Another chapter, another bad killer.



  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    @fcc2014 said:

    Over reacting much watch a highly skilled player use her. Tru3ta1ent for example

    You can't use Tru3talent today bruh. I watched him and he was pretty bad. He was really blind and missed a lot of survivors even though they were clearly visible. Not saying he is bad, just saying that he's not a perfect example when looking at today's stream

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I'm not arguing whether she top or bottom tier, just saying give her a try. Experiment with loadouts and learn what strategy works for you. If you don't like her then fine, don't use her. I don't care for Billy or nurse, yes they are top tier, doesn't  change the fact I prefer the other play styles. I'm just saying maybe she will get mained or not, it will come down to preference. Besides we will end up seeing changes at some point in the future.(trapper, hag, wraith, Freddy) nothing is set in stone yet.
  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Another thread, another whiner.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    Over reacting much watch a highly skilled player use her. Tru3ta1ent for example

    You can't use Tru3talent today bruh. I watched him and he was pretty bad. He was really blind and missed a lot of survivors even though they were clearly visible. Not saying he is bad, just saying that he's not a perfect example when looking at today's stream

    I don't know what you are watching but he played and is playing well.

  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    @fcc2014 said:

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    Over reacting much watch a highly skilled player use her. Tru3ta1ent for example

    You can't use Tru3talent today bruh. I watched him and he was pretty bad. He was really blind and missed a lot of survivors even though they were clearly visible. Not saying he is bad, just saying that he's not a perfect example when looking at today's stream

    I don't know what you are watching but he played and is playing well.

    I was watching his birthday stream today and he was missing a lot of survivors. That's why the whole chat was calling him blind killer for the laughs which was funny and he found it amusing as well. He acknowledged it and laughed about it. -

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    fcc2014 said:

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    Over reacting much watch a highly skilled player use her. Tru3ta1ent for example

    You can't use Tru3talent today bruh. I watched him and he was pretty bad. He was really blind and missed a lot of survivors even though they were clearly visible. Not saying he is bad, just saying that he's not a perfect example when looking at today's stream

    I don't know what you are watching but he played and is playing well.

    Not exactly. He’s having a little trouble grasping the Pallet mind games he can pull off with her. The pseudo “Hag” mind games. Though otherwise, he’s doing alright.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @SovererignKing said:

    Not exactly. He’s having a little trouble grasping the Pallet mind games he can pull off with her. The pseudo “Hag” mind games. Though otherwise, he’s doing alright.

    Oh i'm not saying he is playing perfect. I don't think he has the best build for her either but 4-5 hrs in looks pretty good to me with a new killer.

  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    @fcc2014 said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    Not exactly. He’s having a little trouble grasping the Pallet mind games he can pull off with her. The pseudo “Hag” mind games. Though otherwise, he’s doing alright.

    Oh i'm not saying he is playing perfect. I don't think he has the best build for her either but 4-5 hrs in looks pretty good to me with a new killer.

    He's not playing really well with her after 4-5 hrs tho. Don't blame him for it. Just don't use anyone as an example right now since no one is a pro with her.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Depends on your definition of playing really well 4k every match no he isn't doing that, i also don't expect that.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited August 2018

    Better not discuss anything, let alone why its so obviously bad. (Especially if you are a killer main)

    That would be against the survivors rules in the forums. :chuffed:

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited August 2018
  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    G I T

    Nurse is my main and i can asure you that i will be picking the Spirit every day and every match once she gets released, i have more than 1k hours just on Nurse, u can expect another 1k hours on Spirit, get ready for the forum posts saying that there is only one killer in the Rank 1 again.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @Viktahh said:

    it's terrible both inside and outside of the chase

    I completely annihilated a team using her power. Couple her power with Predator and she's extremely dangerous.

    you could annihilate a team of bad players with blinkless nurse, doesn't mean that being slower than survivors is strong

  • Autoliny
    Autoliny Member Posts: 76

    ~~> @Will said:

    Hopefully her ability will be changed to actually be worth using because as of right now you actually perform better without using her power. Her perks are pretty good but man is that ability a pile of #########. We need killers that will unseat nurse otherwise everything you people put out is [BAD WORD] worthless.

