Sooooo, any chance offerings like this will make a come back soon©?

What do you mean. You see these all the time in the bloodweb and i have around 3 for my main killers i upgrade
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I haven't seen one of these since shortly after the cannibal was released. Basically I'm just wondering if we'll get a free look at the new killer for chapter 15
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They've said they were removing the splinters from bloodwebs, but this is the behaviour team we're talking about. Taking 4 years to do simple things and still manages to screw it up **Somehow**
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They've never went away for me. I always get them, though I wish I wouldnt. I'd rather not spend 7k bloodpoints to try a killer I already have
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The Pig was the last character that these were issued for, and no I do not believe they'll be made for other characters in the future.
I do believe at some point they will probably be removed all together - they are notoriously buggy for the most part.
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Any chance we’ll get those splinter offerings to STOP appearing in the bloodweb for players that already own all characters?
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I've been playing for a little over a year and have all characters unlocked and level 50 and i havent seen a single splinter in any bloodwebs. I thought they were already removed. lol
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They were supposed to be...
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Nah, only Freddy (Smoking Splinter) doesnt work. You can play Pig, Myers and Bubba without problems.
The only bug is that they appear even to players that own these characters already
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Could we get them for dlc character that are needed for challenges. On a limited time frame like event items or something. This way people who dont have the characters can use them?
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Obviously my question relates to the recently announced Gunslinger.
I'm working on chapter 3 of the Rift, and yes there's new content on the PTB, but in order to play, I basically have to uninstall the game, install PTB until I've decided I've taken enough time away from Rift progress, then uninstall the PTB files, reinstall the game files, and hope the community isn't split too much that I can still find a trial inside of 8 minutes each time.
I'd rather the Devs just use this old mechanic of Offerings to allow me to play Gunslinger on a limited basis once the killer goes to live servers.
Being honest, it's one of the only reasons I haven't purchased any DLC. I haven't bothered, or even been actively playing the game, to try them out on the PTB.
I went so far as to purchase the Rift pass thing for like $10, then used the Auric Cells earned from the Rift (500) to purchase the Demogorgon, learn his teachable (Surge) and I've never played a round with him.
In the end, I thought it was a reasonable request, as it's been done before, and the worst that could happen is...nothing.
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Not even purchased dlc with iridicent shards? thats suprising considering there are some neat perks and killers that can be bought without money, hell i earned the clown dlc/spirit dlcs.