As a survivor main...

scenekiller Member Posts: 890
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?

I play solo, haven’t been able to leave purple ranks since the reset because all I’ve been getting are absolute potato teammates.

People dropping one by one, all in the same area. People crouching in corners doing absolutely nothing. Teammate saving me from a hook right in front of a killer. Working on a gen with someone who blows it up three times, and when I try to get away I’m the one that’s found, so I run the killer for a while and no gens get done.

I just don’t understand what’s so hard about this game, or why so many useless potatoes are playing.

Anyone else having this experience? Alternatively, does anyone have any recommendations for solo builds that I can use to not rely on anybody for anything?


  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Oh god I feel ya! So many purple potatoes.

    Love em when I play killer tho.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Solo hell in a nutshell©

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    It’s because of the ranking system bad players can easily pip then struggle against just average killers

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Finally, I've finished the tome level again and I'm very happy I won't have to touch survivor more than once a day until level 4.

    All games were NOED and campers. Red rank Cheapfaces who hardcore camped in stealth and never did anything else. Potato teammates who couldn't last a loop, or repair half a gen.

    Back to Billy and potatoing at Nurse for me. This game is a mess, honestly.

  • DonniKubbitz
    DonniKubbitz Member Posts: 12

    I'm a solo surv main.

    I rarely miss a S.C.

    I almost always use B.T. and almost never unhook in terror radius.

    I have ducked gameplay once with no mither challenge. I would not have ducked activity if it weren't for the fact that I was with the same team from the previous match that did everything in their power to out me asap because I had no mither. Oddly the 2nd game I made a safe unhook AND fully healed the person I unhooked and did make the escape. I call that a team that has no idea how to play and plays with a holier than thou, pretentious, prima donna mindset.

    I don't t-bag (ever) and I don't DC (EVER).

    I am in purple's.

    From what I have noticed every killer and surv will create any excuse they can to do something unlegit. They are loser's if you ask me. Weird people that have their own set of personalities that they use to dictate the way they play. Many of them simply want to be toxic toward killer in any way possible and I can sometimes see why. A killers objective, as outlined by BHVR, is not to pick up and drop a downed survivor over and over for whatever reason.

    Then the pre/post game chat. That's a different kind of animal that might as well be twitter uncensored. It's a joke and the game has become much more unappealing the more I play and learn.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Survivor pips are just that easy. I'll admit it.

    Somehow I used to struggle to retain purple, and that was playing well. By that I mean playing better than a majority of the current potato crop. I've only improved since then and matchmaking changed. If I black-pip then I've had a bad game. If I DE-pip, then I have been instantly camped or tunnelled out of the match.

    Killers on the other hand, have it way harder. This is why I tend to keep at yellow/green ranks for killer. They are also way more fun especially against solos as someone well versed in Pig.

  • fozzy_ozborn
    fozzy_ozborn Member Posts: 48

    I play a lot of solo survivor on PS4 and I can barely stay in red ranks because of teammates. I run bond a lot so I don't interrupt gens if I am being chased or I know when some one is being chased. All too often I see people urban immersioning around the map or self-caring in corners.

    I don't know how many times I have hit 2nd stage on 1st hook either. I am not the best at this game and I have had plenty of potato moments trying to do a Q&Q locker dodge for a head on stun but I do try the big dick moves more often than not instead of hiding in the maps edges or letting people die.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Same here. I always run Kindred too so teammates have no excuse not to be able to see if someone else is being chased or the killer is close. Fair enough if it's a stealth, then I understand them being a little wary, but when you look around and see people hiding in corners or self-caring away, it's so frustrating.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'd recommend Kindred in solo play. It helps organize the potatoes and makes it feel less like you're trying to herd cats.

    You're seeing more potatoes because of the changed rank reset system and how it's currently too easy to pip as survivor. This means lots of survivors at ranks that they have no business being in.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    You can thank the devs for this.

    A ranking system that gives everyone a participation award so everyone feels like a winner and can get to higher ranks regardless of their skill.

    A balance system that discourages skillful play.

    An overall haughty attitude that doesn't allow them to act on criticisms that have existed for years.

    A focus on making $$ through dlc, battlepass, and cosmetics rather than a focus on fixing the core bugs and issues of the game (Sound, Servers)

    The game in its current state is a result of the actions and non-actions on behalf of the devs.

    You can thank them.

  • HarryToeknuckles
    HarryToeknuckles Member Posts: 158

    Solo survivor is pretty much all I play and it's like 75% horrendous teammates and 25% decent players who know the game. And It doesn't always improve with rank.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I have been bouncing back and forth between rank 10 and rank 11 survivor since the reset. The amount of times I have been in matches where all 3 of the other survivors have been dead within the first 3 minutes is unreal. From what I am told when you get to red rank survivors you actually run into smart survivors. All I can say for sure is that the majority of survivors around rank 10 play with absolutely no strategy whatsoever. Sometimes I swear they are competing to see who can die the fastest.

  • fozzy_ozborn
    fozzy_ozborn Member Posts: 48

    I just had a match where some one was down in the 1st 10 seconds of the game. Omg this is getting old.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited February 2020

    Update: I try not to use too many "meta" builds or perks because I don't want to be that ######### survivor, but in order to play solo and not want to rip my hair out, I've been running the following:

    DS, Kindred, Inner Strength, and Sprint Burst

    Needless to say, I've been having a lot better matches even with endless potatoes