Trailer plot twist

It's the survivor dragging that chain, not the killer.
No, the chain represents sanity. Next teaser the chain will break. The reveal will show that Dwight has lost his mind and switched over to Killer role.
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Blood is on the chain so that'd be one hell of a trick.
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maybe they are pulling it while it is impaled into their body
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That would defy physics.
Its being pulled from the end away from the blood. Like the chain is pulling someone apart.
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shhh who needs physics
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Nurse floats and teleports, people can heal themselves by wiggling their hands over a wounded person, and many other things.. and he questions the physics behind the trailer?
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yes very strange because of this we need to nerf legion again
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It's only logical!
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You're all wrong! The chain is just for show, the next Killer is the Dirt.
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how did they get the license to use dirt. I did not expect him to be in this game
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I thought the killer was the pebbles, to act as a direct counter to the Distraction perk!
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The chain is being pulled with someone on the opposite end.
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Plot twist, dbd is all in Mario’s head
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Mario had too many mushrooms
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Its the release of another demogorgon chain skin now with more chains
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and they are a bit rusted which is definitely worth 10 dollars
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To solve queue time and matchmaking issues there will no longer be survivor or killer roles, DBD will become a Battle Royal game