Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I hardly played this game today. Few games that was it. No drive. No desire to play

Killer is just not fun.

Apart from that i had two crashed. One in the menu. Thank god. And one afer getting shocked and then hit by doc. I took a 20 min penalty. Played wow for an hour and came back for a few games of clown where i was teh clown. Lost interest after that.

I just dont find this game as a whole fun anymore.

As killer the game will go one of two ways. Either i do the stomping or they stomp on me. Either i get all 4 while sleep walking or they all escape while i just ask myself ######### just happened.

There are no more 2 kill 2 get outs anymore. They balance the game, it seems. on either all 4 die or all 4 get out. This, it seems, is how they arrive at the 2 and 2 these days. Cos i see nothing but 4k or 4 out in all my games as killer or surv. I see 1k when they have noed since nobody gets totems these days and if they do its only after the know NOED is alive. If they can be bothered to even get it.

I played two games as surv and in both games the surv just rank by two totems.


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So one DC and you got a 20 min ban?

    When its 15 mins at second?

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    It can have really fun moments but I agree, the game gets frustrating and repetitive quickly. I keep my sessons short like 4-6 matches twice a week or so.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Keep your sessions short. There's nothing wrong with taking a break. I would say get to 1 million Bloodpoints if you plan on getting Zarina or the Deathslinger then put it down and come back when the new chapter releases. Toolboxes will be getting nerfed, hopefully Sabo will get a small nerf, good perk changes and killer buffs all around. Just give it a week or two break and come back when you feel like it.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Devs won’t care/listen until Killers stop playing or until people stop spending money.

    I just queue up as survivor now, just waiting for the MMR to mask the lack of high rank killers soon.

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    Deathslinger is really crap right now, toolbox ehrm nerf od actually better for doing gens its rework but to better speeding gens, new sabo is crazy toxic with swf, trapper buff is fine but without fixing relocation of trap after survivor is caught its basically pointless, doctor buff is great although he doesnt need it anymore. Plague addon added to basekit is great, did i forget anything else ?

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I finished my level 3 today, and then got my Killer to rank 2. Already got to level 70 in the rift (grinded to 60, bought the last 10 levels with the 1k from the rift). Now i'm not touching it again till rank reset, or Level 4. Idc how many dailies for killers you're gonna hand me BHVR, I have my limits of how much abuse and bullying i'll take.

    In other news, playing survivor is stress free and fun. Well for survivors. I know the Killer isn't having any fun against me, but that doesn't matter does it BHVR?

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    I'm probably not even going to touch the level 4 challenges for killer.

    Why the ######### would anyone subject themselves to that torture role?

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    It wasnt a DC. Game crashed in the menu once and then the game also crashed afer getting shocked and then hit by doc. Reports sent. I did nto dc

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I am dying so much as surv that i am starting to get really ballsy now. I went all the back and got somebody off of the hook with the killer standing right there. lol. I unhooked right in his face and then body blocked so they could get away. Then after i got hit i ran back away from teh door and that was enough to entice him to leave them alone and get me instead. Cos he was only possibly get one. Me. and i was running away from door so an easier target. I saved a rank 5 i think i was from possibly deranking.

    I dotn care. As solo i die so damn much its not even funny.

    What is really bizarre is that for all the adept survs that i tried to get that day i got them all on teh first try. Spooky. I never have survival rates like that. I did yui, quentin, jane, nea and one other. All on first try.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    It's okay to get burnt out on a game, and it's okay to realize when you aren't having fun anymore. Playing more into the frustration definitely doesn't help, and crashing definitely kills my mood when it happens (albeit infrequently for myself). Realizing your feelings about a game and why you play it is something that took me a long time to get used to.

    I've found that most PvP games result in frequent steamrolls on either side - those games are really unsatisfying, because playing for the challenging games and still coming out on top are the moments that feel good. In DBD, those 2 kill/2 escape games when you feel like the game could go either way are those moments.

    I've taken breaks myself, and I can say they helped a lot to curb the burnout. If you do decide to take a break, I hope that when you come back, you can find the enjoyment of the game again for yourself.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Take a break, if you feel you cant stop seek help.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Intentionally no, but the game counts it as a DC. And one of them wouldnt be 20 mins. 2 of them wouldnt. 15/30, but 20?