What's with PS4-PC hackers???
If you didn't notice, there has been some people experiencing matchmaking in crossplay, but in PS4, which is not even adressed yet.
At first people thought it was a bug with dedicated servers, but there is still PC people playing with PS4 players, and they all are using legacy outfits, exclusive cosmetics, fog whisperer charms and BHVR names. Seeing this on all the crossplay players ended with the conclusion that they are hackers.
Also, I'm in a discord server of dataminers and leakers, and one confirmed me in one screenshot that the guy was his friend.
So... ######### is going on? why are there so many? and why isn't any action taken against these hackers?
EDIT: Video proof from my friend: https://youtu.be/6klR7ZbXkYY
First time I hear of ps4-pc crossplay or ps4 hacking.
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I posted proof a bit ago but it was taken down for name sharing
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I don't have any proof that doesn't show names but this has definitely been happening since servers dropped on ps4.
People with Legacy even and no one on ps4 had an opportunity to get legacy as it was before launch.
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Maybe they just hacked the PS4 version. High chance the legacy skin files are still in the game.
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It shows the crossplay symbol the world icon from the pc version and ps4 can't just be hacked like that.
Edit: Like you cant even check their profiles and they have names impossible to have on console with symbols and BHVR.
If they hacked they hacked deep into psn itself
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You cant hack anything with dbd on console. Hackers are really rarely countered in current gen console games anyways, they're well protected
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EDIT: I had to remove this comment, I shared the video but killer's name is not censored and I can't share names, I'll try to edit this video from my friend. I'll quote you again when I finish
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I just posted about this the other day! Still haven’t seen or heard really anyone acknowledge it. Super weird.
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did you submit a ticket when it happened? did you just run across a video online so you believe it's 100% true when you never saw it in person? did you report it in the bug issues forum here? did you submit your logs for the match?
you do realize that there is a cross play option for the microsoft store because they are allowing the game to be downloaded on pc when you have it on XBOX (but it isn't the xbox that is playing it but their pc) this allows them to appear as cross playing. yet they are still on pc to pc gaming.
I wish people would stop reporting bugs to the general forum and whining about things when they won't take the steps to report here. Why? because it clogs these boards and diverts them from their original intent.
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I'll answer you in the same way you just did so you can see your lack of respect.
Did you even read my comments?
Do you realise I said PS4, and then in another comment the thing happened to a friend?
I wish people would stop not reading and look cool in front of everyone in the generak forum
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here you have
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wow so you report issues like this in the general forum... I am pretty sure there is other ways. but i looked at the video the speed the nurse was moving seemed to be the 4.6 m/s when the nurse uses an addon that some people would call "battlenurse" or "walking nurse" the over all things here is you still are not reporting this properly. the person playing is the one supposed to report it, you are not the one that was affected. they have said they will not act on third party reports, even if you reported it they wouldn't act because you took a video from some unknown source and could have doctored it beyond that. I have seen PS-4 controllers on DBD PC as well, but you say it's your buddy playing on PS4 no way to determine that with out the proper logs and reports in the proper areas. and YES I know exactly what I said and YES I read your comments. my comments stand as well, your friend should have reported this at the time it happened not you bringing it to the general forum.
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I won't comment on the speed hacking because I think nurse has addons to make her faster I'm not sure. PC could've gotten legacy so I'm not gonna say that's hacked. Also is a mod and fog whisper so maybe they were streaming. I don't think PC can play on Ps4 if so it's weird.
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i opened a thread about it a while ago. Despite its big popularity, no devs has ever wrote even a line about it. It's a big security breach...
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Again you didn't watch the video. She used one charm that is not even out yet (the reward from lvl4 tome 2) and no, the speed was even higher than the addon lets her, just watch how she TPs foward while carrying the body (and no it's not lag because the wiglle doesn't stop.
And if you just take a look in the bug reports this is already reported but devs didn't say a word that's why I post it here, if there were a problem, you can always spam them to move this post but they have most probably read this and passed.
It's legit PS4 just because of the binding. Try yourself in PC with a PS4 controller and you will only see XBOX binding. So this is completely proved.
And if you're curious yes, my friend already sent a support ticket before passing me the video.
If you are going further in this discussion the two only things I ask you is to inform yourself before speaking and keep respect and educaion.
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but still the other charm which is available for no one?? and there is no Discord mod that is also fog whisperer, because I'm friend from 2 of them. They only have crew shirt and mod charm.
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thank you, very good job!
So if I'm reading this right the hacker is a PC player, not a PS4 one, which was somehow able to exploit a connection to PS4 dedicated servers.
Which would make somehow sense, since Devs stated that dedicated servers are agnostic, meaning they don't care what is the platform of the player, and the code to understand if a player is crossplaying (for example: the world icon) is probably already enabled in all console versions.
EDIT: btw I'm taking your word when you see that the UI in the end screen is only available for console players, no matter if you play with a controller. If this happens to be false everything falls apart.
EDIT2: I've looked up all the survivors players, and all of them actually exist with a PS4 account, so this seems legit.
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@Angelicus23 I am now laughing, you didn't even read that I said 1) your reporting this anywhere would be ignored by the devs as they will not take third hand reporting. 2) anytime there is a report of an issue the devs will not always reply but they will start to look into it and will not always reply to a post on the forums but still work at the issue. I DID watch the video, and I made no comments about the charms because I had no point of reference for what you did, I also did not see a teleport while carrying, just the movement that seemed as fast as any killer can walk normally due to the add on. perhaps she should have been slightly slowed but i think the addon overrides that currently.
