DC Penalties May Not Be Harsh Enough

I'm not sure what everyone else's experience is with DC penalties so far, but for me there's still a DC almost every other match while I'm playing solo survivor trying to finish tome challenges.

If what I've read is correct, DC punishments start out very minimal (1 min, 5 min, 10 min, etc.) and then reset after 12 hours of "clean" gameplay? If so, I'm glad the devs are being considerate because there are legitimate reasons to DC, but it may be too easygoing.

It seems to me like people who make a habit out of DCing are still going to do it for their first few games because the first few bans are so minimal they are just a minor inconvenience.

Thoughts? What's your experience been with DC penalties? Is getting a few "free passes" necessary to preserve the integrity of people DCing due to crashes, server issues, and real life emergencies?


  • amnesiac
    amnesiac Member Posts: 28

    I have 3 or 4 dc 30min ban already. But what can i do playing vs red survs on rank 15?. )))Stupid penaltys

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    I had 3 DC's this morning in my first 5 games playing killer. Habitual DCers won't change because of the ban. It's a character flaw that some people have.

    Things dont go your way...quit

    Dont get what you want....quit

    It's has more to do with who they are as a person and little to do with the game.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    It doesn't reset entirely after 12 hours, it's closer to like 24 and even then it's only by a bit.

    Like say you have a 30 minute ban and you leave a game 26 hours from that ban, it will probably still be like 10 - 20 minute ban.

    That is plenty strict as it accumulates and degrades slowly. If anything the first DC penalty shouldn't exist at all. Most games don't punish you on the VERY first DC because stuff does happen, namely game crashing #########, but DBD punishes you for that too which is not good.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    I highly disagree I think that the way it is now is fair which is how you described , even though the penalty system is buggy right now . if you have issues playing with randoms play with your friends who won't d.c

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I don't blame people who DC to tunnel mori's, endless slugging, iri head huntress, etc etc.

    Because any of those builds run by a competent killer are basically going to just be a waste of your time anyways.

    Imma just leave this here.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    I mean, if you DC against someone using a mori because it's a "waste of your time"...isn't that kind of counter productive given that you're now wasting more of your time waiting for the penalty to end?

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    The thing is that, no matter how harsh the ban, people will DC anyway. DC penalties don't work because if a survivor wants out of the game then they'll find a way out, punishments be damned. And then what about killing yourself on hook? That achieves the same goal with no repercussions. There's no solution.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    thats why there are 3000 people who play capcom online games and 30,000 people who play dbd

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    No, because I can go watch youtube or something while I wait for the DC penalty to be out. I don't usually DC to mori's, but honestly when you hit an iri head huntress with a mori, do you ever expect anything except a hatch game? If the huntress has the slightest amount of brain cells?

    Tunnel mori is a massive waste of time for all the survivors, and I say that as a killer main who does it. You can't win if the killer is anywhere decent. Even an Ivory tunnel mori is a game-ender, cause you can off someone at 4-5 gens left and it's GGs. Ebony is just for BM.

    Then you could even toss on the very balanced NOED and there's literally nothing the survivors could do even if they somehow, someway, managed to get the best map RNG of all time and run you for 4-5 gens (which doesn't happen to good killers btw) cause you just 1 shot whoever made it to the exit gate.

    Balanced game BTW.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    You could have done that anyway, after being mori'd. So...I repeat...by directly causing you to have to wait longer, how are you not wasting your own time?

    Isn't the entire point of survivor to waste the killers time in a chase? Why is it okay to do that but not okay for the killer to respond in kind? One-sided much? lol

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    Because the game was lost before I even loaded into it, just because the killer decided to put on some overpowered items?

    It's fine though, they are "ultra-rare" and only appear in every single bloodweb.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited February 2020

    What does it matter? Most games have suicides on 1st hook now anyway.

    I was watching Otdarva and he had 6 suicide games in a row. He might have had more after that but I turned it off.

    dc penalties have solved very little and just created a new problem. Sucks for everyone left that they need to see the game through to the end. Otz just wanted to quit but he couldnt

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I mean look at someone like myers.

    He gets mori's literally every bloodweb for me.

    Mori's are mori's, tombstone piece is a mori, judiths tombstone is a mori (albiet harder to use), and every black ward is a mori.

    You can pretty much run them nonstop on him if you want and don't care about your rank.

    But clearly, all the 3-4k's I get with him are just the survivors getting outplayed.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Pretty harsh actually considering all the broken BS players have to deal with in the game now and not to forget all the bugs and crashes.

  • Coolwhy
    Coolwhy Member Posts: 12

    I have been seeing a lot less of dc’s. It’s definitely working, though I’m not sure how well. I get a random internet interruption every day at a random time, it goes out for about 15 seconds and I’ll be kicked from the match. So far the first penalty is 5 minutes constantly for me, not sure if it has time to decay or not depending on the timing of my Internet deciding to quit for a quarter of a minute, but 5 minutes is pretty much nothing. I just like that it makes people actually think about dcing, because you get penalized for raging. I really wish there was a way to not get penalized for a glitch, that’s the only real downside to the system.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    1st time: 5 mins

    2nd time: 5 mins

    3rd time: 15 mins

    So on so forth. I think they are fine, if I end up getting upset over a video game then I can take a break and chill and for the rare time I have done that since the dc ban enabled, I came back refreshed and not upset.

    So I think the punishments are working at least for me as that distracts me from the toxicity I encounter.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I haven't had a single dc since the penalties arrived. No sarcasm included.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    The DC penalty has to be increased dramatically!!

    FYI: Current penalties are as follows:

    1-2 DC: 5 min

    3-4 DC: 15 min

    5-6 DC: 30 min

    7 DC: 1 hour

    8 DC: 6 hours

    9 DC: 1 day

    10 DC: 2 days

    11 DC: 3 days

    Also, it seems like there is a delay set between increasing DC points (it uses a point system in the background) for 1 hour and a "decay" rate of 1 day for a point.

    Hopefully you can now understand better.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I've seen more killers dc lately and less survivors.