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Lets All Chill With These "iM dIsSaPoInTeD!!1!" Threads.

The PTB released like, days ago.

I remember when Ghostface and Demogorgan were considered low-tier killers.  Demo in particular didn't get much recognition until many months after his own PTB released.  Now people, at least from what I've seen, appreciate the Demogorgan more as a killer.

Ghostface was similar but I feel like he's gotten some good recognition too.  He was seen as terrible when he first released.

I personally feel like Deathslinger is going to take the similar route. Everyone is going to think he's a terrible killer until months after his PTB is done and over. He'll get some quiet changes, and is passed over until people realize he's more viable than people claimed to be.

I'm not going to claim he's the most viable. I don't think anyone claims that of Demogorgan either. But he won't get any proper appreciation until much later.


  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Yeah, I can understand being rather uneasy with the Sabotage state, since that is a significant change that requires a lot of fine tuning to get right. But everything so far has had good balance changes.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    We have bigger concerns, like Xbox survivor literally being harder than a PC player with Object of Obsession and No Mither.

    No joke, I literally cannot play with these lag-jumps and broken hitboxes.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,432

    This is just a thought.

    I think people should be able to express their opinion bad or good. If the devs didn’t want their opinion then there would be no PTB. The chapter would release as is.

    Yes some posts (especially when it’s one after another) are obnoxious but you can just choose to ignore them. Feedback is important to the team, it’s how things get changed. Let’s remember that many of the changes happened because of someone’s “disappointment”.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    They just need to be careful with any buffs.

    Demo for example is a solid killer. The buff that allowed him to break pallets as basekit really helped him out and still leaves him as feeling fair and fun to face.

    Ghostface got buffed and boy does he suck the fun out of the game when you play survivor. Now 99% of these will just activate night shroud and camp hooks. Also fun how pretty much all of then do the anti-heal build.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I'm so glad it isn't just me that feel underwhelmed by this slow cowboy and his breakable chain gun.

    Recent perks:

    Surge, Cruel limits, Mindbreaker : terrible

    Zanshin tactics, blood echo, nemesis: poor, nemesis is great but means you lose a slot to play with other obsession perks

    The only decent perks were with survivors having inner strength and breakout for swfc sweat teams but now swfc sweat teams can pass their health state to the runner?

    I think the best advise for me is to find another game there is no fun in unbalanced games

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    I'm not saying "don't give critical feedback"

    I'm saying that bitching about a PTB being a disappointment is redundant and irrelevant.

    Critical feedback is useful. Moaning about how upset you are that the PTB is how it is? Just noise.

  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134

    You complaint about disappointed with PTB? Well, let me open up a thread to complaint about your complaint on the disappointment towards PTB.

    Joke aside, it bound to happen that majority of complaint will be just whiny pointless noise. From the look of it, it is not even that serious of a problem like ruin change few weeks back .

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Surge is actually pretty good. Its biggest issue is the fact it needs the same treatment Infectious Fright got and just trigger on a down.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    -no licenced killer can be called imaginative

    -he doesn't appeal because he's a cowboy but because he's fun to play

    -he takes more skill than huntress

    -none of the killers are scary at this point

    -not his fault that BHVR has optimized

    -neither are any of the other killers

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    The one thing i can actually agree with you about. ######### Anti Heal Ghostface.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    That's kind of my point, surge isn't good enough at the moment. I'd consider it if I were to hit someone but to hook someone? All killer perks seem to be more and more for late game

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,278

    For the last time, it's not hitboxes. Tell Xbone players to stop playing on Burger King Wi-Fi.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,278

    thought this was a joke but then i saw it got upvotes lol

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    They got changes because of the feedback in these forums.

    Why do you want to "chill" the feedback posts. Just let people speak.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    You don't need to hook someone to trigger Surge. In fact only a handful of Killers can't proc Surge easily due to alternative attacks. If they did that one change the perk would see a significant increase in use because it saves time kicking the gen.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    My thing is, how in the hell can you release a 110% killer that can't down someone with there power? The chain is pretty easy to avoid or break unless your in the wide open. Survs are catching on quick on how to counter him. He will be worse on console because of frame rate and sensitivity issues. I just wish they would keep us console players in mind sometimes too. We can't use huntress, nurse, oni, and now this guy if we actually wanna compete...

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    The PTB exists for feedback. It's a test for a reason. Imagine telling us not to give feedback.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Ghostface was a ######### joke. He didn't even had a power during the PTB.

    Should we just shut up about that #########?

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    edited February 2020

    -An undead Wild West gunslinger with a steampunk-looking harpoon gun walking around treating humans like Moby Dick is unimaginative?

    -1) Pretty sure the average Australian is more into cowboys than the average American; I for one bloody hate them. 2) Cowboy or not, he's cool as hell. Babylonian priestesses don't exactly appeal to me yet I still love Plague's design.

    -This is true, but even with all the nincompoops walking around going "oNi Is A bOoTlEg HilLbIlLy" people still play the hell out of him and for damn good reason. I imagine with some good tweaks, the same will be true for Poonboy here.

