Why is there no left handed characters in the game?

Because it must be too expensive to make those differents parameters i guess lol
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Im tired of feeling Left out as a Lefthanded person
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No longer will we be oppressed! Rise up! The revolution begins here!
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i think the devs only want the game right
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Technically Ash is left handed.
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Devs probably don't wanna make new animation's. And Ash is left handed in the Evil Dead series
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So The Entity DOES have a weakness!
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Wait is he left handed in the game? Which one is his fake hand?
If hes not actually left handed in the game im going to be a little piss until they fix that and give him a young skin, like in the movies. P3 Young ash? They wasted Bruce Campbell man I swear, I hope they get in contact with him again and give evil dead the love it deserves. We need a cabin map at the very least
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His fake hand is his right.
Which is why he's left handed, since he tends to have a chainsaw instead of a right hand.
His animations, however are not any different.
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Why do you think there aren't any lefties in the game OP?
Sure, all Survivors hold items in their right hands, but all actions besides opening gates, throwing pebbles, and using flashlight use both hands. And none of those actions necessarily require using your left hand.
Also, Huntress holds her ax in both hands and throws her Hatchets with her left hand. Maybe she's a leftie?
Edit: I forgot about opening Lockers and the point and come here animations.
Also worth noting, opening Gates and Lockers, as well as throwing pebbles, and both gesture animations are all done with a Survivor's left hand. Maybe Survivors are actually all left handed?
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Huntress and Clown are ambidextrous. So, they use their left hand with precision.
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Because as a being of evil the Entity was never allowed into the leftorium and so now holds an unending spite to all left handed people. The only reason ned flander isn't a survivor is because of his sqeuaky clean record and constant praying.
He is like the human version of slippery soap to the ancient one. So he did the next best thing, he created his own place, with killers, and black jack. In fact. Forget the black jack!
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Old times, lefthanded used to be something from the devil. Muahuahuahua
But the Entity rathers righthanded. She is not friend with the devil, you see...
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From a gameplay point of view, it is much easier to code (not requiring an entirely new animation for pick-ups, carrying, etc.) and more people would more easily understand it (First-person view on Killers).
From a lore point of view, uhm... the shear hopelessness felt by left-handed people due to the hardships they experience as everything is built for right-handed people makes them unsatisfactory to the Entity, who never actually wanted Ash to be there and is secretly planning on murdering him itself.
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Hmmmmmmmmm... LOL
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Precision? Not my Huntress lol
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Neither mine! Kkkkk
OMG, ppl complain about Nurse in ps4, wich I main. But Huntress is my big problem, and the killer I have less fun. Her power is a (kind of) FPS game, and I cant aim so well using a console. Im used to mouse when playing FPS.
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I'm right handed and i use my left hand to lean during vaulting and my right arm to balance. Maybe they are actually left handed?
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What about ambidextrous people like me?!