #3 is that I went into struggle on my first hook. At that point, I was just like kill me, lol.
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me and my swf team never get caught by it.
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I wouldn’t say survivor is stressful ever for me just annoying when I die on first hook I never feel stress anymore when playing survivor
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I see a few things happening in the future, and I'll just limit it to generator speed, Ruin and NOED: Either they will further balance Ruin, further balance NOED, or look at how gen speed currently is.
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Its funny when someone brings noed and then complains about adrenaline or another meta perk after the game
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haha sometimes i bring NOED on ghostface and i get hate messages of using it on insta down killer :D
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Ok boomer.
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Do some bones next time
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It’s low effort, high reward. Its mostly bad players that take NOED. They struggle in the game but then get a few free hooks/kills at the endgame. Most survivors wont hit all 5 totems, not outside of 3-4 man swf anyway.