5 minutes lockout because i couldn't end due to bug
Thanks guys.
Had someone stuck in crouch. Couldn't hook. ECG couldn't kill him either.
Had to DC and get locked out for 5 minutes due to a bug.
Fix your game before punishing players.
Video proof?
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It's amazing how all these things are magically happening on a much higher scale now that DC punishments are in place. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying it's suspect.
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Or maybe these things have been happening the whole time, but because the players affected by it were once able to disconnect and then start the next match immediately, they didn't have to waste time or effort complaining about it here. No longer
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I know these things were happening before. There were complaints before. I just question that all of a sudden it's 10x more common.
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Probably because people weren't being locked out for 5 minutes when the game was FUBAR'd. Now you get 5 minutes to go on the forums and rant about being punished for things beyond your control. Twice now I've been punished for the game crashing/bugging out as Killer. Previously I'd just queue up for another game, but now BHVR gives me time to complain on the forums when their game messes up.
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Simple answer - This is DBD, when things crash we say "Oh, that's just DBD, I'll restart and queue up again". Now people are being punished for this instead of just loading up and playing again they're locked out, of course there are going to be more complaints.
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There have been plenty of complaints and video of the games where this occurs, just the devs turn the blind eye probably because they can't fix it because they are monkeys. Now the DC penalty just adds insult to injury for a game that still does not work properly. I really don't have a problem with the DC penalty, I've had plenty of times in matches where I've been ahead on both Survivor and Killer side and multiple people DC out of frustration and harm not only the experience but also the ranking after. What I do have a problem with is that they've implemented this system without being able to tell when someone is intentionally DCing, crashing, or whatever the DC cause is, and that they have so many gamebreaking issues that are out of the players control still not fixed.
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Happened to me yesterday.
Good thing those DC penalties are in effect!
No bugs, no issues, perfect specimen of a video game!
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What they ought to do is only punish Survivors with a DC penalty if they disconnect/crash within a reasonable timeframe of being found, injured, downed, hooked, denied the hatch, or were slugged at the time.
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No. That would be too easily abusable.
In a game like this, with a community like this, this is the most optimal solution. Unfortunately, there will be collateral damage, but it will all work out in the end, and it's a necessary evil. The people who DC just to DC FAR, FAR outweigh, like 95:5, the people who it happens to because of bugs.
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I may be wrong but isnt the first disconnect 1 minute ?
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Nope. First 2 are 5 minutes.
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First time the bug has ever happened to me. I suspected the EGC should kill him or at least end the game but nothing happened.
Screenshot after ECG had already finished.
No reason for me to just DC on a 4K.
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Happened to me before as well. This is EXACTLY the reason we shouldn't have DC penalties yet.
And no, "just take the 5 mins" is not acceptable.
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This is the answer, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And yes the people who legit have bugs are the few compared to the many who are affected by teammates rage DCing when they hear that the killer is Spirit or Billy, see Huntress has Iri hatchet, are the first one down, get found in a locker, etc
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You act like your going to get stuck every game. Take a bathroom break and come back.
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It's 5 minutes, get a tea and come back.
This is for the greater good, dcibg was a plague now the medicine is here.
Praise the devs!
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I don't know about you
But I would rather take a 5 minute penalty of a bug that happens like once every 100 games then every other game being ruined because of DC's
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Yep, it’s a once in a while thing. Do we wish it was zero, of course, but for right now eat the short penalty and make use of the time. Grab a coffee, snack, go to the bathroom, call your mom whatever
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The devs did such a great job here, spite dcs are essentially gone from my games
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This was always a thing. People just accepted the game was broken, now their being ACTIVELY punished for the game being broken.
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That's the direction I'm heading.
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You don't seem to realise that the penalties escalate and as far as I know we aren't sure the cooldown timer.
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I don't think were aware of the cooldown timer either yet?
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Aah yes you have so many game breaking bugs in one gaming session that you are forced to quit multiple times
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Keypoint being from time to time
Sure they happen once in a while but never so frequently that the dc penalties get to high numbers
Assuming you don't also dc for other reasons ofcourse
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I agree. Knew this bug existed and even had it happen once in my own gameplay a while back. But I also dont remember any complaints about this bug in maybe a year now.
DC punishments are going to tag a few innocent players here or there. But the VAST majority will be simple DCs pure enough.
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I never had that crouch bug happen to me, but, knowing DBD, it's just a matter of time before I get unceremoniously deposited into the dumpster by some element of the game code. More and more, I ask myself, "Why do I even bother with this game?" It crashes and breaks so regularly that I'd just have fun going back to PAYDAY 2 or something.
Funny, though, they really have that code for store transactions perfect in every way...
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There was no complaints earlier because there were no punishment. Now that there is people are gonna come forward. It's bad. Like just the other day a friend of mine got penalized for so.ethi g he didnt do. It said his game was suspended therefore he was sent to the main menu and bvn got penalized for it.
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This is exactly it. I don’t get why people don’t understand this. After years of complaining about fixing the code and having it go unheard people just learned to accept the state of the game sadly.
