Will we ever get more updates that aren't just new killers or survivors?

It seems the only updates we get are the new killer/survivors, cosmetics, and occasional bug fixes. The core game has remained largely untouched with the last major change being EGC.

In my opinion the core gameplay and progression system feel stale now. I think a lot of systems in the game could use an overhaul such as bloodwebs, devotion level, useless perks (which are finally being looked at), more objectives for survivors etc.

Do you think they will breath new life into this game? or will they continue to release a new killer and survivors every three months while leaving the base game the same? I would love to see a plan to add more than just new killers and survivors. 



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You mean like the Archives or the Doctor rework? The answer is yes, they release major updates that aren't just new DLCs with every mid-chapter patch.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    The archives are nice, but really don't add much besides cosmetics. I'm curious if they will change things such as the devotion system, or add new content such as new items or more objective for survivors to do.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    That really is not that great i'm pretty sure he means new features or like major game shake ups. And the answer is no they won't do anything besides release stuff to sell you and minor "balances" and "reworks"

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    Exactly what @ApeOfMazor said. Things that will shake up the game and bring players back and new players in. The EGC is an example.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I see, so actually the question is not "will we get more major updates with new features added" but more along the lines of "will we get more of the kind of updates that I want to see for the game". In that case, I couldn't possibly say.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited February 2020

    "Major game shakeups"

    So like fortnite. Where it constantly changes until it's not even the same game anymore? No ty.

    If they add new mechanics when needed or useful sure. But wanting them to pump them out is a bad idea.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2020

    Well as it stands now I don't think the core gameplay is in a good spot, and I've seen many complaints on the forums asking for new changes . I don't mean band-aid fixes with perks, but actually changes.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2020

    The game can have changes while still maintaining its identity. For example the EGC was a large change to the core gameplay that overall improved the health of the game while still maintaining this "identity"

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    @Fibijean In my initial post I listed changes that I have seen lots of players ask for such as bloodweb changes and devotions level. These aren't just changes I want.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    It brings people in, and don't even pretend holding m1 is fun. You can't fix gen speed because it's too boring to hold m1 yet thats what survivors have been doing for thousands of hours...

    We don't need a shake up every 3 months but this game at this point in its life could use something thats for sure.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I realise that, the point I'm trying to make is that just because the changes that are being made aren't the changes that some players, yourself included apparently, are hoping for, doesn't mean that those changes aren't significant or meaningful for the game as a whole or the gameplay experience.

    Things like character and map reworks, the Archives, major meta-shifting updates like the Ruin rework, and the introduction of the MMR system are all examples of significant, game-altering changes which have been made or announced just in the last six months or so.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    None of those changes you mentioned actually change any of the core gameplay. You still hold m1 on a gen for 400 seconds and get out as fast as possible. The ruin change is the difference between having to hit great skillchecks versus not having to.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I respectfully disagree, and that's the point I'm trying to make. It's okay if you don't personally feel that these changes were significant, but that doesn't mean that no significant changes are being made.

    Again, if you're asking whether we will ever get more significant updates beyond just new DLCs, the answer is absolutely yes. If you're asking whether we will get more changes that you personally consider significant or game-changing, that's impossible for anyone else to answer with certainty.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Normal people don't really give two shits a single perk was changed or doctor was altered. They want major features, new game modes, big changes that span the entirety of the game. The changes you are talking about might be significant to die hards like you, but they aren't going to do anything to really bring in new blood.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    Yes, currently I feel the game needs changes that will shakeup the gameplay. Do you think the current gameplay for survivors to solely focus on gens then leave is fun and engaging? And can you see how the current gameplay might not be satisfying for some players such as myself?

    The most enjoyable parts of the game for me is when I'm not doing the main objective. I would love for them to change it so that it could be more enjoyable.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    If the question is "will all those long standing bugs ever be fixed" - I'd wager on LOLNOLOL.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Before we ask that they shake up the game, how about we just ask that they take a break from new content and focus on important things such as fixing their code, improving their graphics and animations and making sure David gets a speedo and Dwight gets his Daisy Dukes.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    And that is totally fine, but it's also beside the point. All I was doing was answering your original question. Please refer back to my second comment in the thread if you're confused as to what I'm trying to say here.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    It's not beside the point. You said that I was only looking for changes that only I personally wanted when instead a large amount of players actually share similar beliefs and want some changes to the core gameplay.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I realise that, the point I'm trying to make is that just because the changes that are being made aren't the changes that some players, yourself included apparently, are hoping for, doesn't mean that those changes aren't significant or meaningful for the game as a whole or the gameplay experience.

    I won't repeat myself again - I'm not interested in going around in circles.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    I think you're mislead here. I'm not saying the changes they've made aren't meaningful. I understand that for this game they need have updates or players will lose interest. I wanted to discuss the possibility of deviating from the same cycle of releasing a killer chapter every three months.

