Let's talk balance

Dead by daylight is a great game with a cool concept and some awesome themes. I have played since summer 2017 and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as both survivor and killer. But lately I have been feeling that this game is horribly unbalanced and i want to explain why.

When I play as killer, I don't feel like a threat to swf players, especially on certain maps like haddonfield, coldwind, or ormond. Typically 2 or 3 gens pop before i can close out my first chase if they are playing pallets and windows correctly and i found them within the first 30 seconds of the match. It seems unlikely that these groups arent swf because i play solo quite a bit as survivor and when i do these players i am teamed with will usually refuse to do gens or at least 2 of them will be absolute potatoes. I think swf is important to the continued success of this game but i also think the game should be balanced more around it. It gives an unfair advantage to other players by quickly giving information to the other survivors that basically replace perks that are used to achieve this. DBD was designed around random matchmaking and is old enough now i think to address these issues in the form of another objective.

I think that most will agree that holding m1 on a gen and getting skill checks at random intervals isnt exactly the most fun part of the game. But it is necessary to facilitate a time lapse for escape. Now im not suggesting we get rid of generators by any means as they are and integrated part of the game, or generator speed should be decreased because that would be boring. BUT WHAT IF another objective was added for survivors to do? I've seen others suggest that parts could be scavenged for the generators before survivors could repair them. How about giving survivors fuses to repair? These are some thoughts I have had myself and I really think that it would help the longevity of this game out immensely.

Let's go through some of the hypotheticals. If there were tools and parts scattered throughout the map, what would that look like? I was thinking a HUD could display the parts and amount you need for each generator. They could be found in chests, or the ground, in lockers, or hung from the wall. Survivors will have to keep their eyes peeled to find them as well as lookout for the killer at any given moment. This may shake up the way the game is played for killer as well as patrolling gens is not their only concern anymore. The survivors could be anywhere at different parts of the game especially the beginning. Fuses could be found on the circuits leading to the generators and would require an action after finding a new fuse.

Obviously we need some map reworks too because some loops just arent even worth trying as killer and i dont think those should exist. Remember this game is supposed to be about horror, so if you arent a little bit scared of dying as a survivor i think the game has failed at being fun. I remember the most fun times i have playing survivor are getting the bejeezus scared out of me because i didnt see the myers or ghostface stalking me around the corner, or that bear trap was so well hidden and I was completely unsuspecting, or getting chased by that doctor with with the red stain on my back causing me to look behind frantically in a chase. When the game is over in 3 or 4 minutes, it takes away from the fun for playing a killer and the danger of being a survivor in the entity's realm. I think its time to come to terms with the fact that this is no longer a game for random matchmaking and is more geared towards playing with friends. If you play with randoms i dont think you should be expected to survive.. if you are you are damn lucky and should congratulate yourself, but maybe its time to make some friends who will play with you.

I also want to take a brief moment to talk about perks. So many perks have been shoeboxed for so long and I think its time that devs addressed them and showed some love. One of my favorite perks was mettle of man because i think it was the perfect perk for Ash and i love the Evil Dead series. Before it got nerfed, and i understand completely why it was, but it was made into a near worthless perk slot even with the small buffs it did receive thereafter. I try to meme build it with breakout but i find myself in needlessly dire situations just trying to get it to proc to no avail. Dont even get me started on Ash's other perks. Monstrous shrine is a completely useless perk and a waste of a perk in the bloodweb. Quentin's perks need a complete overhaul. No mither needs to be reworked. What about furtive chase being activated only during chase? How is that even relevant on any killer? And so many more. I would like to see what perks you all would like to be reworked.

The last topic i wanted to talk about is keys and moris. I know they are fun and all and can make unwinnable games winnable, but lets be honest, the ultra rare versions are simply broken. I dont think they should be removed completely, but just like instaheals, should receive some sort of drastic change to how they work/proc. I would like to hear your opinions on these items/offerings and any ideas you have of a fair change.

Well those are the points i wanted to address so now it's your turn! Let the devs hear what you have to say.

P.S. who do you think the new killer is? I have my hopes way too high for Pinhead right now and im sure i will be super let down but thats not going to stop me from dreaming.


  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    About all of your ideas have been talked before and I don't think it would be bad if survivor's would have a second objective.

    Maybe one that just brings them a ton of bp. That's enough to motivate the average player usually.

    A lot of things could btw. be done in dbd, if the most killers would be buffed.

    1 of this things would be, to bring old mettle of man back, what you have mentioned. Stronger survivor perks are easier to accept if not the half killer-playerbase moves on their teeths through the maps, because they feel pressured or what ever.

    I don't think that all infinite loops will ever be removed btw. Especially the ones that are tied together with buildings should be hard to change and I am unsure if the working effort for it would be worth for bhvr.

    Your idea for generators sound btw. after fun, at least for survivors. The only thing that speaks at the moment against it is, that bhvr seems to try to make everything simple... So I am not sure if that is something they would think a few minutes about.

  • Gzilla
    Gzilla Member Posts: 29

    I take no credit for any of my ideas being original. I simply want to get more people talking and to voice my own opinion in hopes of change. I dont want old mettle of man back in the state it was per se but i would like to see it playable again. I think they can and will get rid of inifite loops in due time (reworking maps isnt easy, but they have said it is coming). Maybe a way to combat that is to make the base movement of killers SLIGHTLY faster or bloodlust to be triggered quicker for now. And far as simplicity, i dont think it would be anything hard to grasp for people. Its like the cube that you had to fit the blocks in as a kid essentially. But at the very least, i think its detrimental to add some kind of other objective to A. Spice up the game and B. Prevent it from being over in under 5 minutes