How come you guys say that campimg is okay?

I just played a match and the killer never left the hook, He kept hitting the player. It was really annoying, the only plus is that we could the rest of the genes done amd escape. Im just really mad that he did that, He also camped the exit gate.

Best Answer



  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited February 2020

    This; and if it is happening at higher ranks, it's because survivors in those games are pepegas.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    Camping can be annoying but I let it slide. It is not as big a problem like camping in a shooter game. Most killers rely on close range melee attacks. Also the borrowed time perk is there for a reason!

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Camping usually never lets a 4K or 3K happen unless it’s a Bubba in a basement with insidious

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    Camping doesn't work unless survivors are making huge mistakes and let them do it; the exception is Leatherface. If a leatherface camps there is nothing you can do about it he is getting a kill.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Even if it's Bubba with insidious...if you go into the basement to save someone on the hook against a Bubba and you aren't at least being cautious that he's being basement Bubba with insidious, I'd say you outplayed yourself.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2020

    The devs have said camping is a strategy. The devs have spoken.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    I'm personally tired of messages from salty survivors saying tunnelling and camping is "bad play" when the game is designed as well as aesthetically designed around those two core playstyles.

    Yet nobody says a word about survivors "looping" which is equally annoying!

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    A prime example of this is something that happened just last night. Playing Haddonfield with the gate right behind the basement and I'm playing Amanda with Amanda's Letter so I can see through walls.

    EGC timer is ticking down and I can see the auras of the other two remaining Survivors swarming around me and I never left. When they bitched at me for camping I brought up that I had no reason not to do so because otherwise they'd get a free rescue.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    because of the games current condition, in some instances its the only thing to be done

  • magrag156
    magrag156 Member Posts: 20

    I don't mind camping, I get mad when they are standing right in front of you. If someone stands off to the distance or just a little bit off the hook im good.

    I just think its a really crappy way to play and get wins from.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    As I think looping is a crappy way to waste my time but at the end of the day you win some you lose some.

    I'm trying to be nice and say just don't get caught. Hopefully your team will have borrowed time and you have decisive strike or something.

    I once would have agreed with you but I got over that and there is counters to camping and I realise now that I don't agree with anyone who says it's a crappy way to get wins because if bubba can get 4 kills out of it then that's on the survivors not the killer. Kudos to the killer.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    what's the issue here. Nobody cares when survivors pallet camp and blind the killer at every pallet. Does that not ruin the killers in-game experience?

    In a competitive multiplayer game, its unrealistic to think that all players will have a good experience in any given match. Getting facecamped and tunneled is just part of the game. I get proxy camped and tunneled pretty often, its just part of the game. I like that alot more than a blendette that hides in a locker for literally my entire 1st hook state. then wants to urban evasion 4 tiles over to my hook. That immerse time-wasting playstyle is the grossest thing in DBD.

    And for those of you that say this is a casual game: it is an ONLINE MULTIPLAYER GAME. What part of that made you think this game was casual. A casual game doesn't have objectives, escapes, and kills. That's just behavior's way of saying that they don't need to address balance issues. "well its a casual game so..."

  • magrag156
    magrag156 Member Posts: 20

    And that makes sense! This killer knew for a fact we were working on gens because my friend messed one up.

    If a killer knows a survivor is waiting to unhook a player then they should stay, but what leatherface did in my match was just annoying.

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    Imo, camping ceases to exist when another survivor is close to the hook or the EGC has begun. It is stupid killer play to leave the hook when those things are happening. Survivors need to learn that sometimes somebody has to die for the others to make it.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    Just annoying? You're failing to see the other side of the argument here therefor I can't help you with that

  • AddictedNoob244
    AddictedNoob244 Member Posts: 20

    There not good enough to try and have fun. They can’t play effectively and only care about the “win” It usually results in 3 escapes and the person in the hook bored out of their mind because there’s nothing to do. It’s not fun to camp, or to be camped. Not just DBD, pretty much all competitive online games have this. I have had people that camp openly say “I don’t care about having fun, I just want to prove myself better than everyone else.”

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789's prevalent at high ranks as well, but much less common in mid ranks.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Then, as I said, the survivors in those games are pepegas.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    Look at the first game of this stream, starting at around ~7m, and tell me camping doesn't work at rank 1.

    He only get's a 98%~ win ratio by camping and tunneling the crap out of people because it doesn't work, right?

    BT and DS are complete crutches, right?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Maybe we should be asking why survivors can loop and troll killers because every survivor is a trained olympics master, rather than why when a killer manages to catch one of these infinite stamina survivors, he stays and makes sure they die?

  • magrag156
    magrag156 Member Posts: 20

    But the killer has ways of countering that. A survivor that gets hooked and has crappy teammates is screwed.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    If you don't like it quit playing the game then. There is nothing wrong at all with camping.

  • magrag156
    magrag156 Member Posts: 20

    I asked a question, i was not rude about it No need to be snarky.

