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Face camping

Why is this still a thing? Every other game of survivor is just a face camping killer. Can’t we atleast make it to where killers can’t grab you off the hook? It’s not like getting hit through pallets and having awful hit boxes aren’t bad enough. But face camping could atleast be nerfed to where you can’t grab off hook. It’s just not fun... isn’t that the whole point of the game?


  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Face camping does not happen anywhere near that often, and it can be a beneficial tactic, at times. Most of the time, however, it is a piss poor strategy by the killer. If they are face camping, for no reason, then the other survivors could, and should be doing gens. Eventually the killer will learn that it is a bad strategy, but only if the survivors learn that it is a bad strategy to try to unsafely unhook another survivor. If you are getting grabbed off of the hook, you should not have been going for the unhook in the first place.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Easy counter: Flashlight, BT, and/or Dead Hard. You might be wondering "how?" but that is something you need to learn by playing the game.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I never face camp but I understand why it's in the game. A killer can go from losing badly to getting a 4k based off survivors being dumb and rushing the hook.

    Another thing that can happen is a survivor can be very cocky and do their very best to make the game unfun for the killer. I'd understand if a survivor is constantly clicking their flashlight at the killer or t-bagging at pallets constantly then I wouldn't complain about them face camping.

    If the killer face camps, for seemingly no reason then their last game or last few probably were really bad. They even may want the survivors to complain to them, they find the salt funny.

    Lastly if survivors are all rushing the hook, it's not face camping. If the killer plays smart and knows all the survivors are trying for the save then it's quite smart of the killer to just stay at the hook. I'd recommend playing killer for a while, get to higher ranks and see do you consider face camping at any point.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    trust me, with current dedicated servers you need an astral connection to grab someone.

    also, countless counters.

  • Gmoose17
    Gmoose17 Member Posts: 49

    I’ve been playing the game for 2 years. I run BT constantly. But what fun is it for the hooked survivor to lose a pip because of a killer who face camps and tunnels. And if you can’t get the save, or a safe hook rescue then you aren’t going to pip anyways. It ruins the game. Easy fix is it killers can’t grab off the hook then you can take the hit and do a 1 for 1.

  • Gmoose17
    Gmoose17 Member Posts: 49

    Yeah ok... you must not play on PS4. It happened more often than not. I’m always in red ranks and get matched up with rank 10 killers facecamping with Noed.

  • Gmoose17
    Gmoose17 Member Posts: 49

    Trust me, I’ve been grabbed with a full bar trying to unhook countless times. It’s getting old

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    Psh I rarely ever get to grab anyone off anything as it is because it's always been glitched and the dev's don't give ######### about fixing it. At least on the PC version, I see you play on the PS4 version though. Those lucky console s.o.b.s.

    I know what you mean as far as the getting hit through pallets thing goes but that's just because the dev's use home made 'dedicated' servers out of trash cans.

    "It's just not fun" ? Hah, you know I hear this kind of selfish thing often from Survivors. You think it's fun for me as a Killer having to deal with these ridiculously fast gen speeds? By the time I get a single stupid Survivor down the rest of their team already has two Gens started and that's because the dev's require there be a thousand pallets around every corner, infinite loops and make it so it takes years to break a single pallet or recover from a stun since they're so Survivor biased, it's just that damn hard to actually down a Survivor! That's on base Gen speed too! If the Survivors bring's even worse or actually, you know what? They don't even have to bring their own Toolbox either, since the dev's think it's a good idea to find a toolbox in every chest as well. Not to mention these huge maps making it impossible to even pressure Gens.