Now you have brought it here to the general forum to try and get the devs to see it yet they don't reply to bug reports sometimes if at all. hell I had an issue that I reported both on the forums and via ticket system, no dev replied on the forum and I got a message one month after it was reported. What was my issue? i was getting no perks even before level 50. took me 3 days to realize that the reason I was getting this issue is becuase i had no other killers above level 30 so i could only get the killer specific perks and the general perks. I even sent a message back to the devs that I solved the issue so they would know it was something that I was overlooking. at the end of janurary I got another message they are investigating. you are fighting here because you feel you are doing a service, but you are not since you are the third hand in this case.
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I just posted this here so people can get warned that this is happening and they should report ingame.
That is my purpose of posting it here.
If you have any problem you can just report it and pass away.
Thank you.
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The guy who told me that his friend hacked to get crossplay told me it's legit hacking the matchmaking now that it's linked to dedicated servers, but it's not even easy to do it
Edit: every platform has a different version code, they only adressed the code for pc and windows store to get linked together
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I have my own personal footage against someone doing and having the same thing. Where would I report it besides in game?
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by support ticket, you can submit yours in this link below. This is the best way to provide them info:
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The devs wont address this because it de facto confirms crossplay is already possible. They just haven't enabled it. My guess is they're waiting for Xbox to get dedicated servers and the Switch to get Freddy before any official plans.
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I was gonna say, the world icon means SOMEONE has coded in the icon to signify crossplay.
Which means they're already working on it or at least planning it.
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Well I for one appreciate your post. (Sorry that other guy was on your case holy cow). And I love the footage and editing, if that was you, you are really great at it! Holy crap. Anyways. It's nice to see these because the truth is, it does exist and for people that don't stream or can't record it, you can't really do anything, it seems.
I'd like to think that if TONS of people are reporting one individual and they are like hey this dudes hacking etc. That the dev's look at it and be like well we don't have footage but we need to definitely investigate this person or put him on some watch list idk. I like to hope at least. I know of a twitch streamer that plays PC and he was running into the same hacker repeatedly.... so ... idk ..
I also don't know how long their ban is. Is it actually permanent? I don't know.. lots of questions. Not really sure what the dev's are doing about this.
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the gameplay was from my friend. He uploaded it to show me and use it in his support ticket report, then I asked him if I could edit it myself to show it in the forums. Yep the edit is mine but I have to confess that it's a bit poorly made xd. Anyways, thanks for the apreciation :)
btw any way of hacking in dbd is a direct perma-ban
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The reason I dont want crossplataform is cause PS4 is hack-safe. They should implement an option to choose playing only against other consoles, and not PCs. Just as in Fortnite. I would not like to play against PC and get all that hacking.
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Poor?!?! I actually loved it. I mean it was quite captivating and really showed the points well etc. :) You could sell your editing services honestly. :D
Perma ban is nice to hear. I know some though were given second chances tho.
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Honestly in my 2 years of play experience on both platform the only hacking thing I went close to were lagswitch which is not a problem anymore
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Would be cool if we got legit crossplay eventually, although as far as hackers go... They just ruin the fun for everyone no matter the game, and I think this might put a bad taste in peoples mouths for crossplay in general.
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Hiding the names just to be safe. But that symbol of the left means its cross play.
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When they enable crossplay on consoles it will come with a setting to disable/enable it as the Steam and Microsoft Store/PC Xbox Gamepass versions do.
With that said hacking is rare on PC DBD. You won't see it that much when crossplay arrives. Especially when under crossplay I'm guessing PS4/Xbox/Switch players will outnumber PC players.
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Remember to report him (if you're in ps4)
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laughs in xbox messages
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“Clogs the boards”
Because they’re not already clogged with the same 5 complaints over and over, or anything...
Also why is everyone suddenly giving the third degree and demanding irrefutable proof? Yikes. It’s not some dude claiming he knows what the new killer is but doesn’t have anything to back up the claim. It’s not even someone trying to start a witch hunt. Just a player who is trying to spread/gather more info about something that has been popping up in forums and DBD social media a lot the past couple weeks. I think it’s important to pay attention to
But sure, if we want to go back to crying about NOED and SWF for the 28th time today that’s okay too.
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You can permaban them without mercy, they were obviously showing off their unacquirable skins, so they must have hacked the shop too and are asking to get banned. They probably have multiple accounts and IPs anyways, so no need for second chances in this case.
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The code base is basically the same for every platform... That's why there exists the crossplay icon in console version. The difference is that in Unreal Engine you export the game for different platform and there you go... All of PC assets are in console version and vice versa.
Also, there currently is a way (glitch) to gain basically unlimited speed with nurse which is very easy to do (no I don't tell you the way), and I'm pretty sure this guy here abused it. The hyper speed on nurse does not necessarily prove this guy is a hacker.... But the cosmetic and charms do!
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Probably why they are silent. If they terminated crossplay but actually left connections open they would need to resolve it asap.
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Today it happened to me as well (I'm on PS4, of course): Nurse with Legacy, world map icon, username with unrecognisable characters.
I didn't pay attention to her charms, and she wasn't speed hacking (from what I saw, I don't know if she was hacking in any case, aside for the obvious connection hack, of course).
I reported it in-game, is it enough @Peanits ?