we need 2 major changes this is ridiculous

so here i am..the killer..trying to sacrifice 4 people
i hook someone and walk away then i see someone running towards the hook guy so i follow,and then he unhooks the person as i attack yet nothing happens they are immune?
why is this a thing they should not be immune this should be a grab moment
sitting at the cross line to escape
hitting a survivor on the line should result in a grab
when i play killer i dont feel like im some monster sacrificing i feel like a puppy with survivors body blocking me while i try hook someone playing with me and mocking me. I use to hate tunnelling and camping i never did it cause its boring for both sides, Now however i fully understand why killers do it this is a joke
where is the fear? im not a killer i just chase people and play tag
If you mean you hit the saviour and he doesn't even get injured I reported this too yesterday, happened to me AS SURVIVOR, not as killer, but yes, I think it's a bug.
About grab animations, they've always been kind of bugged, I report those every time.
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no idea who i hit but the guy got him off the hook i attacked hit someone yet nothing
all my killer games are just stressful ive played this game since it came out but i think im done
one sided
bring on all the survivor mains GET ME
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If you hit the person on the hook before they are through the animation it does nothing just like swiping them while hooked. This is intentional
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its a joke
survivors get way to many out of jail free cards
he ran right in front of me to the hooked person and they get the one up?
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Survivors are more scary than killers once my friend said that the whole point of survivor is to just clown the killer lol
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I think it's called hook teching. It's a known issue and they are working on it but since it helps survivors, I don't expect a fix anytime soon. DS not working they fix that in a week. Stacking mend time add ons as legion resulted in a ban yet abusing fat shame spots and hook teching is allowed........?
As for the sitting at the line, run blood warden. They wont do that ######### again lol Or maybe implement a system where sitting at the gates but failing to leave causes some sort of penalty? Like when a killer stays near the hook too long. Make survivors lose points or something for staying near the exit being a douche.
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Giving the killer a goodbye and some points is being a douche? In what way?
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We all know people aren't doing it for that reason. They are teabagging at the exit, rubbing in the fact they got away.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on10 -
I have to agree with this. Especially when most if not the the whole team is there teabagging, it's become toxic behavior, at that point. It should be punished with a similar point/pip loss as a killer staying to close to the hook, as you recommended.
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Meanwhile Last Year just overhauled their balance and made it so instead of their Killers being afraid of survivors now survivors are actually afraid as they should've been all along.
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How isn't dbd balanced?
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I remember bringing blood warden into a trial once and was messaged "Baby killer using blood warden, what a surprise"
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My personal fav is downing a t-bagging clown at the gates and being unable to snatch their dumb ass. If you make it to within 2 feet of the edge you are invincible to crawl the rest of the way across. I've had one full body outside of the line and absolutely no pick up prompt no matter how I tried. 5 kills I've been cheated by that bs. If you play stupid games, I should get a chance to give you your stupid prize.
Also survivors circling the hook like sharks but call you a camper after the game for chasing their rescue away. Fun times. This ######### really has turned me Salty by Daylight.
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I will freely admit those games I was doing terrible, but I'll be damned if I shouldn't get the chance to punish an idiot that was already hurt thinking they should taunt me at the end of the match and getting dropped for it. I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to crawl out but I should definitely be able to snatch them.
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Actually killing someone feels like a huge ordeal. Assuming basic competency of a survivor team, a killer is going to have to hit a survivor upwards of 6 times, and impale them on meathook 3 times. This isn't to speak of all the obstacles in the way, perks, horrifically one-sided maps, pallets, other survivors, and sheer amount of time that is consumed by all these factors. No one who regularly plays both sides of this game would claim it's balanced. A survivor only dies because of tunneling, a top-tier killer, or incompetence on the part of them and/or their team.
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I love it when a Survivor is stupid and thinks they’re close enough to the exit line when they’re really not and I down them. I’ll carry them in and drop them on the ground to let them squirm and have the entity impale them(if the egc timer is short enough).
Had it happen today and the dead survivor started some salt spraying in chat. To my amazement, their own teammate came to my defense before I could say anything and chastised them for standing at the exit to gloat. There really are some good survivors out there!
I do wish killers could get a one time ability every match where they could rope in a t-bagging survivor by impaling them with a harpoon such as Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.
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The reason blood warden exists
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Last Year is god awful. Let’s revisit this when it’s dead....I wouldn’t look to that game for any inspiration.
I think what’s being lost is the fact that outside of brand new players, survivors aren’t going to feel fear towards the killer no matter what. These are multiplayer games, each side just wants to win....it’s horror themed, but there’s really no fear. They have to balance it so each side has an equal shot of winning. A lot of killers honestly, can’t handle this as they feel they should be role playing their favorite horror movie and stomping helpless survivors most games. Not going to happen unless you want a dead game. If you want a game with fear, you have to play a single player game....simple as that.
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Well put, but I disagree on the last year part.