Should SWF restricted for 2 players ( ranked match)?

I'm asking myself as a survivor main; how can I enjoy playing killer time to time ( thanks to the rift ).
Maybe it was longer but was better when killer "create" the lobby.(p2p)
Now, you are just thrown in swf mayhem and try to make your best.
Im a fair killer:
- gens pressure, shorts chases, no tunnel on unhooking, no camp.
But nowadays swf rules over matchmaking, so 3 on 4 games are as it.
Never played ruin even when it was op.
Gen sitting destroyed the game of chase. You hooked 2 times, 2 or 3 gens are done.
Third, fourth hooking, another 1 or 2.
And it's time for DS fest.
If you slug , unbreakable is there or vc to help the downed one.
So, i have to put some noed ( yikes) and tunneling in my gameplan ( dude, don't ).
But never gonna camp cause Im 'ot enjoying myself at it ( and Im wondering how can you)
Result : more toxic team, more toxic killer.
For me balancing ecg have not to be done.
But in swf, you (devs) can make something.
As my title says, the idea it's to restricted swf to duo for ranked match and maybe add a non comp matchmaking ( you know as fighting game when you don't want to play your life ) where swf can be up to 3 or 4. ( And in each mode enabling the *©π$ challenges )
I think it's the most fair.
What's your thoughs ( with your brain, not your rage) about that?
Hope to have a constructive minded discussions.( I'm not seeking for your bests ways to play, please)
See ya in the fog anyway.
add a second player base would double the lobby timer, also it wouldn't be fair forcing people not to play with them friends.
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Should it be restricted? Yes
Will it ever be restricted to 2 players? No
Sadly it’s a bit of a necessary evil. Helps bring more players to the game and helps keep the 4 vs 1 ratio the game needs.
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Ok. Let's restrict the player base in a multiplayer game where we're likely to get new players through the promise of team play.
Serious mode. No. There are suprisingly few SWF squads who are hit-squads and sometimes we play the way we do because of some killers playing the way they do. It is also just a less FRUSTRATING experience.
My squad is usually a duo or trio and we're all also trying to do all of our Archives while the other two are trying to race to red again and I don't care for it.
With matchmaking the way it is, rank also means even less now so we're all roughly on the same "level".
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There should be two modes tbh..
Ranked match where players earn rank and bp but it's restricted to solo queue
Casual match where players can practice casually, try new strats/ builds and play swf groups but only earn bp
Imo this would:
- reduce toxicity in game
- make rank require actual game knowledge and skill
- encourage players to help random players in game instead of using them as bait etc
- create a fair environment for everyone
- balance the game as it's was original designed
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Only problem with this is the player count. I would be 100% down for a ranked and casual mode, but the queue times are already bad enough. The player count would have to increase, or they enable cross play for this to work out
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My answer is simply no. I explain swf for me means survive with family , we got 5 account. Me, my wife and our 2 sons And 1 more for her boyfriend . If they restrict that we have no more reason to play anymore . So stop to think only for yourself
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We only need killer count to increase, not player count.
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@kreeper124 agreed, but I will say wait times recently have been much better depending on the time of day you play.
I personally don't put much stock into steam numbers as I play on ps4. The dbd wiki states that the game has sold more than 5 million copies but then again it's a wiki idk
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This is another reason why the developers should add cross play capability, where all platforms can play together.
Console will have the option to toggle this.
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NO. Playing with friends is fun, and this is a game so it should b e fun right?
They need a ranked mode, with rewards and without swf.
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There shouldn’t be two modes as far as “ranked matches” and just a casual mode. The matchmaking is already bad enough and that would only make it worse, especially for consoles. It would work if there was cross-play and actual optimization made. However, SWF should be knocked down to a maximum of 2
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"restricted to 2 players (ranked match)" maybe its new to you but we dont have other que
and that "ranked match" doesnt mean crap, rank doesnt mean anything so until it will mean anything it doesnt matter
its casual game not competitive, and rank is just illusion made by devs to give you reason to grind, so its more like "normal match" not ranked
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I am very happy to see people sharing the same thoughts as mine.
