Your bets how long the Killer lunge bug will stay in the game?
I would say 3 months.
What is it?
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Till the next chapter or even the next mid-chapter patch. No way its getting a hotfix.
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Basically your first lunge in the match is cut short to just a whiff.
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To generous...
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So start the match with some warm up swipes to fix it? Or do you need a survivor first?
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Start the match and lunge immediately..
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Patch 4.6.2 the bug is still there along with grabbing not registering and sounds still ######### up.
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Yes but why should you have to do this? You shouldn't, the devs should be fixing this along with the sound issues but it just seems to go unanswered every patch
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This is very minor. Complain more about sound instead of this pointless factoid.
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Why should the killer be forced to do that? Killers are already under immense time pressure in a race against the clock. Having to lunge just costs you precious seconds you could be spending pressuring gens (since survivors advice killers to do exactly that).
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It's amazing how each patch seems to introduce more bugs than it fixes. I actually thought there was a chance they wouldn't fix the bug from the PTB where Doc randomly couldn't lunge at all until the last gen was repaired (might not describe the bug perfectly but that was my experience with it).
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Wait really? Is this an actual thing?
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For me it happens more then once.
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The bug only effects killers. Tbh you should just get used to calling it a feature.
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I assume you are talking about Nurse post-blink lunge or Hag's post-teleportation lunge?
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It's a killer issue, so lower priority. I mean, the sound issue has been a thing for, what, three, four months now?
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Mostly I barely make it too a far away gen before it is finished or even it pops infront of me. If the time to walk to the most far gen away is that short, I will never reach it if I have to do a stupid "test" lunge at the start.
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A bug where you miss a hit/down? That is pretty damn broken compared to some sound issues.
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Well, considering Nurse got reworked momths ago and I still get double stunned, can't move sometimes after fatigue, rapid fire record skip blink charge, randomly get denied second blinks, and lose my ability to lunge multiple times every match, I'm going to assume this won't be high priority. They have content to further break the game with
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Well #########... Thanks for the heads up, dude.
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Yeah, only Behaviour could rework a killer, break them in process, and then be like "We didn't see anything ... here enjoy some more cosmetics for said killer!".
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Just get resident evil 3 and play resistance mode when if comes out. You can play as wesker's sister
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Does this bug only apply to the first lunge? I've had a game or two, Hag specifically if I remember, where I would try lunging at this Nea but the lunge would just stop and swipe at air instead even if I didn't let go of the button. And this wasn't after a teleport either, this was just regular running at somebody and striking.
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Wait... I thought I was just messing up with my blinks. Is this a PC or console issue?
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Start the match off lunging a tree, so that you can lunge things later
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(Edit: I am dumb)
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Never noticed, thanks for the heads up