Object of obsession is one of the strongest survivor perks change my mind

It’s up there with DS,BT,adrenaline,dead hard and sprint burst especially against Freddy or people who use nemisis or low terror radius killers it’s a very strong perk..it was broken when it revealed stealth killers lol
I mean, complaining about Object vs Freddy is kinda meh when he can ignore BT, which is used way more often. So I guess the Killers have a good trade here.
However, I will not change your mind at all, I agree that Object is that one Survivor Perk that 100% needs changing. The whole "Undetectable" and "Oblivious" stuff came basically solely because of Object. And instead of nerfing one single Perk (which does provide way too much information, since even if teh Killer is not seeing the Survivor, the Survivor can still see the Killer) they came up with a Mechanic which screwed over other Perks which did not need a Nerf at all (like Alert or Dark Sense).
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In SWF definitely. Solo queue it's not bad, but it's not great
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It's a snitch perk, you look at the killer when he's looking at you while your team is gen rushing that killer, he'll see where you're at.
Rank 20 perk.
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Balanced in solo, BS in SWF, especially against some killer: Trapper and Freddy for exemple.
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I use it at rank 1 it’s a core part of my build lol
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You are literally putting a giant target on your back by looking at the killer and going "EH B0SS!"
Unless you're a god-tier runner, then it's a huge negative. It's as @kreeper124 said. Way stronger in SWF than solo.
That being said, if anyone can find perks to make this build better, please let me know. And yes, this is a meme build:
- Object of Obsession [must have]
- No Mither [must have]
- Dead Hard
- Resilience
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Objective,ds,dead hard and unbreakable and yes I can run the killer around pretty well
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Sorry, should have mentioned. It's OoO and No Mither. THAT part is non-negotiable.
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why would anyone in SWF needs OoO, they are all gonna be on comms and know exactly where you are anyway
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OoO needs to be removed.
I hate using it, I hate facing it. I just hate it in general.
It just makes me depressed
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DS is by far the strongest perk in the game.
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I rarely run it like almost never, but I would understand. And I would do the same, why do people complain about being tunneled you literally are the OBJECT OF MY OBSESSION, you asked for it.
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That explains it
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Yup, and snitches get stitches!
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I won't change your mind, because you're right. It's not as big of a problem as DS, BT or exhaustion perks, but it's still pretty close.
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Stealth killers can see you but you cant see them. That is not exactly how a strong perk should work.
Good for SWF, okayish for Solo.
One of the best perks for Survivors? Definitly not, way to many flaws.
Spinechill for example is infinitly better. Still the most underrated perk, even tho it is considered S or at least A tier by most who actually know anything about the game.
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OoO is incredibly powerful, solo queue or SWF, but it's only as good as the survivor using it if they're solo. I use it quite often in my solo games. THe only time I'm not worried about OoO is when I'm on Nurse.
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What if I don't want to change your mind 😂
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I disagree with you OoO still gives you a massive amount of info even on stealth killers yes they can see you but you know what direction there in..and you know there within 72 meters of you or 64 if your not the obsession..yes it would be considered a bad perk if you don’t know how to loop but to a competent survivor it’s a extremely strong tool
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Because the OoO uses it to tell the rest of the team exactly where the killer is and where is heading making it very easy to avoid being spotted.
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How does Freddy ignore Borrowed Time? Wraith, Pig, and Ghostface I can understand; but I don't know how Freddy does it.
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I said "Stealth killers can see you but you cant see them. That is not exactly how a strong perk should work"
The stealth killer gets more info then you, you are putting yourself in a disadvantage. There is no way you can argue or disagree with me.
And you get the "massive ammount of info" from spinechill aswell, just way way WAY better.
Also, where do i say it is a bad perk? It is simply not an S tier or anything like that but also not bad.
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Freddy has no terror when you’re in dream world, you just hear his lullaby. So technically he only ignore it half the time
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With SWf OoO is ludicrous because if you are comms you can literally pinpoint the killers location at all times, its not a matter of "Hey killers on me do gens" its a matter.of "Hey killers.on other side of the map but spotted me, eta 20 seconds based on his direction.
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Dreamworld = no terror radius. No Terror Radius = no borrowed time
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This is why if they aren’t a great looper you tunnel they crap out of them, it severely imbalances their game. If they are a good looper it’s time to find out how their teammates are, a lot of the time I find the others are so bad at looping that even knowing where you are coming from can’t save them.
These players have been boosted to their rank and it shows
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Oh, that's pretty brutal. I always assumed lullaby was changed to just be a different sounding terror radius like certain killers have special sounding ones. I didn't realize it wasn't one so I've never tried hitting a survivor fresh off the hook in front of me with Freddy.
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Well I disagree with you on this one sorry
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You dont have to be sorry :P I just wonder how you can disagree. But hey.. opinions i guess?
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Solo survivor with OoO isn't really a threat.
A SWF team with OoO is a pain in the rear, however its also sort of redundant to use with SWF unless the team is just messing about and not doing callouts.
So would I say its "one of the strongest" well yes and no, it depends in which context its being used.
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Why should i change your mind when you actually right?
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Smart build but remove no mither and put Boil over or flip flop.
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Funny. The "must have" on No Mither and Object didn't show up on your mention.
But in all seriousness, the meme is that you have Object and No Mither. The ultimate hard mode.
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OoO + three or more SWF with voice = Awesome gameplay.
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Ooo can be good with head on but with no mither it can be difficult now days.
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What's there to change your mind about? If you're good at the game, object is the most broken survivor perk by far. I thought everyone knew this lmao
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I don’t understand how you all can sit here and say ds and bt are still powerful there not and they have been nerfed into the ground already please do not encourage it more
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Lol nice joke
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It's not for their party, it's for the killer. The idea is that he'll go after them. Typically, the OoO user is at least decent at looping. They hope to waste time by doing so. The OoO users will usually start with teabagging if I'm looking at them. If I ignore them, they'll vault spam. God, do I hate vault spamming.
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Meh. It's useless against stealth killers now.
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I’m not joking bbq is op noed is op ruin is better oh and don’t get me started that hits on your screen connect but half the time they don’t on our side you all are worried more about perks and advantages when there are BIGGER and more pressing issues that need to be addressed by and ds are perfectly fine as is and any further changes to them are not needed I’d be fine with changes to SB if they change noed that a balance right or how about SB and SC to change noed those three are major in need of change I’m not afraid to admit we have some powerful perks but quit trying to remove or change perks that have already lost their use ability