Balanced Landing vs Lithe, which is the stronger perk?
Balanced Landing is an exhaustion perk that allows you to break into a sprint for 3 seconds after dropping down from somewhere, giving you time to run away. You also avoid staggering on the first drop. However, while exhausted you do stagger.
On the other hand, Lithe is also an exhaustion perk that allows you to break into a sprint for 3 seconds after vaulting a window. It has a 40-60 second cooldown (depending on your perk tier) just like balanced landing.
Now in YOUR own opinion what perk between these two do you think is the strongest? Try and keep the discussion civil and mature please.
Balanced Landing is much better imo.
I don't like Lithe at all. It doesn't really do much when you are looping jungle gym's, shack etc. It is really good on certain maps and certain tiles but overall, it doesn't really help me that much.
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Well, BL is definitely stronger, but there are far less drops than there are windows.
So Lithe is better.
If BL gave you reduced stagger even while exhausted, then it would be better.
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A bit too good, even.. hence that exact nerf. :)
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Wait, so this was the BL nerf? Lol
They could have just made all vault buffs killers have also applicable to the fall stagger lol. Not to mention that Killer has more airbone control.
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Exactly, but killers have been whining about exhaustion perks, even before there was such a thing called exhaustion perks (SB at release).
So much so that I encourage people not to use exhaustion perks because the devs have focused so many killer perks and add ons to counter it, that its just not worth relying on.
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They both have their strengths aside from simply getting you to a loop faster.
Balanced Landing has built in sound dampening but doesn't cover up scratch marks. It's also very terrain dependent. Best used before a chase for quick juking.
Lithe is more flexible. It's on demand with any vault, and can be built for quickly ghosting the killer. Downside is that build requires at least 2 other perks (Quick and Quiet, and Dance With Me). You'll normally tip the killer off where you are without them.
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It was a well-needed nerf, to be honest. With all the loops, sometimes infinite, most maps offer - the perk was too good.
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Going more into detail, the infinites revolved around window vaults which survivors are very strong at. If a killer tries to power through by simply following them, they'll always lose ground. Hence the nerf. It was also the only exhaustion perk with a passive.
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They're both equal.
Balanced Landing has the stronger effect, with it's cancelling of the landing effect, it's use is extremely limited on a lot of maps. There aren't many places to drop on quite a few maps.
Lithe is easier to pull off, and less obvious, but it also comes with the complication of giving off a noise notification to the killer without combining effects with a other perk.
Both have upsides, both have drawbacks. If Lithe had the added effect of not giving off that noise notification to make it more similar to Balanced, then I believe it would surpass it.
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Both are really map reliant, hence why I don't run much exhaustion perks
But Balanced landing is a more reliable choice over Lithe
Lithe requires you to vault something, which killers can hit you through the vault sometimes, even when Lithe activates!
Balanced Landing requires a fall big enough for a stagger, however, these drops are far safer than vaults as you are less likely to get M1'd
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The amount of times I've used it during EGC because the killer doesnt want to risk breaking a pallet, and tries to mind game me around it only for me to lithe away is insane.
They're always so worried about not being licked in an animation they give me EXTRA time.
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Only safer when running BL.
Lithe also has the benefit of being used outside of a chase if needbe. Paired with Q&Q, you have a nasty savior/slip away speed burst.
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I would expect people to get that when the sentence is about Balanced Landing, but if you were running Lithe and Balanced Landing by themselves, then balanced would be better. If you are running perks to help them, then Lithe could be better
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I'd say they're both on par with each other given the right circumstances for both perks you could argue one's better than the other but it's all preference. IMO they're both on the same level.
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Yeah I was going to write even if you just have a preference of one perk over the other but I forgot.
I tend to use Lithe more but I do use Balanced Landing every now and then.
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Balanced would have to be considered stronger. It has two passive abilities attached with the stagger reduction and the silent drop. But Lithe can be triggered on every single map. So it comes down to do you prefer situational, but stronger. Or consistent, but weaker.
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I don't get how people think Lithe is situational vs BL. Every map has a vault, but not a drop. I will consistently use Lithe as my exhaustion, because I can stay at a safeish pallet loop for a while, then Lithe away when in trouble. Can't BL my way outta there. Lithe does suffer in Shack loops, but BL is null and void there, so I'll take the lesser of two evils
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Lithe is. It is more readily available across all maps, rather than just the select few maps that has heights. When the first condidition of the exhaustion perks is to either extend a loop for another run around, or reach the next loop. Then Lithe is deffiently the superior perk.
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Balanced Landing is more map dependent. If you got Shelter Woods you might as well have just not brought a perk at all. But BL is stronger IMO. The stagger reduction and Sprint Burst is great, especially on maps like Ormond, Crotus Prenn, or Haddonfield.
Lithe is more readily available, but you need two or maybe three other perks for Lithe's true potential. Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Dance With Me, and maybe Iron Will. On a map like Lery's you are nearly guaranteed to lose the killer whenever Lithe activates.
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Kind of depends on what map you're on but in general I think Lithe is stronger than BL. BL is strong for it's loop potential on certain maps but Lithe is more universal and can really help escape certain situations.
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It was a needed nerf, it created infinite loops on several maps and it was far better than any other Exhaustion perk.
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Balanced landing was stronger because it has more harsh trigger conditions. I think that they should have fixed bad loops instead of nerfing one perk, stagger animation is not that long at all.
IMO its not worth using BL now, its so inconsistent because of random maps , and now there isnt even anything worth it to compensate.