A Reason Why Add-On Nerf Isn't Good

I'm going to try and keep this short, and also I'm not trying to start an argument.
Anyways so, I think that losing your add-ons for survivor even if you escape is not a good idea.
My reasoning is, killers on average only have 19.8 add-ons that can appear on their bloodweb. That makes getting specific add-ons easier because there isn't a huge pool of add-ons to begin with.
Survivors on the other hand have 55 total add-ons plus 18 items that can also show up in a bloodweb.
It is much harder for survivors to get specific add-ons because survivors have 73 possible things to get in a bloodweb (not including offerings and perks) compared to a killers 19.8 possible add-ons.
If they want to do something, they should just make ultra-rares and very-rares actually rare.
Ok that's all
Edit : Also survivor add-ons don't have as much as an impact as killer addons do, maybe besides syringes and styptics but like I said they could just make them more rare.
Almost sounds like their goal is more variety in what people bring. Like they're trying to get away from the 3toolbox1key meta
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It’s a good point.
By the time you’ve got all perks on a killer you’ll have around 40-50 green add ons or so.
Survivors have more perks but by the time you’ve grinded all the perks on one you’ll be nowhere near that number in terms of any specific green item or add on.
Hell you can have 20+ Ultra rare add ons as killer, 40+ ebony moris but as survivor about 8 red keys.
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Just bring ace in the hole and plunder instinct. You're blessed to have an opportunity to get items from the match, unlike killers
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Add on nerf was pretty pointless when you take into account most survivors die rather than escape.
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In the PTB they are introducing a mechanic where even if your escape with an item, you lose the add-ons in the item. For example, if I bring in a medkit with charge addons and escape I will still lose the add-ons even though I escaped with them.
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It’s fair so it’s on par with all the killers
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Comparing mori's to keys.
One counts as a full escape, the other doesn't count as a sacrifice. There is no comparison lol
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While you got a solid argument i think that he make Ace In The Hole more useful and devs tries to change the meta. I'm all for it.
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There changing it so even if you fully use your item you keep it if you escape so no need to 99 but you will always lose your add ons even if you escapee
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I think hes comparing the rarity of the items
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Okay - except one isn't an item. The mori is an offering. You can never, ever keep an offering, hence why more of them appear than keys. Keys on the other hand are items that can be kept infinitely with addons, and white wards.
So comparing them is asinine.
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Killer Addon's and Survivor item addon's are so different lmao. Even the bloodwebs are different. All this will do is just cost survivors more bloodpoints. They didn't nerf toolboxes with this, they screwed items in general.
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A lot of work was put into getting the hatch to spawn. Moris require much less work and it completely changes the game. Your right, there is no comparison between keys and moris.
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Mori's require a full chase, a hook, and then another full chase, and they don't count towards any objective. Keys do go towards objective. It's a trade off. Let's not pretend generators are hard.
Nice try.
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Another "full chase"... Haha, you're implying they don't get slugged after unhook. Yeah gens need a look too. Lets not pretend that mori after an unhook is hard either.
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I mean, camping is camping.
You're also implying that mori's are so darn common. If they are so common, how come killers have hoards of them? Spoilers: It's not because they use them all the time.
Mori's largely go unused unless you're in yellow/brown ranks, where the novelty for baby killers and mori's is still there. "Let's not pretend" they are common enough to be a problem. Killers don't use them because you get significantly less objective and bloodpoints; and if they really are that common (which they aren't, period), then don't worry, they are nullifying ranks soon anyway. So if you get mori'd, you lose nothing.
This isn't a winnable argument for you, bud.
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I never said they were common. I said that the difficulty curb with them isn't some high difficulty challenge to achieve which you did nothing to argue against. So yes, that there is a winnable argument bud.
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Except - you created that argument out of nowhere. The whole conversation has always been about rarity, both in use and bloodweb. You created the "one takes more work" narrative. So no - no winnable argument. Run along now.
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Wasn't me who brought up requirements, bud. Read further back. :D
Remember, you replied to me. If you can't keep up, best not try to join. Okay, bud? <3
Go ahead. Bring it.
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Read further back. I didn't bring that up.
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Except now no one will bring a toolbox because they're completely useless if you dont have a Brand New Part
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A well thought-out post. I second the OP's sentiments about this change. Pair that with the fact that survivors make fare fewer bloodpoints per match on average than killer and I don't think this was really a necessary change, unless they do something else to balance out the bloodwebs.
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I agree because if you bring a killer add on, it usually works throughout the match benefiting you the entire time as opposed to many survivor add ons that might essentially not even be used or benefit you whatsoever such as styptic, syringe, BNP, all of which dissapear if you actually use them anyway. So for them to dissapear just for bringing it into the match is kinda ridiculous if you ask me.
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you also shouldn't have to bring Ace in the hole as an insurance in case you don't use an add on and waste a perk slot as it's useless if you actually use the add on that dissapeared as soon as you use it anyway. I play both sides and I feel the changes are going to destroy solo survivor players such as myself as I won't risk bringing anything good since I can't rely on rando's to actually try
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I 100% agree with that. Many people already pointed out the same problem for survivors. The change is pretty bad and it seems the devs did not put much thought in it. If the idea was to bring more variety I just don't see how that will happen since for example for keys and maps there are way more addons then you can fiind than actual items to use them on. I have 10x addons for my maps then actual maps... Also there are a lot of useless addons or just very weak ones that a just a bonus on a skill check or very minor speed up that literally does nothing. I don't see variety in using that ... Maybe these filler addons should be just removed.
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Killers get add ons eaiser yes but majority of killers don't get great use out of most of them. Just take wraith for example, He needs windstorm add ons and gets little use out of a lot of his other ones.
If Killers weren't add on dependent I'd agree but so many of them are whereas survivors can do a great job with just perks and items with the add ons are just a bonus.
It's already so easy to hoard items as a survivor and now with the item change you'll be swimming in items, just go for the add ons in the bloodweb instead of items.
There'll be no variety if all people do is bring the same strongest items and add ons every game because they don;t loose them. Use strong item, Escape, Keep item and add ons, Use BP to buy more of said items and add ons. You'd rarely run out.
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Your point on having less add-ons compared to Survivors is partially wrong because each Killer has their own add-ons (except some of the chainsaw bros, but even then they aren't sharable) so if you have about 20 add-ons per Killer and 8+ Killers (you don't always have all the Killers) you already have to gather 20 x 8 add-ons (about 160, but varies with some Killers having more/less add-ons).
The comparison in strength is bound to be 1 to 4 - if one add-on on Killer is about the same strength at 4 Survivors bringing the same add-on it's balanced.
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But... They repair gens even faster now.....
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If you had bothered to read further back, you'd see it wasn't me who brought up in game requirements. If you can't get a hold of every aspect of the conversation, best not stick your nose into it. :)