I had a video found on Reddit of this exact bug
Interestingly this exact bug caused the same disconnection standoff between killer and survivor last time they trial the disconnect penalty. There was videos of someone experiencing it, might have been Zubat I think.
Yet a few months on and they have tinkered with and implemented a dc penalty system but they haven’t touched this bug one bit. They wonder why players are unhappy when their priorities are like that.
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That why I bought the tiers to be tier 70 and taking a break of frustration and play a different games like call of duty and destiny and fortnite.
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This is true, but I think even people who have these issues themselves recognize that some players are still DCing for their own reasons and claiming computer of server issues.
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I think of it like this. How many of these game breaking bugs where you are forever stuck honestly going to happen compared to the large amount a people who DC? DCs ruin way more games then any bug could possibly do. I feel you are someone who doesn’t DC normally and you are suddenly forced to DC because of a bug then a thing least you don’t have to worry about being banned for as long as other games would punish you. 5 minutes is nothing.
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We don't call them bugs anymore. Those are "unintended features"
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I would like to say this happened to me yesterday and had it not been for the screaming/getting shocked while downed bug on doctor that happened and the killer timing it right and picking me up I would have been forced to d/c or hope the entity would take me.
For context I was being chased by doctor and went to vault into the window to the right while my team opened the door. I got hit but for whatever reason I didn't vault through window despite the animation going off I just vaulted into place. I got knocked into the ground and this was the result. Doctor walked over and he was in the ground too making it hard for him to pick me up. He sat there zapping me (causing me to scream) and that tiny bit of my head managed to pop up long enough for him to grab me. He let me go which was sweet of him, but still if he hadn't idk what would have happened.
I've had this happen once before and the entity literally couldn't impale me so I couldn't leave and I was forced to d/c. It was no biggie but still it's unfair that certain things like this happen often enough where there's no fix other than to d/c and people now can't d/c.
This bug happened literally 15 minutes ago. (Again with a doctor.) He picked me up placed me on hook and then I tp'd 20 meters from the hook. My team couldn't get me because the hook I was supposed to be on didn't show the promt for them (SWF). I then d/c'd from the game but my Discord/net was fine. I asked them did the match end because it's saying both the killer and I d/c'd. The answer no. Apparently I was still floating in the air. I got saddled with a 15 minute timers. My friends said he could have been force lagging/lag switching but idk. Ordinarily I wouldn't care because I could just get into a new game but a total of 2 games where I d/c'd and 2* loading screen bugs have netted me 15 minutes and I hear the time can go up to an hour into a permanent banned. I'm literally terrified to play because I don't want to be get banned on a game I just started playing.
This isn't the first time I've been booted from a game and it says that me and the killer or someone else and the killer (usually the first person hooked) disconnect in post game even if the game is still going or completed.
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Idk how you drew this conclusion. Does the game wait an ample amount of time before serving you your next game-breaking bug now?
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@OtakuBurrito I had a game yesterday where there was me and another survivor left and Huntress had just got down the other guy, had the win in the bag, and they were taking him to a hook and then the game just ended. It showed those 2 as having disconnected.
Very likely the servers just being the servers.
Sorry to hear about the 15 minute timeout. Seems you're just another bit of collateral damage to them.
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Personal experience mostly
In my 800 hourish in dbd i got stuck in a generator once, i got stuck in a pallet maybe 2 times, didn't need to dc for those even
It can happen once a day maybe twice a day if you're unlucky, once you claim 3 times a day i'm going to start raising my eyebrow and wonder if it isn't your hardware not being able to handle the game
Sure it's possible but so is winning the lottery twice in a row
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Those odds aren't even remotely comparable.
The bugs are inconsistent, people will get inconsistent results. In your case, 2 a day if you're unlucky. In someone else's case, it can be way more.
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I see nothing wrong here!
BHVR *Slips a $20 bill into my hand*
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Well yeah i am speaking from my own experience ofcourse, outside if the occasional stream i watch of other people where it also very rarelly happens people are forced to dc
I can't speak for everyone ofcourse
What i also noticed from my own gameplay is that the number of crybaby DC's has been reduced drasticly so sorry but for me the change is amazing
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Enjoy the luck while it lasts.
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No proof needed, known bug since the release of dedicated servers. Still not fixed.
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Oh boy, you waited 5 minutes.
What a shame.
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Yeah these kind of issues are offering a really compelling case for the removal of the system at least until some major bugs are fixed.
Like people might go "lol just take the ban it's only 5 minutes" yeah but okay, what if you get one bizzare bug, and maybe 2 loading screen freezes within 24 or 48 hours or whatever the cooldown period is? That is like what a 25 minute ish ban around that point I think?
25 minute lockout for doing 100% nothing wrong, only to go back in queue and wait another 10 minutes because matchmaking is so slow.
At a certain point it will just drive people from the game.
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Sadly that seems to be the case. I've had this happen in a few games today. I think I'll start keeping record of this and send it to bug report even if it's not happening to me. Hopefully this gets addressed soon. I know a few streamers have had this happen to them and it sucks.
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It’s only once the game starts, a loading screen doesn’t count per the dev stream
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Well they lied, cause' it does.