    -That's entirely subjective. Personally I feel like Oni is the only Killer in the past year and a half that truly "belongs" in Dead By Daylight.

    -This is Dead By Daylight. We don't do "scary" here.

    -Console is already BHVR's unwanted child alongside Legion, so I'm not really sure how that changes much.

    -Being Pinhead is a bad thing. Screw Pinhead. I hope he never gets added.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    What even is a Burger King?

    And it's NOT our internets. It is literally the dedicated servers. I've had perfect games at 400 ping before servers, choppy and slowed ones at 60-80 with servers. Same internet.

    Every time a new platform has been switched to the servers, they have reported worse issues every time or to summarize:

    PC players: "we're having problems with dedicated servers"

    PS4 players: "we're having slightly worse problems"

    Xbox players: "game is literally unplayable"

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Hook/dying state and within a range? What I live is that map size causes gens to be rushed but killers don't have synergy with their gen defense perks such as pop, surge, ruined ruin.

    Survivors now have the same with balanced balanced landing truly being an exhaustion perk so you get to choose one exhaustion perk, but second chance perks don't match with the standard roles mapping them meta for survivors such as the big idea being BT, DS, UNBREAKABLE, DH etc.

    BHVR grow tired of the whinge but I'd love to see them play a SWFC team again live on stream to show me a balanced game

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Ghostface was bugged on ptb. They just didn't fix it until public release.

  • LeonardPChurch
    LeonardPChurch Member Posts: 24

    What? Ghostface doesnt even work! Have you played as him or against him? Dedicated servers broke the stalk mechanic (*but hey hitboxes RIGHT??? LOL)

    He is "Unfinished / erroneous lines of code" and nothing more.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    You seem to mistake "feedback" with "omg this killer is so pathetic and sabo OP pls nurf"

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Honestly, I didn't like him much :3

    For me, he is the son of Frank (Legion) and Ana (Huntress). His range actually hurts me,and the fact that he is so slow still fks with me. If they add a lullaby then he is literally Huntress with an aim down sights button UwU

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
  • LeonardPChurch
    LeonardPChurch Member Posts: 24

    Again, he is "unfinished / erroneous lines of code" and nothing more.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 744

    I find it so annoying that people were crying about how the devs don't use the ptb.

    Now they are crying with the ptb and how things are not 100 percent. Jesus, it is the ptb. They have things test out, because it is for sure not 100 percent decent. They want out opinion and how things could be better. Not ragethreads because of stuff that is not even live.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,598

    I just don't see him fitting in with the game, i was wanting more gor, blood, scary, even a monster, something built up, something that could bring back the theme i truely loved when i played this game. Then it's just like yehaw if i wanted to play a cowboy i have red dead for that and those undead cowboys (of you played the undead one) was scarier then this, there wa sno hype like the plague and yes it's not going to be that easy to play on console. Me and Mr Mushwin are even contemplating if we are even going to buy this chapter and we have NEVER done that before we have always bought them......but now, not sure.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I like how the devs trolled with the title Chains of Hate yet give players an evil version of Jonah Hex that's a lesser Huntress. Sums up the killer experience perfectly.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    people think a couple of days is enough to judge a killer, like if there were no skill cap involved

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    No. People should voice their opinions on the new chapter, doesn't matter how they feel about it.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    If these forums where cleared out of everyone b**ching because they suck, the forums would be dead 😂

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The big problem with Ghostface was that survivors could reveal him in a too short amount of time, so that he could almost never make use of his power. IIRC that wasn't a bug.

    Like with Ghostface, the devs could buff Deathslinger in a reasonable way by just changing the numbers. Make it harder to break free from the chain and his power will be more useful.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    And look at all of the killers that aren't good. You can't just cherry pick. Besides, the time to provide feedback is before it goes live. Why has it become ok to people for developers to release things broken and then MAYBE fix them several months down the road. The characters should be released in a ready-to-go condition. This is exactly the right time to provide feedback. That is what PTB is for. Telling people to stop commenting on the problems they see only hurts the game.

  • Shirokuro
    Shirokuro Member Posts: 182

    I've seen so many people complain how bad the killer, the survivor, and even the map is.

    If y'all want Deathslinger buffed, sure I guess. I'm having a blast playing as him and constantly getting 4Ks already so it'll probably be quite fun for me when it's live.

    Both the killer's and survivor's perks are cool and go well with different builds.

    They also look good imo. While maybe not that scary, Deathslinger makes it up with how sadistic he seems (One of the best Moris there is as well). A lot of people seem to think Zarina looks exactly like Yui etc. and I'm not even gonna bother to explain how ######### of a take that is if you can't see how much difference there actually is.

    As for the map? I love it. Any map that doesn't use 90% existing assets gets a win in my book.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Demo is fun, but like Oni he has a huge learning curve (maybe not as huge). In my opinion neither are worth the trouble (especially when nearly every game is communicating friends.) You will be eaten alive if you try to start playing Demo at Rank 4. I would say Gunslinger (?) is more inline with earlier killers. Simple design, fun, effective, and easy to learn within a few matches.