Why isn't bitter murmurs used more?

One of the chief complaints is that generators get done too fast and people think NOED is toxic, although I disagree with NOED being toxic. Why don't people use bitter murmurs as a way to see where the survivors are? I've been a survivor main for a long time and am still pretty new to playing killer, and it seems like a useful perk when gens are being done so quickly. To me bitter murmurs is a must have. Its great on killers who can fast travel, such as freddy, nurse, and billy. I also find it works great with doctor if you use his static blast strategically.

I think it will be a mainstay in my arsenal.


  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    I especially think it would be good for an aura reading build such as BBQ, bitter murmurs, discordance, and possibly nurse's calling. Its just a theory I have as a noob killer that one of the best ways to slow the game down is to know where everyone is at.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    In practice, at high ranks, it doesn't actually prove that useful.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    I'm curious as to why, do people catch on and book it out of there as quick as possible? Or is it just a wasted perk slot at that rank?

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    When compared to both discordance and tinkerer the difference is that its always better to know when a generator is about to be done rather then afterwards.

    Also undetectable from tinkerer can give you free hits/gen grabs depending on how observant the survivor's are.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Why use Bitter Murmer when there are better perks?

    BBQ, Rancor and even I'm All Ears work way better than Bitter.

    I'm not saying don't use it, I'm just saying that compared to other options, it isn't great.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    How would Bitter murmurs be useful with Freddy? You can only see survivors auras for a short time after they completed a gen so you wont be able to teleport to them because you cant teleport to completed gens. And seeing survivor auras at that point doesn't really do you any good. At best bitter murmurs is only useful as an endgame perk when you can see all survivors for ten seconds.

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    Gens pop typically when you are in a chase, knowing where someone is for a few seconds while still actively chasing someone, doesn't really do much. You already can see where the gen pops, you already know where they will likely be going next (another gen), so it's quite useless.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    Bitter Murmur only gives you minimal information regarding the direction survivors go after finishing a gen, and if you can't immediately capitalize on that information, it just isn't that helpful. I've seen good use of it on Huntress, but outside of that, it's just too unreliable since you could already be in a chase or doing something else when it triggers.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107
    edited February 2020

    Good points, peeps. I'll use it until I unlock better aura reading perks. I'm struggling to find survivors unless they are purposefully trying to distract me so I'll take any perk that gives me an edge.

    Should I use whispers over bitter murmur? (I main doc when I play killer.)

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited February 2020

    Level 3 whispers pretty much means if its active your static blast will always hit someone. Aka it can be considered a semi meta perk option if not an outright meta perk option

    Also only if whispers is level 2 or above but even then only whispers level 3 is truly a good perk.

    Despite not looking like it the area whispers level 1 covers is over twice as big as level 3

    Remember smaller is better for a perk like whispers because its a directionless radar perk that ultimately lets you know where survivors are or aren't if its active or deactivates(let alone its detection matching doctor's static blast ability at level 3).

  • Chekita
    Chekita Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2020

    Wasted perk slot. Using rancor is much better because at least you can do an execution at the endgame and its still very niche and meant mostly for engame.

    Think about it, when someone ends a generator you already know more or less where the people who did the generator are. If you need that much information to know where survivors are you should train more or use BBQ or whispers. Whispers will give you an edge at the beginning of the game and at the end, and BBQ will give you points and most of the time give you enough info to begin another chase (and those are still unnecessary for most builds if you have experience).

    Maybe its good for a beginner that can't find survivors, or for an endgame build. Besides that, there is no place where this perk would be useful.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The other reason people don't use it is for the same reason other perks that work off generator completion tend not to be top-tier - because if the killer manages to play way better than the survivors, it sees little to no use. It doesn't help you play well, it just helps you catch up. So if you're planning to be ahead from the start, it's not really worth bringing.

  • MagnetBeard
    MagnetBeard Member Posts: 36

    As crazy as this may sound: if I'm gonna run a perk that'll give me a buff for having lost an objective it'd be fire up rather than bitter murmurs. Bitter murmurs can have it's uses on huntress, but it's only a few seconds long, where as the speed buffs from fire up are the rest of the round. A lot of people forget it's not just a leg day perk but also effects pickup and drop speeds, which does screw up people's timings with flashlights, and also makes being an R-key gamer when someone goes to body block more easy.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2020

    For Doc? Absolutely. I would argue that among all the Kiler, Doctor is currently the one who makes the best use of Whispers (only Tier 3, though).

  • jcl_z
    jcl_z Member Posts: 35

    This was my go to perk as a new player to the game. It really helps them with finding survivors and going in the general direction to catch them, plus no one suspects it.

    however after 20-30 hours you start to know where survivors are and find most of the killer time is spent is chase so you're not going to break chase to see a gen pop and go after someone else.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    Because it sucks ash?!

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    I don't like using it because half the time the bubble from the generator being completed blocks the survivors auras and the other half there is more than one gen completed at a time, so with both of those issues you get like 2 uses out of it in the entire game instead of 5. Also the fact that it procs after the gen is finished, where you don't really want information at that time, it's usually better to get info while a survivor is on a gen so you can interrupt them.

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71

    Bitter Murmur is not a terrible starter perk when you don’t have a lot of options being that it’s not a teachable but there are a lot better options overall. With doctor I personally like using discordance, overcharge, BBQ and chili and either pop goes the weasel or distressing. Distressing gives his blast a huge radius and extra bloodpoints. Unnerving presence isn’t bad either especially in a 3 gen strat with overcharge. Discordance, tinkerer, and surveillance are much better than murmur because they help you track before the gens are done vs afterwards. The reason I like discordance the most is it usually shows you where to go as soon as the match starts because most of the time survivors spawn together and hop on the same gen. Every time discordance activates it immediately shows you where at least half the survivors are. Usually I will give up on a chase if I don’t see it ending quick enough to interrupt the survivors that are on a gen together. Even if you don’t make it to the gen before they finish its still better to show up as they finish vs waiting till they are done to even know they are there.

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    aura reading only goes so far. you need tools to deal with chases more than anything else. especially when more and more gens get done, the number of places survivors could be reduces so aura perks get less and less useful the longer the game goes on.