Since Dedicated servers are a while out, do you feel the hitboxes got better overall?
I personally believe they feel better, still not perfect though, but alot better!
no for me they are even worst i never get hits 4 meter away from window that many times, plus bs chasaw hitbox
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Nah, I Make a step away from a Windows and still get hit.
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Yes, they are definitely more consistent.
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They did not change too much on Survivor Side (bit worse cuz Dead Hard feels even worse) i assume peer 2 peer was less of a problem on pc cuz they dont play over WIFI connection (like many console players for whatever reason..).
But for Killer dedicated screwed up alot of stuff..
-Grabs not working
-Scratchmarks not showing up
-Stalk (Myers/GF) does not build up meter.
-Killer Instinct does not show up on legion
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-Hitboxes are worse
-Killer grabs are not working
-Chainsaw hitboxes are worse
-Huntress hitboxes are the worst
I tried it with my friend in KYF and also in matches I was recording video. After the matches we played I have seen so many hatches thrown hit me lots of meters away from me without touching me without even near me. My friend was in shock also. They need to fix it dude
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Don't you mean latency?
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Huntress hatches are still bad but for me I think the rest is fine
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BHVR appear to have made a mistake from a players perspective in that gameplay goes through the dedicated servers.
They should have monitored play from servers and client/game for cheating and stats and allow quicker p2p gameplay.
It is likely something they could change however
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Hit detection is worse for killers because there's latency instead of 0 ms when killers were the host.
Not much difference for survivors. Fewer lag spikes/switching though.
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I had a match where 2 DC at the start because they obviously don't want to face the OP Trapper. So I see a survivor in the killer shack and I move to the door and give a fast swing and nod my head as if to say "go ahead and work the gen". Instead, it hits him and comes across as me being pretty toxic nodding my head after the hit in what is essentially a 2v1.
He got servered.
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Uh, what? Why would dedicated servers change hitboxes lmao. People wanted dedicated servers for more stable, unchanging pings. As it turns out all of those "totally BS" hits that people got because of P2P were actually not due to P2P. Shocker.
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I've jumped out of a 2 story window, got halfway to the ground and the killer clipped my scalp.
I've vaulted a window, lithe kicked in, took 2 steps and that swing still connected.
Even as killer there are hits where I feel that shouldn't have connected but it did.
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The servers are still awful.
I still get hit behind walls or several meters away from windows and pallets or get downed 40 feet away from the killer.
Things like these happen in almost every match. I have a constant ping of 30-35 ms, european server. The game feels worse than playing against a 200ms ping killer in the past. Kinda frustrating, but I got used to it and am not even surprised anymore if impossible hits connect. It's just how it is now, sadly.