And yes crossplay is the next phase.
I'm just hoping they are not gonna waste money on a big license to attract people and focus on the metagame.
It's a big turning for the game.
I'm enjoying it and sometimes it's dread me :D
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Quick thought about alternative modes vs their effect on queue times: how’s that working out for them so far?
A new mode might do more to draw in new players (and keep old ones) than maintaining the same ol’ same ol’.
I can imagine the first couple weeks with a new mode would be rough, since 90% of players would be trying it out. Just like when a new chapter is released. But then I would expect to see things even out and have steady populations in both modes.
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I’m a solo survivor main and I personally think 4 man swf is the most OP thing in the entire game. So...
Should swf be restricted to two player max? No way, because I imagine for many, much of the fun with DBD is playing with a full team of friends. So restricting this in isolation, would probably harm the game with lower player number, which means longer cue times, etc. So...
Should we split the player base to accommodate for swf or even perk restrictions? No! Because in reality, hardly anyone would want to play in the ‘competitive’ lobbies.
Fixing swf is going to require a change to game dynamics, rather than giving the community an option of enforcing player restriction in a ‘casual’ and ‘competitive’ mode.
I think something as simple as adding a 5% (stackable) slow down on gens for every addition swf player, could do the trick. That means, even with a 4 man team, gens would still only take an extra 16 seconds. (not considering great skill checks, tool boxes, etc) This would give Killers a little more well needed breathing room and put survivors in a position where they are more at risk at being found by the Killer.
But what do I know? 🤷🏻♂️
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Yeah punish people for playing together in an online multiplayer game.
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No. Because there are no ranked matches.
Let me say it for the 1000th time:
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Its not fair to play against 4 survivors on discord too.
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and how could they stop it?
the game can't detect discord, if people can't play with their friends they might drop the game, which would die short after.
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I mean, it is. It's just harder.
You have to accept that you cant win every ######### game.
Sometimes you get coordinated 4 man swf (<5% games) and sometimes you get 4 potato randoms. That's how life works. Deal with both and move on after.
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I just want to know if they are swf or solo. I m not telling them to stop
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By that logic, someone walks into your home, steals your tv, tells you to move on because it only happens once in a while...
I just wanna know what am i playing against. They already have like 20 perk slot worth of information. Why shouldn't i know if they are swf or not...
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I completely disagree, swf groups play to win not to have fun.
On top of that they usually have a gang mentality that brings out the worst in them. The majority of these users are out to have fun at someone else's expense.
If groups were to restricted to a casual mode this behavior would be culled. Killers in a casual match would be there to earn bp the same as survivors.
This would gradually create an environment for all.
As winning in casual wouldn't be it's sole goal. Having fun, memeing and walking away with bp would be it's purpose.
As for your argument that this game isn't competitive.
I believe the majority of killer mains would disagree with that. Killers host the game, challenging themselves against 4 other users in an attempt to kill the majority of the players in game.
Survivors have been designed to win/pip when dying as killers lose if more than two escape.
A solo queue ranked mode with crossplay would also remove the ability to communicate easily. As different platforms don't use the same messaging, voice chat abilities.
Balancing the game as it was intended.
Casual matchmaking wouldn't require rank to matchmake. Making games easy to find, while ranked match making would utilize mmr.
Adding 4,8,12,16 seconds to a solo gen isn't a solution imo as swf work gens together for extra points and speed.
This would only punish solo survivors when playing in rooms with a swf groups js
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If only. SWF is so broken and devs continue to do nothing about it. This would at least be a step in the right direction
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I love how there's all this bs about "punishing people for playing together" yet everybody seems perfectly fine with not adding reduced bloodpoint gains to KYF which is the multiplayer mode that isn't well known for giving survivors a ridiculously huge advantage. That's a huge and ACTUAL punishment for playing together.