Do the devs hate killers?


So, in the live streams it becomes more and more obvious that they care more about survivor mains and making it better for them. This makes sense from a business point of view as survivors will make up the biggest percentage of the player base. They tell killers to just pressure gens but unless you're playing a high mobility killer it is stupidly difficult to "pressure gens" when the gens are so far apart due to large maps, then theres the time for the chase and then the time to hook the person you downed and by then another gen will have been completed.

People who just say killers should just git gud is easy enough to say when you're good at the game, but what about newer players who have very little opportunity to actually improve because, due to the ######### match making, you end up against much better players who will just destroy you. The devs have made the game easier for new survivors but much harder for new killers.

Yes, the game has taken some steps forward to make the game better for killers, but recently it's taken some big steps back.

Devs, please take new killers in to consideration instead of just new survivors. Reward killers for skillful plays instead of having a perk that rewards bad plays (looking at you NOED).


  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Did you just rant only to throw shots at NoED? 😂

    NoED doesn’t just reward “bad plays.” It’s literally a perk built around late game. You can have an amazing game and still have 2-3 survivors post-gens.

    Good grief. People seriously think NoED just rewards a Killer immediately with a kill.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    No, killers just like playing victim.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Mhm yet survivors complain about anything killer related, I.e NoED/Ruin

  • Whiskers93
    Whiskers93 Member Posts: 95
  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Nah they just hate the game in general no side is liked more they both get crap.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I don't think they hate killer, I just don't think they have any vision for this game. They've got no established win condition, nor established average time a game should last. Is a win a 2K, 3k, 4k? Is pipping part of the win condition? Are bloodpoints part of the win? Should a game last 4-8 minutes? 10-15?

    All they do is react to the average player base and balance around it. Basically just throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks, while trying to market overpriced cosmetics and create new killers.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    The devs claim that they try to balance for 2 kills/2 escapes but if you get 2 kills is almost always a depip unless you 2 hooked everyone and that'll get you a black pip at best. You also lose a ######### ton of points if you camp after the gates are open. They punish you for trying to secure a kill when the game's over. Got to make sure the SWFs can save everyone!!

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Cool, man. Keep dismissing how crappy it feels to play killer. I just stopped playing killer for the night after playing against bullying SWF. It will be great when the killers are gone. Hope those AI bots are up to par.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    Your pain pleases the entity

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    This is why people should actually watch the live stream. I was completely unaware of any of this till now and have only heard about how "Killer is in a bad place" for quite sometime now. That said I do think they need to adjust matchmaking again. My gf is R18 killer and just got a lobby of R8's and 12's.

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    No, they don't. What makes you think that?

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I can agree with that. The hope is that the new MMR system they're about to implement will fix issues like that and make matches more fair for everyone.

    If you're interested in the information that was shared on the stream, you can check out the full summary post I made of it here:

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    No, the devs don't hate killers, it's just a business decision. There are a lot more survivors than killers, and new players haven't bought all the existing DLCs and cosmetics yet, so the focus lies on new survivor players.

  • Crazy_Coyote
    Crazy_Coyote Member Posts: 10

    Didn't read all that you said but it doesn't make sense from a business perspective. If you disrupt the balance of game you won't have a game to be played. No killers, no game. Behavior did this with some other game and it flopped under the name of something Garden's.

  • frostthejack
    frostthejack Member Posts: 9

    Whenever I play as killer Wich is rare I mostly get 3 or 4 kills. Sometimes I'll have a really bad game or even a few in a row but I mostly do really way even with level 15 killers that don't have Max level perks and no teachable perks

  • frostthejack
    frostthejack Member Posts: 9

    Also just to point out if you paid attention you would see how they talk about hits favoring the killers in latency issues and they do that in purpose

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Well that was smart, hiding the true intention behind a rant xD