
This is probably the most toxic game I have ever played in my life, people on the forums, the douchebag survivors and the ######### killers, all of these three things make this the most toxic game in the world. I want this to end but clicky clicky survivors and killers with noed all make this game horrible, also t bagging, tbh survivors do 75% of the toxic ######### whilst killers do 25% but still this is horrible and can we have a good game where people say gg and where killers don’t camp and tunnel and where survivors don’t t-bag and bully killers?


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Online gaming is toxic in general, nothing different about dbd.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    Realistically, if they are clicking at you with a flashlight, they don't have a toolbox or a key. You can slap on lightborn if being flashlight blinded bothers you that much.

    T-bagging is justified. It happens in every FPS game I have ever played; except maybe Apex, because in Apex there is usually no time to teabag or you might get shot.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    It’s that DBD brings it to a worse level

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    In my opinion you shouldn't teabag in a shooting games especially during a midst of a shootout.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Is it considered toxic if I teabag my fellow teammate as they are getting brutally murdered by the killer's ebony mori? :3

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    edited February 2020

    What you said doesn't justify it. Just because it happens elsewhere doesn't mean it is justified

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187
    edited February 2020

    Unfortunately that's dbd for you, my advice is to just not take the game seriously and realize that there are much bigger problems in the world than someone spamming a button on their mouse or keyboard.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I don't think so. I just think it feels worse because the games have a small amount of players and thus are much more personal so you really notice it.

    There's usually plenty of time to teabag in a game like halo. And if you die because of it the consequences are usually nothing anyways. But taking the time to teabag in a permadeath game is the ultimate insult.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited February 2020

    I believe toxicity-wise DBD isnt as bad as some people believe, especially compared to stuff like Dota2, LoL, fighting games and some other genres.

    Whine-wise is another story... (and im not directing this at the OP, just look at the forums most posts are "nerf this, nerf that" "buff this, buff that" "im done with this game" "devs you are awful and deserve nothing but misery and pain").

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    There's plenty of times where teabagging is justified. I had a streamer with like 2000+ viewers smacking me on hook in the basement at the endgame because I ran him for too long and humiliated him in front of his viewers.

    But some very brave soul saved me with BT, I got the BT bodyblock off and hell yes I teabagged the crap out of him at the exit gate.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    It is a very very rare occurrence the Tbagging is justified, If BT helped you escape that is no excuse to t-bag

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    So just because that happened other survivors in other games are justified to do so?

    Or are you saying in some situations it is?

    I'll only agree to the latter, where it can ve justified in some situations, not for every one

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    It’s only justified in certain situations, if BT helped get you the escape then you shouldn’t be t-bagging because you did one third of the work, BT did the rest, T-bagging should only be used for very good plays, not something a perk did most of the work for

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    I see so it is Justifiable in certain situations

    It isn't just justified. It confuses me when people say something is flat out justified, which means most if not all are okay doesn't it?

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107
  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    It is different than other games. I played COD for 10 years straight, don't recall getting a message from anyone I pissed off on there. My very first game of dbd I went against a SWF, as I was killing them they were SPAMMING me with messages, non stop. That was my first impression and I should’ve just deleted this game lol

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The devs don’t care. They just implement a penalty for leaving and call it a day, because working on all of the things that enable toxicity requires much more work.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Yeah when it is flat out justified it means that it is justifiable in every way where t-bagging definitely isn’t

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    I am a killer main, I like noed, but it is toxic in the manner killers use it sometimes.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    I dont care which characters you play. It's a risky lategame perk and easy yo counter. Grow up and focus getting better instead of whining about perks or flashlights.

    I wish i could get flashlight clickers every game. At least they are following me instead of doing gens. I can deal with it.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Your an example of toxicity on the forum, like I said it is rampant

  • Ardjet
    Ardjet Member Posts: 85

    Yes. I really don´t get why peole are even bothered with them. If anything, clickers mostly just waste time, and if you´re dumb enough to go after them then it´s really your own fault. Let them click, who cares?

    Every thread like this just makes me lose faith in the community, really. So much whining about pointless stuff that really isn´t that much of an issue - or an issue at all. There are technical things in the mere design of this game that should be adressed, definitely, but this forum overflows with people basically just crying over not winning for free. On that note, a player just sperged an all caps death threat at a killer using Blood Warden in one of my games. It´s sunday, everyone.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    you must not play very many competitive games. Rocket League, Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends, any fighting game that forces people to play with wifi-trash players (looking at you netherrealm) and so on are hundreds times more toxic.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    Ohh you are so delicate and fragile. Facts hurt, doesn't they?

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Those weren’t facts, they were you trying to prove your point with no evidence, I can’t wait to see you complaint on here one day

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    This thread seems to be proving OP's point on the community that exists...

    Also, I never understood the whole argument of when someone says there's an issue.... it's like 'well why fix it' (even though it exists, clearly)? There's worse issues in OTHER games.... why focus on this one that is relevant to this game we are currently in the forums for? :think:

    Anyways. I believe people need to want to change themselves. If you can change your behavior and your own thought process and be more positive etc, that could infect others. Maybe slowly. But it can happen. And if anything at least you become a better person and feel better over all. Because you can't control others. But you can control yourself and you can control how you view others actions and how you let them effect you.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Change your mindset. Can somebody chasing you around clicky clicky be annoying? Sure, if you let it. Instead, realize that if they're doing that, that's one person not doing gens. They're doing 1/4 of your job for you. Focus everybody else. Make sure when you have a down, not to be near a pallet and look at a wall when picking up. They're only wasting their time.

    I once had a match where one player did nothing but follow me around clicky clicky. Every time I looked at them, they would start teabagging. I got the 3k, they teabagged on hatch. What stood out, however, was the other three survivors. O man, did they lay into him hard. Was a bit of a wake up call for me, personally, because while I don't like it, THEY don't like it either.

    As for teabagging, it's in every game. Can't do much about it but ignore it. If they're teabagging you at loops, know your skill vs theirs. If they like to drop pallets early, use that against them. Push them to strong loops, and get them to drop. If you have to eat the pallet, do it. Once killer shack pallet is gone, for instance, shift your attention to the other survivors.

    If they're teabagging you at exit gate, just leave. Go break a pallet. Close hatch. Reload hatches. If you ignore them, it gets under their skin, which is a nice thought upon leaving the match.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    If the killer was viable and to be feared, you wouldn't see near as much toxicity. As it stands, these survivors know they're the power role. So what happens when you get a group of immature people that have the ability to pick on someone weaker? You get bullies.

    If you've got time to teabag at a pallet or clicky, you have too much time. Survivors need to be running for their lives and trying desperately to not be found. Not running from loop to loop in total safety.

  • MrGummeBear
    MrGummeBear Member Posts: 94

    I respect a Tea Bag from a good Survivors. It's those ones that can't loop but have every second chance perk. Then want tbag you. That turns me into a shark.

  • VigilStrange
    VigilStrange Member Posts: 57

    From OP: " killers with noed"

    NoED is fine. Do bones.

    In a non-meme answer, using NoED is not toxic, just like using DS as a survivor is not toxic. There are numerous counters to NoED. Pick one and use it.