Get A Grip Survivors

Some of you survivors be tripping. I don't have to sacrifice myself for you. I don't. My end game is to successfully escape with as many survivors as possible without dying myself. If I have to die in order to save you then you will die. Period. What's with all the saltiness? I get it. Some survivors flat out don't help but if you're struggling on the hook and the killer is close and I feel like I can't get you off the hook successfully and get my behind out the door then I'm leaving. Just because you 99ed the door and decided to play Captain America doesn't mean I have to. I'll definitely try if I can but trying doesn't mean I have to save you or die or replace you on the hook. It means I will try and get you off the hook successfully without getting caught myself, otherwise you will remain on the hook. I will pray for your soul and I'll remember your name, but that's the best I can do.


  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Yea like I was playing the doctor and this girl got hooked and I tried my best to get to her before time ran out but I had to hide a couple times cause he was chasing someone around me. Eventually he got that survivor and i ran to get the one on hook but he was on the way cause obviously if i go anywhere its to save her. So I ducked and ofc he used the shock thing and found me so I ran and she died. Like ######### if i had ran to get you id have taken the hit and you might of left me on hook or we both would of died. That doesnt benefit me at all lol

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Eh depends on the situation. If I don't have an item and I'm going to safety pip anyways (rank 1), I don't mind doing a sacrifice every now and then if that survivor helped me out earlier in the match.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Oh of course not. 3 people got slugged with noed and I dipped. Me dying with them won't help anyone lol

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    A lot of 4ks are from super altruism stupidity.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Relatable. Everytime Kindred activates if someone else is hooked, or I am, I scan the area. Guaranteed 1 person crouching 5 feet away from the hook despite the killer being somewhere else entirely, or someone Self-Caring in a little hideaway spot.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    What's this? Survivors being salty at each other and not at killers for a change? Are pigs flying? The end is nigh!!! (I'm just poking fun)

    Now to be on topic, no survivor should be expected to die for another. I personally don't mind, especially if I feel like I made enough blood points. Otherwise, if it really is a hopeless situation, such as Basement Bubba during EGC, then there is no reason for salt if the player isn't confident with rescuing.

    The captured survivor could always learn to play better, or bring in DS.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    This is called smart play never feel bad or let others bully you for doing the most smartest logical choice. I've experienced similar things misplays on both sides that caused me a win or a killer that I am playing against a win just because of bad choices and over aultristic actions.

    Bravo for having your own mind and game style 💖🐷

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Exactly. Like even if we all get to the door the killer walks about as fast as we run and someone has to do the last 1% of the door someone is going to get hit. And then what if they have that one perk the blood thingy perk where we have to wait a minute before we can leave. There goes at least two of us if not all. One time I opened the door not realizing this girl had 99ed it and she got mad at me cause I left cause she got noed hit trying to go back to save the 3rd survivor. If I go back for you and I get hit we all dead lol. If you couldnt save them successfully why are you expecting me to? Like sheesh people need a clue.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Yea I used to. Like yesterday I was playing with friends and could of left but i went to go back and save and i did but got hit and them mfers left me. Im sick of that #########. It happens so often. You go back for someone to save them and then they feel like they dont need to try and just like yea thanks bye so I definitely think it through more. Cause if theyve already struggled theyre not coming back for you.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Salty survivors will say anything to make you feel terrible about playing well. They make up terms to convince other players not to play better than them, and just spread toxicity.

    Ignore them. Goto the next game. Be the best possible player you can be.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I'm one of those stupidly altruistic players who will try to help another one, even in the most unfavorable situations. Why? Because for me, the thrill of getting that other person out the door once in a while is the rush I play this game for. I do NOT expect it in return.

    My wife absolutely won't come back for me if she's got the door open. It's teabag-teabag-point-point-leave, and it's all good. I'm sorry some people have been salty at you for that -- it's silly.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    I don't mind dying to save another. I usually have a good amount of BP when end game hits. As for the wife part, mine will go for the save 99% of the time, but there have been a couple of " I love you, but I'm out " moments..

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Fair enough. Not everyone has what it takes to be Captain America, after all 😉

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37

    If I'm playing as Tapp, I'ma get you off that hook or die trying. He's the only surv with a duty to uphold.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I'm 100% with you on this. I will even go so far as to say something that will probably be met with disagreement by some. When I see a player that is playing Captain America with repeated unsafe hook removals resulting in getting everyone else repeatedly hooked while they run away with their bloodpoints they probably aren't getting my help when they get hooked. I absolutely will not even attempt to remove them from the hook unless the door is open and I know we can both get to it before the killer gets there. Otherwise, they are staying on the hook as far as I am concerned. I would rather let them die on the hook than have them sacrifice everyone else with unsafe hook removals because they want the easy bloodpoints.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited February 2020

    One of the reasons I disabled messages on ps4. People can't take a loss and love to blame everyone else for it.

