Unpopular Opinion
Since the Ruin change, NOED has become part of the killer meta now, whether people like it or not. I never used to use it but I have to now since there is no early game slowdown anymore.
Since it has become part of the meta, I think that survivors should not be allowed to harrass killers who use it. Saying "get good" is not a solution.
I JUST played against a streamer and watched their stream after the game and I of course was listening to what they were saying, and I don't think it should be allowed anymore.
They typed in the chat that I should not use NOED and that I camped. I didn't camp, they were just very cocky with saves and being altruistic. (I was Pig).
The streamer kept saying how toxic I was and how killers that use NOED have no skills. News flash to them: NOED didn't activate until the 2nd last person DC'D and I closed the nearby hatch. I wouldn't have needed it. NOED in this round was just a precaution that I didn't have to use because I had the skill to kill everyone else before the end game.
And to explain the alleged camping: like I said, I would stay nearby since the survivors were already near when I hooked someone and why would I walk to the other side of the map when I know someone is near? I wouldn't stand within view of the hooked person. I also had STBFL so getting the unhooker was easy.
What are your thoughts on this? I'm tired of people saying that I'm toxic for daring to equip NOED to make themselves feel better.
I assume this streamer had 3 people watching them. This is why.
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As much as i hate using noed as a crutch. Its become a neccesity if you plan to get consistent games or at the least stop swf groups. Though the masses will still comain you're not in the wrong
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People are sore losers, ignore them and move on. Personally I don’t run noed as I don’t feel like I’m getting better as killer, I want to end the game before the last gen pops. I don’t want that mentality of having to rely on a perk which “may” activate, personal opinions of course.
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In all honesty noed is a little unfulfilling, alot of survivors are used to it and usually gets cleansed after 20 seconds.
That streamer was simply salty and would have probably berated you regardless of noed.
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They had 265 followers but 3 viewers.. haha.
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Noed is used overwhelmingly by low rank killers and always has been. This is the main reason why devs wont touch it. Devs only changed ruin because it was used by all ranks and a very high percentage of red ranks. NOED is primarily a green and white rank killer perk very rarely seen with red ranks. Most red rank killers use perks that help them throughout the entire match, not end game only perks.
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How come no one realizes that cleansing totems is a thing?
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First of all, if a survivor uses ds will you say "get good"? Since they were picked up twice by the killer they failed two times, so should the survivor with Ds needs to get good?
As a killer I'm allowed to use and do what the heck I want. My purpose is to kill you by ANY MEANS
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Pretty stupid to me to see people complaining about ruin now. In the words of samination. Just do bones. Its not hard and you erase the perk before its even a problem, if you wanna blame anything blame the devs for nerfing ruin. Its not a good rework. Cool idea they tried but as usual with perks they deem op and decide to "rework" but actually nerf. It fails to land in the still usable category.
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Survivors who say stuff like that are usually the same ones who run all the strongest perks in the game, but heaven forbid the killer uses anything they dont like.
Just ignore them mate, use NOED if you want and let him have his tantrum. Some people are just extremely self entitled
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I run corrupt instead of ruin and do fine on killer, it almost makes no difference. Some games go faster, sometimes you have to slug, but in reality, the games are nearly the same. Also as a red rank survivor I see noed maybe in 25% of games, so I would say it's far from meta. I feel you just need to get better as killer, and as memey as it is, pressure better, juggle better, or if you're losing slug more.
Is killer in a good place right now, no. Is it far from it, but it is also not unplayable. If you are still relying on noed to carry your games, you're just going to keep losing.
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I disagree that it's meta now, if anything I'd say corrupt is becoming the new meta for killers that want a stronger early game. NOED is and always has been a crutch or used as the lynchpin of an endgame build. All that being said though it's far from toxic, there's even a whole sub objective for survivors that awards a lot of BP to prevent it.
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If you know how to apply pressure and play your Killer at their full potential, you dont need noed, not even as Trapper or Hag.
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Harassment is never okay, and neither is shaming or abusing people for the build they use.
People who feel the need to do that only do so because they're sore that they got outplayed, and it's easier to blame your build than your skill because that way it's the devs' fault that they lost, not theirs.
Just drop a "gg" and move on. They're looking for a response - don't give them one. If they take it too far, you can always report them.
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I still to this day find it strange how Survivor's are fine with running super strong, Meta Perks like DS, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, etc., but the instant a Killer uses NOED, they all lose their [BAD WORD]. Is NOED annoying to deal with? Yes. It is. I myself am guilty for complaining about it. But I also complain about a bunch of stuff on the Survivor side of things (again, Adrenaline). NOED does NOT need any nerfs until Survivor Meta Perks get nerfed. Killers just lost the biggest crutch, so it's only fair to nerf one of the Survivor's biggest crutches.
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Well I did mention that I won that round, but I see your point. I use it as a failsafe more than a crutch.
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I used to run it alot but not so much anymore. Now I try to improve my pressure game and not worry about the end game so much. I will say I sometimes use it on my weaker killers who are being Gen rushed out the B-hole.
