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changes deathslinger without making him 115% speed

oh_0k Member Posts: 712

Since all of the other 110% movement speed killers have strong power to back up I think Deathslinger should have his power buffed to match the other slow killers

  1. Let him drag survivors over pallets. His power is kinda like clowns in a way that it doesn't really stop loops but just makes survivors throw the pallet down early
  2. Increase hitbox size. The fact that you only get 1 shot and survivors have the possibility to escape the chain there really isn't no reason it has to be harder to hit than huntresses hatchets
  3. Reeling a survivor in with the chain should push other survivors away. When reeling survivors in with the chain other survivors can easily block the chain. While I can agree that standing infront of the chain should make it break fast it should stop the speared survivor from moving closer to the killer
