I watched the dev stream so you didn't have to *SCUFFED EDITION*

Spooky chain man coming soon (kinky)
DC Penalties are back
Hitboxes are fine, it's latency. Also hitboxes are capsules if you needed to know that.
Hitboxes while healing or doing generators are the same as if you were standing, they are looking to fix this in the future. (Looking at you, huntress)
They are working on stuff to make the latency less... late using movement prediction. Stay tuned
Auto aim is actually "hit dressing" and they acknowledge it has an issue and they might have a solution. When that comes is another story.
Grab system needs a touch-up, hasn't been changed since P2P servers so it's old
Dedicated Servers are doing a "pretty good job so far" in regards to ping
Consoles might get increased sensitivity eventually
New PTB tuesday
Oh yeah, Trapper can reset traps without picking them up now.
Trapper buff you say? :))))))
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I do say :))))))
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The Bag addons are an outdated idea from a game that's completed different. He needs all his traps base or he'll never keep up with high mobility killers tbh
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Idk about that. There's a lot of traps on the map.
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Trapper needs something tho. Make them all spawn in the middle? Going around every corner for a trap really cucks him hard on gen pressure
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Trapper can reset traps without picking them up now.
Otz is about to have an orgasm
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I didn't get the "now" part, just played trapper and I couldn't reset traps...
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What if Trapper could grab traps from Lockers?
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It's after "whatever" update happens
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What if trapper could throw traps from range but they only deal a hit and don't trap survivors? Trapper could be 110% speed to compensate.
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When the next update hits, probably with the next chapter.
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I notice they conveniently dodged all the people asking why Huntress throws invisible school buses at you lol.
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As much as I love abusing it, hitboxes are assuredly not fine with Huntress when in a healing or generator repair animation. (Its as if you are standing up). No latency involved at all
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I think now means someday in the near future.
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Then there are the ones with latency that are busted too. I've seen hatches curve around buildings and literally heat seek you because of dedicated server latency.
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they need english classes
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A Poor mans Huntress.
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If you read my beautifully constructed thread, it's not hitboxes but latency :^)
Unless you're healing or doing a gen, it's due to your hitbox still being the same as if you were standing up. They're looking to fix that.
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Forgot to add that they acknowledged it. Thanks!
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huntress should not be hitting people that are using the low lying terrain to cover their heads. People are getting hit crouching around the low lying furniture? Should not be that way. Urban is good for those.
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Once again, probably latency.
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I thought huntress' hitboxes are bigger for hitting survivors than they are for hitting debris?
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I wouldn't know honestly. He sounded like it was more of a crouching last second to dodge the hatchet behind debris kinda thing.
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When I tuned in it was a dude in broken English trying to explain why the survivor side of getting hit when they're nowhere close to you made sense. Basically "we know it feels bad, sorry - working as intended."
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This should be possible. She has a windup you can see and hear. So as soon as you hear it i usually crouch and make myself low. If i have urban even better as she is slower while winding up and holding. The notification to duck is there. So why are people still getting hit when the crouch should take priority. Why else have low lying furniture in the game then if it does not work.?
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It's either get hit from far away as Survivor or Killers missing dead on hits. I think they made the right call (even though it pains me to say this as a survivor main). They did say they're experimenting with some ways to lessen the latency gap so that should be exciting.
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Because killer hits have priority over survivor actions due to latency. Basically, it looks like you haven't crouched yet on the Killer's side. It sucks, but it is what it is for now. They're looking to try and improve the latency though (as with the last PTB), so I'm excited for that.
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What's interesting is when the hits don't even look like they hit on killer side...this can happen at windows frequently I've seen on YT and it even happens to me on XB1 where we don't even have servers.
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Not if i get the notification that she is winding up and i duck. That is wrong. There is a gap in time by means of the windup and it should be enough for me to get down. Otherwise we are talking about no waiting throwing of hatches.
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I think that's due to the Survivor's high ping communicating with the server too late. I wouldn't know though, just an educated guess.
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Dude I don't know what to tell you. Nobody is saying this is right, and they're also working on some solutions atm. For now, you'll have to deal with it. It's a ping and latency thing. They can't control the player's ping. That's up to their internet.
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The reality is the game was 100% just straight up better before dedicated servers. That's the hard truth.
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Yeah i know. It happens in all games. Sucks. But what can you do?
Go back to pre-dedicated servers days? no thanks. I have a reliable con when i host at least.
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I recently heard there was some sort of rollback on windows where the game temporarily miscalculates the survivors distance from the window visually. That's what I suspect it may be.
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For now, yes. There are some Survivor movement changes coming to try and help with the latency though.
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I've noticed this as well and I'm surprised they didn't address that. I was honestly waiting for that question to be brought up.
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He just mean he wont need to get em and put it again but he need to search for em anyway :)))