    I don't know where to start with this #########, first of all the nurse perkless is still bordering on OP in the correct hands, want proof, I think BHVR show cased that in a tourney after I warned the Esport team of exactly of that.
    Nurse will always be top tier, why you ask? once Nurse gets nerfed every kid that's said killer is easy will swamp forums, and as long as Nurse is as strong as she is, she maintains balance, as does Ruin
    .> @fcc2014 said:

    Over reacting much watch a highly skilled player use her. Tru3ta1ent for example

    I finally understand why you mouth of as much on these forums, anyone that relies on anyone perk to cause pressure isn't that great, let me explain some using whispers has to directly find the survivor, Ruin the survivor 70% of the time will lead you to them. Think what you want, Ruin promotes lazy killers who come here to cry, someone I have alot of respect for said they wanted this part of the normal game as standard with out a perk slot being used (nerfed slightly) I say BS to that, I used Ruin since release and would vent my frustration alot, it wasn't until I spoke to an ass of a streamer, who had some nice insight that I dropped it. Later I noticed that Ruin actually was a hindrance than a blessing, it encouraged me to be lazy in hunting. I'm not saying for a second that Gens don't go to fast, the game used to offer survivors other ways to pip, now you have 3 ways, Runner, Gen ######### or Savior, no Sabo, Scout or Battle planner (totem scouter) this is the real issue with Gen Rushing, no reason to do anything else. > @CoffengMin said:

    also killers shouldnt be nurse like, balance is when 2 escape and 2 die

    this means nothing, you camp 2 kills out of every match, does that mean the game is balanced?? the game was punishable before, camp and d-pip, camper cube came, camp and pip easily, this new system is trickier, but still campers are rewarded.> @Nightmare247 said:

    @Will said:

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @Will said:
    Hopefully her ability will be changed to actually be worth using because as of right now you actually perform better without using her power. Her perks are pretty good but man is that ability a pile of #########. We need killers that will unseat nurse otherwise everything you people put out is [BAD WORD] worthless.

    Wow, I will expect you to come back in a few weeks once the killer is out for a bit and you are complaining she is OP.

    You are really missing out on the Mind Game potential of this killer. You just don't know how to play her yet.

    Everyone including the devs are missing out on this too because its nonexistant. Shes trash.

    Well you don't have to buy her. In fact you don't ever need to play the game again. Just go ahead and uninstall it and save yourself a world of disappointment.

    The thing is that this killer is going to be a Top Tier killer. This killer will take actual time to realize how to play not just 1-2 hours that the PTB has been out. She will actually take skill as a killer. Knowing when to use the ability versus just spamming it. Good luck finding yourself a different game to play. I heard Fortnite maybe more to scale for you.

    ok everyone is insane thinking she's another Freddy, but she's never going to be top tier, I've played against maybe 15, camped every match, I run supportish perks, except Q&Q/BL and SC, other two are BT and We'll make it. and around the 10 games as Killer I've played only lost to the hatch after first 2 matches. She's lacking something, I assume power transaction time, but it's still to early to say.> @Nightmare247 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @Nightmare247 said:
    Well you don't have to buy her. In fact you don't ever need to play the game again. Just go ahead and uninstall it and save yourself a world of disappointment.

    The thing is that this killer is going to be a Top Tier killer. This killer will take actual time to realize how to play not just 1-2 hours that the PTB has been out. She will actually take skill as a killer. Knowing when to use the ability versus just spamming it. Good luck finding yourself a different game to play. I heard Fortnite maybe more to scale for you.

    So when she's dropped to the garbage bin like most killers and isn't played by, oh, anyone will you do everyone else a favor and uninstall the game and stop playing it? K, thnx, bye!

    I think she is going to be top 5. She is not as strong as Nurse, but on the same skill level as her to play. She is totally a map pressure and mind game killer.

    I have been around for quite a bit. Before SWF was a thing, Legacy Bloodweb, and every new DLC. Each killer presents a different set of challenges to figure out. 3-4 seasons from now she may not be top 5, but at her current release she will be a very powerful killer ONCE people actually understand how to use her and how to play mindgames with her.

    Then you should Know that anything out of the top 3 is open to "IMO" thoughts, damn even the top 3 is open to challenge by people with influence, top 3 are as follows, Nurse, huntress/billy rest are "IMO" and last is Freddy.
    You get people placing Hag, Myers,Doc and Clown in top tier, that's BS all Tier killers should be considered not requiring anything i.e Ruin, STBFL, MYC, NOED or any steroids really, top tier killers should be solely based on based perks, if any perks at all.~~

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Morons think every killer needs to be on broken nurse status to be good or enjoyable.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Usui said:

    Morons think every killer needs to be on broken nurse status to be good or enjoyable.

    Nurse is not broken. However, I will say the amount of people saying The Spirit is weak is stupid. Is she Nurse, not a chance, but she is definitely powerful. I’m putting her around top 5, at the least. She’s knocked Huntress down a peg imo. 
  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

    You seem to not realize one thing - every killer can 4k with her now, because survivors do not know how to play against her. Hell, they even do not know they are invisible to her. Once they realize it, she will be bullied, because juking/outplaying her is easy as a walk in the park. Just stop running/vault/jump through pallet, and she can't do anything about it. Then she has 20 second cooldown for her power, and 110% basic speed, so she can't catch a looping survivor.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @RSB said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

    You seem to not realize one thing - every killer can 4k with her now, because survivors do not know how to play against her. Hell, they even do not know they are invisible to her. Once they realize it, she will be bullied, because juking/outplaying her is easy as a walk in the park. Just stop running/vault/jump through pallet, and she can't do anything about it. Then she has 20 second cooldown for her power, and 110% basic speed, so she can't catch a looping survivor.

