Why the new killer might end up down with the clown

First off I’d like to say that I love the new killer. I think he has a very rewarding power which rivals getting nutty shots with huntress. I also think his power is very balenced strong on its own but with good survivor placement or good teamwork it can be weakened. That being said not only does he move slower than a rock but he has no special interactions or real slowdown. Obviously he’s new and I don’t want to jump to any conclusions but unless there is a magic god build on him waiting to be found or somebody finds the perfect way to play him I just can’t see him going very far in the current meta especially when games seem to be getting shorter and shorter and they introduced an anti slugging perk.
He needs an add-on to change the spear into bullets that instant-down survivors. Gonna play some cod in dbd
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You kill the 3rd survivor and call in a uav to find the 4th
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it seems like with him you need strong anti-gen perks because tbh during chases he's not bad, his core issue is one that he shares with most other killers with bad mobility on massive maps that have no business being so large. given his ability to down i've seen streamers gravitate to PGTW which makes sense. he might just be mid-low tier until the map changes come. i wouldn't want them to overbuff him and then he becomes ridiculous with new maps but i guess it depends how far off that is.
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What? Hell no. Kill 1 to summon a uav to find the 2nd, kill the 2nd to summon an attack helicopter that will kill the 3rd, and the 3rd death will summon a bomber to do a bombing run (that works indoors!!) across the map, killing the 4th
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Post edited by Creyph on0 -
He could easily get buffed by making it harder to break free from the chain.
If he stays how he is, then he will stay below Huntress. I want to see more of him before I put him too low down on the bottom.
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I think he’s worse then clown tbh he has 110% it’s hard to hit people with it and even when you do they can easily break free his ability is pretty much useless against injured survivors unless there at a window or in a dead zone but even then clown still has the upper hand
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I think he's okay I mean in the around five matches I played him i was doing pretty well but he will never earn the Top spot for me.
Noone beats Demogorgon say whatever you want noone and nothing beats him!