    With all of these factors ruining my fun as Killer, it's only fair that I get to ruin yours.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It's needed. To punish certain actions.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    Yeah lets take off grabbing from the hook to allow the players to be even more cocky when going for an instant unhook

  • Slival
    Slival Member Posts: 94

    The only people who can actually face camp are leatherface, oni, doctor (by shocking under the hook you can at least force 2+ people to come), and billy. Anyone else, you can just use 2+ people or a single uninjured person to guarantee an unhook by baiting the grab, having BT, having dead hard, etc. I see a lot of people saying "flashlight" but anyone who is trying to face camp will just look downward and be immune on that one. The killers I mentioned have ways to "secure" the hook against teams in the right circumstances, but the game has so many second chance perks, and trading is more powerful because of Decisive (if someone who is unhooked is quickly healed in a bush, they can trade and become forbidden candy laying on the ground for 60 seconds).

    But, one important point people miss is some killers are designed to use bait/camp/proxy camp. Trapper, hag, Ghost Face, Pig, all of their playstyles even at the highest level of play often incorporate this.

    This is why when you watch the best kiler players in the world, survivors often accuse them of 'camping' in post game chat, or video comments, when all they did was use the hook as bait (they're giant fishhooks, of course they're for putting bait on!) or check the hook when the entire team was at it. At the highest level of play you sometimes watch a hook and it can be the right move. For example if there are 3 people left and 1-2 gens left, you bet I'm gonna watch the hook because when the first guy comes for the free unhook, if I chase him? Then the last guy has to get off gens to do the unhook while I'm chasing guy #2. Camping until you have a good reason to chase, is valid and wise. Now FACE camping however you define it, isn't a thing. You can unhook from any direction now.

    When designing and balancing killers, the idea that sometimes you might try to 'keep' someone on the hook, esp. long enough for them to go to second hook state for example, is part of the consideration the devs use. They reiterate this a fair bit.

    If I'm chasing someone NEAR the hook, of course I won't let him unhook his friend - he better run me AWAY from the hook. And if I get run past someone who's 10 seconds from second hook state? I will make sure they go to second hook state.

    When unhooking someone you need to be

    a) stealthy or I'll stay near the hook. If 2-3 survivors are at the hook that's not camping, its a barbecue cookout.

    b) prompt (or else I'll see they're 10 seconds from hook state 2, and camp them for 10 seconds), and

    c) committed (this means maybe 2-3 people should go on the rescue run, not just 1 while the other 2 stay on gens)

    Survivors don't want to have to adapt away from the meta they've gotten used to, and have to use a responsive style of play. Using hidden 'rules' about what tactics the killer is allowed to use can make the game easier and let you stick to one meta you've gotten used to (no one heals, stay on gens, don't worry we've all got 3 lives, etc), but that isn't how a good game is played. Expecting scrub thinking to dictate killer tactics is a recipe for degenerate play, not for people playing better. If I use tactic A, you need response B, and complaining on the forums until you get a nerf from the devs is never a valid in-game strategy.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    If someone is tbagging or clicking I facecamp. And I did it for days to protest Ruin nerf. Tunneling is a much better strategy.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    Camping is a legitimate strategy.

    You talk about fun. Is it fun for generators to go so fast that the killer doesn't have time to do anything? Does the killer not have fun camping somebody?

    Oh wait. Only your fun matters. Typical brown rank survivor main.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    If you are constantly getting grabbed off the hook, that's your fault. Way to learn. You shouldnt even try it if killer is right there. Camping is a strategy and Not against the rules. Tunneling is another imaginary rule survivors tried to invent to make it easier for them. If survivors cant win every match with all 4 escaping its "Not fair" or needs a nerf. Its a joke. A bunch of entitled brats that cant handle losing.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    Even if the gens don't go fast, people still face camp. I really don't see what your point is.

    Especially when "gen rushing" is a direct counter to camping.

  • Kavor
    Kavor Member Posts: 6

    Gen speed. That's all. A lot of green and purple killers, playing against only red ranks for two months and a half, had their spirit broke by this incredible combo: No ruin + giant maps + broken matchmaking. I'm slowly becoming one of them tbh.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    Mmmm..maybe 85% of the time I play Killer? It's a certain type of satisfaction, you know? The dev's give Survivor's everything, they're biased and focused mainly on them having fun but me as the Killer? I can take all that away. It's like my personal way of getting back at the dev's and your suffering motivates me.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I doubt you have been playing for 2 years then. Anyone who has experience in the game knows that if you tunnel/camp with killer you lose with MAYBE one kill, and that's a big maybe, because any good survivor can easily get everyone out during EGC. But if actually having skill in the game isn't your strong suit. Matthew Cote (Director) suggests playing CIV.