    There are many changes that players have asked for such as the ones I listed in my initial post that have not been altered at all and need to be. My point is they should take a break from releasing chapters to address core game-play elements.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Every 3 months there will be either a new Killer, new survivor or both. Every mid chapter are major updates like Archives, Map Rework, killer rework, buffing or nerfing etc. In fact they’re introducing a new match making soon. Any major gameplay updates? No, I think the gameplay is fine, so to answer your question yes I do find chasing, doing gens, saving, protecting and healing engaging and fun for survivors and I do enjoy killing survivors too.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I got that. It wasn't the impression I got from your original post, but I think it's been cleared up since, so no worries 😊

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2020

    Yeah, they refused to answer my question regarding the current state of gameplay. It seems that they have a mindset of "devs can do no wrong" which is disheartening as many players have expressed discontent with the way the game currently is.

    I feel the current cycle of releasing new chapters does little to address what players have been wanting.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Holding m1, while anticipating and avoiding the killer, trying to run and hide, is fun. It adds tension if the killer is decent.

    Dont pretend like you know what is fun to me. 🤷‍♀️

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Personally, I would love to have Perks which are not tied to a character. Especially some good Survivor Perks, because for the Survivor Side, getting a DLC is always "meh". You get a character, Level it to 40 and will have 3 Perks you dont want to have in your Bloodweb. Awesome!

    Also they did not add general Perks in a while - last ones were Thrill of the Hunt and Small Game, if I remember correctly. And this is quite a while.

    On the other hand, I dont want to have more Perks, because this would just increase the grind. Giving the opportunity to take 2 out of 4 Perks from the Bloodweb was a step in the right direction and I am thankful for that, however, to equip every Perk to every Character still takes a lot of time.

    For Survivor (because I know the number of Perks by Heart): Those are 74 Perks. With 3 Tiers each, which makes it 222 Perk Tiers, 219 in total to purchase (since every Character starts with 3 Perks on Tier 1). Until Level 50, if I always get 1 (or later: 2 Perks), I get 49 Perk Tiers. So when first reaching Level 50, I have 170 Perk Tiers left, if I get 2 Perks every Bloodweb, I still need to do 85 Bloodwebs with roughly 50k BP each, making it over 4 Million BP for each Character to get them with all Perks. It is a little bit less for Killers, since they have less Perks, but not that much.

    And if you want to do that for every Killer and Survivor, you have to do it 20 times for Survivors and 18 times for Killers. Thats a lot of BPs. Sure, it is completely optional to do that, but especially as a long-term player, you need some goals.

    But the Bloodweb Grind is frustrating, you get a new Bloodweb with 4 Perks which are useless. So you pick some of them, just to be greeted by other 4 Perks which are useless. Meanwhile you are searching for your Perks and they dont come up - like, I would like to play with Iron Will on all of my Characters. But until it is on Tier 3, not worth running. Same goes for Killer, why should I ever use Whispers on Tier 1? This basically tells me that the Survivor is on the Map, cool!

    So yeah, more general Perks, not tied to Characters AND less Grind would be great, in my opinion.

    But what I would prefer the most would be if they would reduce the numbers of Chapters to 3, and have one update for Balance each year. New stuff is exciting and surely it generates money, and I am also hyped for the new Killer and Survivor, but once this Hype is gone, you see all those issues that are still in the game, from a Balance perspective and technical perspective.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I would love to see a characterless update with bug fixes, optimization and general balancing, hell I wouldnt mind having 9 months or more without any new characters at all if they used the time to fix stuff.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    This is why I became a killer main. I used to be pretty much 50/50 but survivors are basically just skins (as in no survivor is unique) and it only stays fun for so long. With killer each one is unique and has a different power for you to learn how to use and different interactions between perks and powers. Different killers can give you a totally different experience, survivors cannot.

    Even with different perk builds survivor is always more or less the same at its core. If that core survivor gameplay was a bit more interesting (more stuff to do as a survivor and/or more interesting and engaging objective for example) I'd be more likely to play survivor from time to time.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    This is another thing. New general perks or new offerings or items would be nice too.

  • ThirdEyeGod
    ThirdEyeGod Member Posts: 39

    I think it would be really cool if survivors had unique abilities or passive bonuses. As it stands right now there is no real reason to play other survivors. They just arbitrarily assign perks to new survivors so you level them up.

  • DwikeyMain84
    DwikeyMain84 Member Posts: 107

    i would be down for a double XP event no not double blood points i mean Double XP then you could up your devotion faster get more shards quicker and it would send more players than normal to the store to spend their shards and would probably lead to more people seeing things they have to have auric cells to buy and get make them decide to buy some auric cells and make the game some money to :) it could be like a stimulus package for the game :) give us an event to get double xp which leads more people to spend the shards they earn in the store which in turn leads to more auric cell purchases most likely which helps the devs and the players :)

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Probably not. Devs arent much into balancing the actual game.

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