What's the worst/most annoying perks?

When I ask this, I'm talking about either bugged or broken, or just horribly annoying perks for both Killer and Survivor. For me I'd say:

Survivor: Object of Obsession, and or Sole Survivor. Object is just ridiculously broken, and Sole Survivor is basically a perk promoting un-altruistic behaviour to gain benefits.

Killer: No One Escapes Death, and Monstrous Shrine. NOED is just my most hated perk, I hate running it as killer and hate going against it as survivor, and Monstrous Shrine I feel should be reworked so that it is a Hex perk, so it affects all hooks (entity progression and BP), and so it has a token system for increasing it's speed and BP.

Let me know what you think!


  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    Here really quick before others

    "OoO has a risk so it fair"

    Survivor side i hate OoO and Spine Chill(mostly because Spine chill ruins my sneaky sneak strats)

    Killer i hate Bitter murmur, no real help slowing down gens and reminds me i failed protecting that gen

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    AS KILLER: Dead Hard. When it's time right to dodge a hit, fine. When someone uses it to make distance and make it to a god window or a pallet, that's when it rankles me. Sprint Burst annoys me because it has no counter play. And people who use DS as 1 minute of invulnerability make me wanna quit the game. For killer perks, Hexes. Any of them except for NOED and Devour Hope are not worth bringing, which sucks because they're such a cool idea.

    AS SURVIVOR: Franklin's Demise. I know why killers run it, I run it myself sometimes. But god is it annoying. On the survivor side, Self Care and No Mither. If you're not doing a challenge, don't run either.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    As killer: adrenaline. Promotes genrushing the last two gens with a big payoff. Very difficult to pressure when survivors don't spend time healing but doing gens instead.

    As survivor: hex: devour hope. It's not annoying but when you think the game is going swimmingly and the gens are getting done...bam someone gets one shot and it's panic stations to find that totem

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Borrowed time.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Mad Grit and Agitation ran together.

    "I'm going to take a protection hit to save my ally."

    *Lawnmower noises*

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited February 2020

    Survivor: When an entire team runs some combination of DS/Unbreakable/Dead Hard/BT/Adrenaline/Prove Thyself

    Killer: Dying Light. Just....why? 3% per stack and you buff the obsession's altruism speed by 33%. PGTW takes up to 20 seconds off a solo gen each time you hook someone. At 4 stacks, Dying Light adds around 9 seconds to a solo gen. At 4 hooks, you can have an entire gen worth of regression from Pop. Or you can have a gen take 9 seconds longer with Dying Light while someone heals faster. Dying Light is a dumb

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Survivor? Dead hard is the most annoying and broken perk, 100% because dead Harding for distance exists. Yay for completely uncounterable perks...object is up there too

    For killer I'd say bamboozle or any of Spirit's perks apart from haunted grounds. Rancor is just a really horribly designed perk and should be removed from the game tbh (everything about Spirit should too but that's a rant for another day lmao). Basically one survivor gets ignored most of the match, only to have them be revealed to the killer after all gens have been completed and exposed+mori-able. They basically get punished for existing.