    This is not true that survivors do not know that she don't see them, except few low rank noobs. Surely survivors will try to counter her somehow, that's how world are working. That would be really good for killers to get killer which have no counter, but nope. This killer if almost fully based on predicting, playing as her you need to think like survivor, what would i do if i would be in this case. That's why once she will be like " Omg she totally didn't get me, doing all thing bad " and once " Omg she is foking cheating, there is no way she could know where i will go... "

    She can easily catch survivors on looping, probably one of the best choices to counter that technique.
    One with what i can agree that her cooldown 20 sec are a bit to long, 15 should be enough, but also you don't need to use her ability all the way to 0.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    RSB said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

    You seem to not realize one thing - every killer can 4k with her now, because survivors do not know how to play against her. Hell, they even do not know they are invisible to her. Once they realize it, she will be bullied, because juking/outplaying her is easy as a walk in the park. Just stop running/vault/jump through pallet, and she can't do anything about it. Then she has 20 second cooldown for her power, and 110% basic speed, so she can't catch a looping survivor.

    It’s a double guessing game... The Survivor must predict you, you must predict them. It’s a fair game of predicting each other.
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    @RSB said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

    You seem to not realize one thing - every killer can 4k with her now, because survivors do not know how to play against her. Hell, they even do not know they are invisible to her. Once they realize it, she will be bullied, because juking/outplaying her is easy as a walk in the park. Just stop running/vault/jump through pallet, and she can't do anything about it. Then she has 20 second cooldown for her power, and 110% basic speed, so she can't catch a looping survivor.

    This is not true that survivors do not know that she don't see them, except few low rank noobs. Surely survivors will try to counter her somehow, that's how world are working. That would be really good for killers to get killer which have no counter, but nope. This killer if almost fully based on predicting, playing as her you need to think like survivor, what would i do if i would be in this case. That's why once she will be like " Omg she totally didn't get me, doing all thing bad " and once " Omg she is foking cheating, there is no way she could know where i will go... "

    She can easily catch survivors on looping, probably one of the best choices to counter that technique.
    One with what i can agree that her cooldown 20 sec are a bit to long, 15 should be enough, but also you don't need to use her ability all the way to 0.

    They don't. I've played 18 matches yesterday, and only 2 survivors were aware of it, I personally asked them if they know it, and only respond I got was "OOOH, THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING".

    She won't be able to catch survivors on looping, because when they are invisible, they can just walk away to another loop, when she stries to outplay them and hit them on said loop.

    Again, once they realise how she works, she will only be a noob stomper.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @SovererignKing said:
    RSB said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

    You seem to not realize one thing - every killer can 4k with her now, because survivors do not know how to play against her. Hell, they even do not know they are invisible to her. Once they realize it, she will be bullied, because juking/outplaying her is easy as a walk in the park. Just stop running/vault/jump through pallet, and she can't do anything about it. Then she has 20 second cooldown for her power, and 110% basic speed, so she can't catch a looping survivor.

    It’s a double guessing game... The Survivor must predict you, you must predict them. It’s a fair game of predicting each other.

    Not that fair, because survivors actually have more tools to predict it and juke the killer, than the killer has. And remember, that it is the KILLER'S power, not survivors. Combined with 20s cooldown, disability to move while charging it and a slow charge will make her a trash killer, really.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    @RSB said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    RSB said:

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:

    The Spirit is good, killers playing her are bad. That's the top secret of that discussion.

    You seem to not realize one thing - every killer can 4k with her now, because survivors do not know how to play against her. Hell, they even do not know they are invisible to her. Once they realize it, she will be bullied, because juking/outplaying her is easy as a walk in the park. Just stop running/vault/jump through pallet, and she can't do anything about it. Then she has 20 second cooldown for her power, and 110% basic speed, so she can't catch a looping survivor.

    It’s a double guessing game... The Survivor must predict you, you must predict them. It’s a fair game of predicting each other.

    Not that fair, because survivors actually have more tools to predict it and juke the killer, than the killer has. And remember, that it is the KILLER'S power, not survivors. Combined with 20s cooldown, disability to move while charging it and a slow charge will make her a trash killer, really.

    in my opinion you are oversensitive, she is with us just few hours. It's way to earily to say if she will be weak in future because survivors will learn how to play her.