  • Gmoose17
    Gmoose17 Member Posts: 49

    Ouch... going after my skill eh... well I do make it to rank 1 every rank reset and am currently back at rank 1 now. I know the whole rank doesn’t equal skill thing... I get it.... So tell why a killer face camps then... because the only answers I get is if A) Punishment, they get ran around for 3 or more gens because they commit to a bad chase or just get outplayed, B) they just feel like being a douche, C) because a survivor was being “toxic” ,D) to secure a kill...

    if a killer facecamps first hook then nobody pips... y’all say to just do gens and get out... ok so what’s next... you do the gens quickly. Guy getting face camped dies. Killer runs toward exit gate. Hits you before you get the gate open.. and here comes Noed.. Now the killer gets 2 kills doing nothing. Sometimes a 3k maybe even a 4K... cause as a survivor you gotta atleast try to save. I mean you have to atleast try to pip.. right?? But anyways. I still just don’t get the point in it. Y’all say it’s a bad strategy.. some say it’s a good strategy.. You say it’s easily countered but yet you still do it.... I just don’t get why I have to lose a pip because a killer just felt like being a douche. But whatever.. the game is perfect right..

  • Key
    Key Member Posts: 37

    This! Face camping is sooo bad! It literally takes the remaining 3 to team up to get a rescue. Without borrowed time and another team mate taking a hit, it’s nearly impossible to rescue a teammate. Idk if the devs need to change it to where the killer is spawned away after hooking a survivor or what but it’s super annoying. 95% of the games I play are with face campers. And I’m rank 8

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    If gen rushing is a direct counter, than do that and quit whining. My point was pretty clear - complaining about camping is nonsense because it's a legit strat.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471
  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Correct, I do not play on PS4, but that doesn't change the rest of what I said. If you are getting grabbed off of the unhook, you were making a bad unhook in the first place. That is on you, not the killer. If the killer is facecamping, then the other 3 survivors are free to do gens, unhindered. It would be a very short game, and the killer will not pip or get much in the way of BP. It is survivors feeding the facecamper that encourages that kind of poor gameplay. It is a bad strategy against good survivors.

    I ALWAYS run kindred, so the entire team knows he/she is facecamping. If I am the one on the hook being face camped, and I see my teammates working on gens, I am happy. I will hang on for the duration watching the gens pop one by one while the killer sits there. If, on the other hand. I see my teammates running around aimlessly, getting nothing accomplished or, worse, feeding the camper, it annoys me. If they make a bad save and get us both downed, it is extremely irritating.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    I didn't know I was whinning, but ok.

    I got your point, it was pretty clear, but you also brought up rushing through gens not being fun. Guess what? Neither is getting face camped.

    So follow your own advice and go ahead and camp, but quit complaining about gens speeds.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    There isn’t a toolbox In every chest . You’re being ridiculous. 4 survivors have to do 5 gens Which is the MAJORITY of YOUR gens. AND they’re highlighted for you as a killer. There’s even a perk that lets you see them working on specific gens 😂 get outtaaaa here with your killer sided nonsense. Killers should be penalized for face camping. Give everyone doing generators a speed boost while killer is within a certain radius of a hooked survivor. That’ll learn em ! 😂 The game is HIDE AND SEEK and when sought you find somebody else. You DONT HAVE TO KILL EVERYONE EVERY GAME. Just get who you can not by face camping (because it’s really not that serious and it’s not fun) ,

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    There should be items you can stun with that you can find around the map. Not brought into the game of course. Ones you have to find. Give me a pocket knife to break free of Being on a killers shoulder 🙃

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Not a flashlight , although it might be kinda OP if used right. But no... I mean defend yourself

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Camping is very easily countered. Just do gens. Unless he has NOED, you can genrush the ######### out of him.