  • Han
    Han Member Posts: 196

    yes i have seen it a million times. one is on the hook far away from the exit, noed is up. 3 could just safe escape but no they all want to play the hero. so they go to the hook and of course one by one goes down.

    and then they ######### talk me for leaving. I mean did you not just see what happend to you? why would it be different when I try to get to the hook?

    and the result is, the killer gets a 3k or 4k instead of the 1k. good job survivors.

    i mean as a killer i love when they do that but as a survivors i just can facepalm.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    The best thing is no one EVER thanks you for an endgame rescue even if you single-handedly save the person while the killer is endgame-camping. In fact, some salty people even act rude AFTER you save them.

    Met one of those individuals a few weeks ago. It was a Spirit who performed pretty badly all game. At the end she downed an Ace. I 99'd the gate and went to the hook realizing none of the others were even trying to help him so I waited for the perfect moment and managed to unhook without getting myself killed.

    Afterwards that Ace seriously said "why did you wait so long" instead of "thank you gg".

    Told him that's kinda ungrateful as I'm not his babysitter. I'm not forced to save anyone. His respond "why should I thank you for something you should have done earlier?"

    Some people just enjoy acting like spoiled brats. If I get caught endgame I don't even expect people to unhook me.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Sounds boring game style but each to there own i guess, gen jockeying and leaving. Wheres the excitement, the thrill of pulling off that impossible save.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I agree. This drives me crazy. 99 them until hooking action is complete to avoid blood warden. Then open them and go for the save.

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    Don't let this stop you from the fact that you can save 30% on Geico.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Maybe reread and then come back when you've comprehended what I said. Take your time.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Right. But if it involves me being downed and hooked then I reserve the right to leave. That's all.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Me either. Like its nice when people come back especially with borrowed time and we make an escape but I dont get salty when I know the killer is camping and they cant get me. And then when ppl do try and die I wish that they hadnt. Id rather someone get out than all of us dying.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    my friend did it to me yesterday. Actually quite a few times ive played with him. Very bossy cause hes a red rank and thinks hes an all knowing master but cant even remember the name of a simple map. All i hear when i play is go for the save do this do that but yesterday when i went to save him the killer slugged the girl and came back to his hook and got me before i could finish the unhooking. Then it was wow you should of stayed on the gens blah blah. And me personally im usually the last one alive. I can make it through the entire game without being hooked. Im better at being stealthy than being chased and every time i got caught it was to save him and he bitched at me cause id get caught sometimes trying to save his ass being a toxic looper and getting caught. I was like you know what im playing how i want. Get over it. Stop getting caught and expecting me to die for you or give you my flashlight cause you can use it better.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    Agreed 100%. Altruism during endgame can get everyone killed, especially when the rescuer doesn't have BT or anything to get that person out of a jam. Some killers have the ability to turn it up a notch or two even if they've had a bad game up to that point.

  • findmeready88
    findmeready88 Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2020

    I will only save a survivor who is in a position to be saved. If there is noed and I'm on my last hang, forget it. If you are on the other side of the map, forget it. If we have a face camping killer, forget it.

    I will take the risk for a good teammate. A survivor who plays to help and escape is worth the save. If I went down and got hung twice but my teammate took out 3 gens and saved me twice and I ain't done anything, I think the stronger better survivor should get their points. So if end games comes and that survivor is hung ill make the effort.

    So to all you selfish survivors, do your thing but don't expect a save when it really matters.

  • max_steele
    max_steele Member Posts: 7

    I'm in split on this topic. I dont mind dying to try and save another player even if I depip, but it depends on the player. When I play with my son- I don't ever leave him behind because hes my son and he's not dying alone in there. At least I'll be with him if my rescue attempts are in vain and he dies. This also goes for my friends are even the random teammate in the match- if those random teammates have been good teammates throughout the match. If they've tried to heal and save me or others or pulled their weight as a solid teammate during the match - I will not leave them even If I know going back means I'm not making it out. I could never leave a loyal teammate behind to die alone as I run out the door simply because I don't want to loose a toolbox or med kit I brought. I realize alot of people play this game for points and score and rank. Points and items are important to players with this play style and not at all important to the players who play the game with courage,loyality, and comraderarie. I know that running off and leaving a fallen teammate to watch me, their last hope fade away, as they see my aura jetting out the door proudly clutching my medkit , would never feel like a victory to me. If I can't get them out, then I'm staying in with them- smart play for points and pipping up? No. It's not. Me not letting my son or loyal friend or teammate die alone is what's of worth to me. Know I'm going to have alot of haters telling me I'm stupid and I suck play your way , I'll play mine. I'll keep my integrity. You keep your toolbox and get that PIP