Bored and dissatisfied

I havent gotten good matches lately. Ive won all of them, i mean literally. Im a survivor main but it just hasnt been fun, the killer has been terrible and i wait 20 min to get a 8 min game. Its not gen speeds or toxic people. My killers and survivors have sucked and it made it boring.
Yea as survivor it sucks to wait 7 mins to find a lobby then it turns out the killer is 10 ranks below you and that's why they couldn't even catch you. As killer it's kinda fun, but usually I get a team of potatoes or even a team with one or two potatoes and they never really had a chance. Matchmaking was ruining things for me, but I haven't played after rank reset yet and I'm excited to see how mm is after I get home.
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personally its just getting more frequent. I consider myself good at all the aspects of the game, holding a button for a gen is uneventful and my team gives me a harder time than the killer at this point.
what do you play on?
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Announcement, though im a survivor main i play plenty of killer. I just refuse to use killer perks.
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XB1, you?
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i play a mix of PS4 and PC. maybe the cross-platform will come out. Maybe i can just find a good mix of people and do some custom matches.
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My experience is mostly on playstation, as a steve main, my sob story is people tunneled me for playing steve so much that it became, become great at chases or get murdered immediately
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I never played customs until recently, it's actually a lot more fun than ranked atm.
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Survivor main.
Why don’t you give killer a good ol swing? Might put some things in perspective for you. Who knows, you might even enjoy yourself.
How you can sit on generators, flail like chickens on a hook, or run in circles and find it fun is beyond me, but that’s just my personal opinion.
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Sorry, I contribute to your boredom when I play Killer on the weekends. 9 out of 10 games I get matched up with red ranks with a token purple or green thrown in sometimes.
I hover around rank 10-13 as killer. I can only try so much in order to make the game fun, but it gets tiresome getting taken to the same strong loops over and over, or having Survivors save their DS for the end of the match for an easy escape.
So now, if you see a Hag protecting her basement chest, or setting all her traps around one totem, that’s me! Say hi by crouching and pointing at me, I promise not to bite, unless you enter my basement.
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i just never enjoy killer as much, i like being on the side that has a worse chance of winning. For me survivor has always been that, my killer matches are always to easy or too challenging, so i play lets say a killer match or 2 every 2-3 games of survivor rn.
I like playing with friends, especially now that i have 80% of the perks and steve is fully leveled, so fun is my main factor.
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Fair enough.
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Ground rules are a good compromise! I can deal with these terms, youll just keep me from getting greedy for that basement chest : )
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Glad you can understand, i just find that if a horror game is making me feel sympathy for my killer then either something is wrong with me, or something is up with the game. Now teammates, ooh my god they always screw me over. Im surviving solo without getting caught, and this is 4v1 not a 1v1. Something i used to explain to tunneling killers.
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I just wanted to see if it was just me or if there was anything i could do to make it better, if i have to let, my only variable is doctor creeps me out. the new music, map, and his look has always bothered me. i play stealth against them and thats a huge game changer. DC penalty has stopped some bad things though, but if a person doesnt want to play they will find a way to get around it, they already have tbh.
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I also, sometimes, place all my traps around a hooked Survivor. It’s funny to sit at a distance and watch them crawl to the hook and then run and see my Kage bunshin Hag no Jutsu pop and make them repeatedly scream wondering which one is me. When I do this, I just watch and let them get away, I feel that I stressed out the hooked person enough with them watching me plant my traps.
Unless they were toxic, then they die.
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i use urban evasion against hags, that way traps wont go off
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Lol "I'm just so good at the game that I'm bored..." Really?
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Why are you so entitled to get a good game so much you got to complain on the forums? Maybe go play some customs with your friends or try challenges. Or simply don't play. Like bruh
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Thanks idiot. Since i already said i was going to do that you show how great your reading skills are. Theres a difference between a bad game and not ever enjoying a game. Which, if you didnt know, games are entertainment ment to be enjoyed
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No, im getting people new that make it easy. I shouldnt be matched with them
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Wdym??? All games don't meet up with your taste