    Its not the game that I hate , its the killers that camp even when they though no survivor is around to perform a save.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Some players want to contribute to the team by going for a chase, if i see all immersed survivors, i often try to distract the killer as some get downed instantly while others crouch and hide. It pisses me off when i see players crouching etc, it's dumb, might as well get into a chase, get hit atleast that gives info to everyone if it's okay to go for a save or rush a gen

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's still a legit strategy just focus on your own game instead. How the killer plays the game is really non of your business.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I dont like it when people camp without reason but thats it, if there is a survivor who really pissed you off camp em. If the gates are powered also feel free to camp. however if your just camping as soon as you get someone then yea you suck and wont get better at the game any time soon.

  • magrag156
    magrag156 Member Posts: 20

    Trust me I try to focus on my game but when i dont even attempt save a survivor I have them msging me asking why i didnt save them and that i should delete the game.

    Even tho they were being camped. Honestly now that I look at it, its a lose lose situation.

    Both sides have someone mad at them.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    I have came to the conclusion that you are either a troll or a low ranked player on both sides.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    It is don't get me wrong but you have to be smart when to be immersed and when not to, no point hiding against a doctor/legion/oni/plague and even more in an infectious fright trial.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    It all depends on the progress of the game if at 4 gens, you really have no reason to camp, but i can understand if they feel the need to camp when being gen rushed and 2 gens left on the first hook

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    And that. Ladies and gentlemen couldn't have been said any better... as a killer main myself, I refuse to play that way. I hold myself to a higher standard. Do I miss out on kills, of course I do. My rank doesn't get very high either, but I'm ok with that. I try to give survivors a challenging, solid match..

  • Whiskers93
    Whiskers93 Member Posts: 95

    If people complain about me slugging or camping or whatever, I just remind them that it's no worse than them having to rely on borrowed time, d strike and dead hard.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I always tunnel the crap out of t-baggers. Its fun with hag, just hook, place 6 traps around the hook, teleport to tunnel and rehook. Then I'll let the rest go if they weren't toxic.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    If you play fair with how fast the gens are going i lose nearly every game.

    I installed it again today to see this red stain issue on low graphics settings. You can see them through the walls if you tweak your card settings for some reason.

    Played a few killers games. I played fair and tried to get as many hooks as possible but never manged to kill just two. It was always getting stomped on or doing the stomping. There is no balance in this game.

    If you want rank then you will have to play as nasty as you can. That means slugging, prox camping and tunneling. It is that simple. The gens are being done so fast that this is now the only option.

    Needless to say after seeign the red stain through walls i immediately uninstalled this once again. That is just game breaking. No wonder some can do exceptional "mind gaming" when they can see the stain.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    People will get upset over any strategy that beats them. I recall doing a play style as a monster. I got simple perks that neither aided nor hindered the survivors and myself (aside from knockout but that's because I wanted it to be realistic. No ones gonna see their buddy on the ground from across the map). All I did was slug. I ran around attacking and chasing people, just being a monster because monsters don't hook. Out of I'd say the 8 playthrough's I did with that style, I only legit won one. Every other time, all survivors if not 3 escaped, and they get angry because it's not something they can easily fend off. Because they're too busy being cocky and expecting they can just run out in the open without a care in the world instead of surviving and doing their objectives.

    Same goes for camping. I rarely camp but when I have, it's to punish toxic players. Is it a good play style? No. Because you never pip, hell most times you depip. If your team is too dumb to figure out what they're supposed to do to win, that's on them.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I'd argue to say slugging isn't nasty. Typically when I actually play to win, I'll slug if I downed someone who just got unhooked to give them chance to escape and play, or slug one of the final 2 to find the other guy before he get's the hatch. People dislike slugging but idk why, it benefits them. Typically the people who get butthurt are those who are denied their decisive strike.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Pallet camping and then blinding at the pallet is a toxic behavior. I believe this thread is about "camping is a toxic behavior". I'm saying they are the same. Obviously you can run 2 perks to counter this. And its not a direct counter either its only a counter every 3rd pallet. Good players pre-drop pallets after the first spirit fury break so its not as effective as you claim to begin with.

    The argument against NOED essentially is "I don't want to run those perks" why should killers be expected to run perks to counter a toxic playstyle?

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Or say that the killers role is to kill, not make sure survivors are having fun. They don't realize the fact that they can do both..

    It's been quite some time ago, but I had a killer tell me, and I quote. " I play for my fun. Screw everyone else. "

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Rank isn't important to me. A challenging, solid, fun match is.. ranks are just numbers that do not benefit you in any way whatsoever.. I do agree that this game seems to be slowly sinking.. current issues need to be addressed to get it back up to par..

  • sciura
    sciura Member Posts: 4

    If you were close enough to watch him "camp" the hook then you were also probably close enough for him to see you watching and had no reason to let you get a free save while he gallops off to the other side of the map so you can't call him a camper in the forums later. Chances are he also caught a looper or t-bagger and wanted to rub their nose in it if he was wasting his time whacking them.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    As a survivor main I can see times when camping, tunneling, slugging, what have you are viable. The degree killers depend on it show how skilled they are, but at the end of the day they're playing to win too, and their objective is to go where the survivors are. If they all cluster around a hook teammate, it makes no sense if the killer finds them to walk away. I heckle folks who camp soon as the game starts and does nothing else.