I have to ask,event cosmetics

Im this one who will complaing about not getting his event cosmetics back, i mean the:David's untamed donkey jacked,kate's free song bird slip dress,billy's pro pain hammer and the best,huntress hound mask,Lost them months ago and still didin't get them back,im sad that someone in the lobby when i asked said that he got his back a day ago,devs said that they were going to give them back to all players that took part in events,Was i just dreaming about these cosmetics or what? I have few screenshots on my profile that i actually got them,sadly i played then with seriously bad resolution so that screenshots are really bad quality.Any info?
all player who earn them got thrm last week if i remember correct or 2 weeks ago
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Prob cause you have custom perk icons. Isn't that frowned upon?
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That's false even developers use them they are fine.
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They did not return them to me yet, but to some of my acquaintances, yes, what is happening? because I still don't have my cosmetics that cost me so much to get?
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These photos are old but yes,i am using cuatom perk icons right now but i don’t think thats why i didin’t get them. I sent a support ticket we’ll see what they will reply
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They replyed with: Hello,
Thank you for your message.
The team has now finished processing their list of people who should have their event rewards. Unfortunately, if you still have not received any items even after restarting your game after receiving this message, then you were not on this list. Whilst it is possible the team will continue to investigate in case anyone has been missed out, we have not been given any indication as to when (or even if) this will happen.
We can check it again if you were on the team's list, but we must make you aware that we can't restore these items ourselves.
If you'd like us to check, please provide us your Player Cloud ID (you can find this in the "settings" menu in-game).
Thank you very much for your understanding and patience with us.
Stay safe out there...
The Dead by Daylight Team
I answered them with my steam cloud ID and we'll wait aswell
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some news ?
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in case anyone has been missed out, we have not been given any indication as to when (or even if) this will happen.
...remember when they were just gonna give it to everyone and this wouldn't be an issue?
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I'm so sad, I loved those cosmetics, I hope they verify
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People who still don't have their cosmetics back have the complainers to thank for that. :P
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Still no reply from support,i don't have my cosmetics back aswell so
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I am preety sure that i will never be able to use them again,Rip
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Hopefully they will return it to us, it is difficult for us to get them and it is unfair that we do not have them, I have faith that they are seeing how to return it to those who did not receive it. @Peanits Sorry to bother you but will you have any news regarding this problem? Thanks a lot !