What tier are you at in the rift before starting level 3?

I genuinely want to see to know how much everyone is going to need to grind after they finish level 4? And at how fair it is in getting to tier 70. I am currently at tier 43 before starting level 3.
I am also at 43, my friend. Seems about right.
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I'm only at 30 but I've been occupied with other games so once I finish the challenges I drop it for a bit. If I stay on this pace I'll only have to grind 10 levels which doesn't seem to bad as long as I work on it now and then and don't save it for last minute. -_-
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I finished the rift. Bought the premium, got to level 60, and then used the 1000 AC you get from the premium rift to pay off the last 10 levels.
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Before level 3 came out I was tier 51 lol.
I may actually get to the end quite quickly after finishing this level
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I'm also on 43.
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Tier 54.
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16 haven't been playing the game much lately
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Tier 15. I've only been playing 2-3 games a day unfortunately. Been trying to finish some games in my backlog recently.
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This rift is a little more true to the grind. The last rift, I finished all 70 before the end of the 3rd Tome, but they also gave me 8 levels for free when the rift finally started.
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45 Been playing quite a bit of DBD recently after getting burned out from WoW. New killer hype is another big reason I'm playing more too.
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I'm on 28 iirc. I'm really busy so I don't get to play as much as I want to. Gonna boot up the game tonight though and chew my way to the gold coin though.
Then its lore time
Then, I sleep.
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Why did you spend the cells on tiers? You would have reached 70 before you even finished level 3.
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Only 23, havent had much time to play :(
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I'm at 28 or something like that. I expect to play a lot more if I like the next chapter. If not then I'll probably only get to tier 50 or something. I refuse to buy the pass until I've finished the rift.
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28. I only play 12:00am-2:00am on weekdays and random times on the weekends.
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I wanted them sooner. The rift gives 1000 free AC (basically pays for itself), but I like to contribute to the game, so I just used the AC to get the cosmetics faster.
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32. So a 6 tier grind after all challenges is better than last rift. Even with the 6 free tiers I got I still had to grind 5 tiers.
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27 even with both chapter 1 and 2 fully completed.
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37 only
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70.. yeah i bought some tiers
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Tier 70
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Same lol
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We do it because we got other games to play and dbd is frustrating all the time so yea.
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Im a little over 40, and I have been playing every single day, the grind needs to be reduced in the future for sure, this takes too much time.
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level 52. I try to play for a few hours everyday.
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I was at 44 yesterday when level 3 opened. I can't remember if that is faster or slower than last time, but feels about the same.
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level 36. Unfortunately I do not get to play much during the week, but try to squeeze at least a few games in daily.
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I was at about 56 but in reality I was at 64 because I have about 8 tiers unclaimed from previous levels... saving up bloodpoints for the new characters.
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Only at tier 20 or so. I mostly only play on weekends
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56 for me! I play dbd an unhealthy amount so it was evident I’d get this far but i feel much further than the last rift? I had about 8 extra days after finishing the rift last time but now it feels like I’ll be finished by level 3
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I will not unlock the premium before reaching the 70th tier.
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32. This grind is too much imo=/
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36 3/10 before the challenges kicked in ^^ Coz someone on the steam forum told me that in order to be able to complete the Rift, you have to be at : 18 before part 2, 36 before part 3 and 54 before part 4
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Tier 70
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28 now. Ive been working on escape 4 trials on the last time and now the first survivor challenge is basically escape 5 trials so I might be stuck on those for a bit lol
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32? I'm about to get on to play. Just woke up. I obviously have my priorities in order lmao
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