    Also, if you get grabbed all the time, then you must be very bad at the game, because grabs practically dont happen unless its Spirit or Hag

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    I wasn't "complaining" about gen speeds. It was a response to the thread. Stop trying to outwit me. You can't.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    If you keep getting facecamped, you most likely did something to provoke it.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I only (proxy) camp when:

    A) Another survivor is nearby. If I’ve lost line of sight I will make an attempt to look for them and stay longer than normal. If I can’t find them, I’ll patrol my gens. If there is NO GEN PROGRESS and I can’t find ANYONE after I’ve hooked then I’ll go back to the hook.

    B) All gens are popped and I don’t think I can guarantee an extra kill by leaving the hook. If I have an insta down killer like Billy and I spot other survivors I’ll usually leave the hook unless there’s still 4 total survivors alive. Need to secure a kill or hook trade.

    What I never do is down my first survivor and face camp to death or wait for a hook trade. It’s such a boring play style as killer, and incredibly boring for the survivor on the hook.

    Bubba should have some kind of “overheat” feature on his chainsaw so he can’t rev forever like a scumbag.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    It's possible to get one in every chest. I've played games where the Survivor's had a different item or nothing but after I start playing two to three of them have Toolboxes all of a sudden. So it kind of feels like Toolboxes are a more common find than anything else and ANY Toolbox is a powerful asset.

    Huh. So I guess you didn't even read most of what I said. What are you, a troll? I said one of the problems Killer's face is ridiculously fast Gen speeds. Doesn't matter if they're highlighted if it's a huge map, I've had games where I patrolled Gens and both were totally dead, I walk away to check the other then head back, Gen started. Then you're saying that I have to use Discordance if I want to play Killer. Sounds just like in the past when you have to use Ruin. You're just putting a band-aid on something the developer should be changing so it's equally enjoyable for both sides. I don't agree with the band-aid method.

    "That'll learn em" what? If a Killer's camping a hook they clearly don't care about the progress of the gens. Hell, if I wanted to kill Survivor's quickly, I'd use perks combined with Monstrous Shrine.

    "Hide and Seek" No, it's Dead by Daylight. I can play Killer however I want to and you as the Survivor don't have a choice in the matter. Don't try pushing your "Survivor's rules for Killer" nonsense on me.

    Indeed, you don't have to kill every Survivor in every game, even BHVR supports tea time with the Killer aka farming/boosting, but it still shouldn't be as difficult and frustrating to do as it currently is for those that DO want to try and kill every Survivor. I don't do tea time, I play to win, so usually I would play seriously and that's what I find enjoyable. Who are you to tell me what is and isn't?

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    There is no way you’ve been playing for 2 years or you must not be very good because past green ranks pure face camping outside of after the gates open is not a thing

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    I tried to face camp once and it didn't work so I am pretty sure I don't know what it actually means.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    In your own words:

    "You talk about fun. Is it fun for generators to go so fast that the killer doesn't have time to do anything?"

    Yep. You weren't complaining at all.

    Also, nobody is trying to "outwit" you. Nobody cares enough to outwit somebody on the internet. I sure don't have the energy or time for that.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Face camping should be out right banned from the game. Something needs to be done to stop this. I just gone in a match with 3 randoms and had a face camper killer. The killer just sat there with his chain saw waiting for people to come just so he can take them down with it.

    He killed all 4 of us because the team was that bad they was not doing gennys up whilst he was face camping.

    Camping is for COD's and not this game.

    When a killer is face camping a person, you should get some sort of immunity for un hooking someone or extra speed repair on gennys to combat these players.

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    I rarely see facecamping unless its a poor bubba that couldn't get any kills and gets a noed in the EGC and just facecamps his one kill and I honestly do not blame him.