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I would try to get out of the habit of using something like that unless you're memeing. Maybe try different killers as well, you do have to realize that some games you will get outplayed by some survivors. You just need to know to only waste so much time with them. If their whole team are gods, you just need to play better. If you're constantly being beat by certain tiles or patterns, maybe adjust your perks to compensate to better your skill (spirit fury/end, brutal, bamboozle, etc) these perks aren't terrible as some people say, they are quite helpful on some killers, I don't use them personally, I just rely on mindgames, but they do definitely help with some loops/tiles. What does nothing for you but the last minute or two of the game is noed, and that's if they don't cleanse it before or after it's active.
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I’ve had so many 3-4K games where noed never even activated and people still write me messages saying these things. To many times to count. I usually only use noed for challenges or if I don’t have anything better to use on whatever killer I might be playing but most of the time it has no impact on my games. It’s a great starter perk for sure due to the horrible match making
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NOED? Meta? Surely you jest. Why would I rely on something I cannot use for the majority of a match, when most of my games never reach the end-game collapse anyway, except when I close the hatch myself? And even if I do sometimes end up there, the totem will probably already have been cleansed. NOED isn't OP, it's complete garbage. Even the challenge in Tome 1 where you had to sacrifice two survivors with it was actually frustrating to complete, as I felt I needed to play worse to let it end up that way.
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What I hear from survivors “NOED too OP. PLEASE NERF!” ok, just cleanse ALL the totems like I do. Simple. Survivors want 4 minute games because that’s all their attention span can muster. Just to be clear I don’t run NOED. Also survivors saying that it’s a crutch perk are dumb. If Devs wanted you to not use it, they would take it out of the game like moon offerings. Do survivors use perks or do they go perkless and itemless? No. Stop whining.
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You're fine.
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There is a early game slowdown - Corrupt Intervention.
Why would you care about anyone saying stuff like that? :)
I play Huntress and I camp/tunnel whenever it fits the situation in the game and helps me win. I use whatever perks game gives me. I often find salty comments in endgame chat amusing x)
As a skilled survivor main I know that with right SWF where everyone knows what to do you will almost never let killers even 2k.
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Idk why you care, they chose not to do totems, they chose to take the risk, which is fine.
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I think people who play killer just need to have thick skin as most survivors, especially SWF will play ultra altruistic and anything you do that results to their demise will lead to crap talking post game. I personally run small game since NOED is meta. I actually got 4 of 5 totems one game where a Claudette was next to the last totem early in the game but to my surprise NOED activated causing 2 survivors to be sacrificed and post game I apologized for not knowing how all totems weren't destroyed and the Claudette said she left the totem for locker heal totem perk.....smh... I don't remember what it's called since I never use it. I couldn't understand why she didn't cleanse it?
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@lynelmane IT IS Up you how you play, not on others, look I was main pig, now I troll players with funny builds, and I don't care about reporting and stuff like that, so devs have nerfed pig endgame? Ok I make my own rules, get the addon 2xBoxes + 1 baptism / second addon AS extra baptism trap .... Catch one/ two in traps and "lets play a game... Pick one box, crunch next to imserter so they can't find key in that, you have, and now believe me 99% chance that the one you picked is at least one person box... :D if this IS not a briliant build them I dont know :D mostly they start to tbag next to a box, but what IS the point, when while you are crunched you can't get into chase :D the only thing u just hear IS that fast Beeping and blown head :D while there are still 2-3 generators left...
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@lynelmane they Also confirmed that IT IS non-reportable stuff that you have killer builds, if you dont like the build, leave game ? The devs never made an reportable stuff about things how you play, so they Can report you whole day and still will nothing do. They Also responded to cryin survivors about stuff like these, that they will not pointly NERF any killers/perks ... Because survivors Can win everytime, its Up to you, if you will gen-rush while someone IS camping, or you will try to get points for unhook and have % chance to die
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Hey there as a killer main i really feel bad of my other killer mains out there like they get attacked for getting outplayed but if the survivor gets outplayed they harass the killer its a vicious cycle and if you have any proof you should expose them
Edit: yes it is a banable offence so please just report the toxic players
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Tbh, im a Hag main, and i dont use NOED. There are other endgame perks that sometimes work better. Blood Warden is a good one. Do i think NOED sucks? Nope. It has its uses. But with survivors having perks to find Totems and to utilized broke totems, whats the point?
From the survivor side of me, i get using NOED. Sometimes survivors wont cleanse totems, then its their own fault for being hit by it. But, that streamer and their little buddies could have did the totems and it wouldnt have been such a problem. Killers are there to kill, survivors are there to survivors. The proof is in the pudding.
Dont let them get to you. Play how you want, use perks to make survivors angry. And when they get salty? Tell them youre going to season you water for pasta with it. :D
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My build is mainly endgame, relying on my skill to down some people before endgame, then use my perks to extend the endgame. If people think its a no skill strat then cleans totems and get out of my way. This build includes noed remember me amd blood warden
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Who cares what the streamer says? You don't need his validation. You play killer to have fun and with the intent in winning. Do the right thing by not letting it get to you.
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The way I look at it people will always ######### and complain about something. Who gives a f**k about what they say. They say "get good" is a reflection on them trying to pull you down to their level. People are quick to blame others for their lack of skill. Don't worry about it. Keep doing what you do and on to the next. I also play mostly survivor. If I get NOED then whatever. Salty players will always be salty even if they get exactly what they want. Don't waste your energy.
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People need to accept that utilizing game mechanics is not toxic and move on with their lives.