How is playing killer so difficult?

I play killer off and on, going between killer and survivor pretty often, and every time I play killer I get a merciless 4k, and I also show TONS of mercy in every match. I really don't understand why so many people find killer to be so difficult. Then again, I play on PS4, and about 95% of all survivors are complete potatoes. But still, even in matches where I get 4 man SWF, and they're all good at looping and hiding, I get a merciless 4k, while also showing mercy. Am I just the best player ever, or is killer really not that hard? I think the latter.



  • Ratatosk
    Ratatosk Member Posts: 23

    I'm practically always in red ranks on both sides, and still always 4k with killer.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Those who come here are just bad at the game. Statistics proof (yes, its is a proof) that killers get a very good outcome on average. Complainers are either enittled for their 4K all the time, or they are .. as said... just bad at the game.

    I win almost every game as a killer, with ######### like bubba or Legion. On rank 1. Soooo hard ... this game ...

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It’s not that hard. Most survivors are boosted beyond belief.

    Most killers in the game are pretty bad too though. They just sit around hooks waiting for the unhook so they can tunnel. When they come across a good team that does gens and uses BT/DS as a counter strategy they run straight to the forums to complain about said perks and “genrush”

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I'm on PS4 as well. I think it would be easier if gens weren't so fast. Also would be nice if the didn't put rank 20 killers against purple's and reds. I feel like it got harder since they messed up the rank reset. I'm like a rank 16 going against 2s and 3s. Most of the time they can get two or three gens done, before you even see anyone (lot of P3 Claudettes) depending on the killer. They could also get the same amount of gens done in one chase if they are good at looping or the killer doesn't have much gen pressure capabilities. Might get a swf bully squad. Havent taken a 4s since reset,but definitely saw players of a way higher skill level than is usual on PS4. There's also such a thing as different killers and builds. It's not always just skill. Maybe you have a better build than the survivors or get lucky and get potatoes. It does happen here and there. You also have to realize most of these guys on the forums are rank 1 PC players. It's a completely different animal.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The "math":

    The "should":

    The truth:

    What are we even discussing here?

    PS. Once upon a time i was the same as many here, i thought killers are so poor and they need buffs and everything. Then i realised i am a noob and i tried to become better. I succeeded.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    There are definitely potatoes,but usually the reds and purple's are just about as good as on PC. That's with the framerate and controller,not being able to pull off certain strats the are possible on PC. I played both at different points in time. You might get some crappy high ranks just like on PC,but you can easily see skill. They like to do a lot of tricks from their favorite streamers and what have you lol. Gotta remember the rank reset messed up too. I'm rank 16 killer that was green (before the rank reset thing) ,going against red survivors. Same with survivors. You can get teammates that are like rank 18 even if you are red. That could account for getting the 4k,if no one's doing gens or saving people from hooks.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'm on PC. You get a wide range of survivors. I'm gonna echo someone else and agree that it's map size.

    Not everyone can be a rank 1 killer. Everything is on you all the time. You get zero help.

    If you want rank 1 killer for the achievement though? Level up doc, get 100 the game offerings and 100 calm add ons and just mop up survivors. There are ways to cheese it.

    Shockwave every time it comes off cool down. Its amazing.

    But in general you have to remember its another person on their computer playing that survivor. Watch them play, see if they react to things. Get in their heads.

    Survivors will even give you free sacrifices if you're having a bad day. It's not the uphill slope some make it out to be.

  • ElementDoom
    ElementDoom Member Posts: 166

    The truth is that the devs said those stats are useless and shouldn't have conclusions drawn from them. Of course that isn't going to stop people from drawing conclusions from them.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    Both can involve a good amount of skill but getting consistent in higher ranks took me a lot longer as killer. That's probably because I started playing when killer was a lot more miserable of an experience and it is the same game after all so you learn things in one role that carry over with a little practice. I play survivor over killer at like maybe 15-1 lately because having 3 other people to take the load off does make it a lot less stressful on average.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Try playing against sweaty survivors on PC.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    No you need to scream and say that the game is completely unplayable for killer while getting 4ks. If youre not screaming illogical nonsense and demanding for a bunch of nerfs with no backing. You dont play killer. I played survicor and got red ranks and as soon as i started playing killer, it happened. Suddenly no matter how much statistical evidence a survivor brings. I just scream and demand my wishes be fufilled, purely based on the fact that other people are screaming the same unbacked, OBSURDLY OBVIOUS biased BS every other killer does.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Get a pc, play my team once. I will be surprised when you even get a single kill.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Ahh sneaky trick, i too when having absolutely 0 viable evidence or backing for my argument, call posts point this fact out baits. Good trick.

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    It's because you're playing at low rank. That or console survivors are dog ######### idk. Survivor on PC is stupid easy if you get a halfway decent team. I play both sides

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    OP you sure you didn't mean to post that you don't get 4ks as killer, cuz I'm pretty sure then many of these biased individuals would 100% agree with you, and not question it once.

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    Killers are really bad on ps4. As a survivor you can 360 very quickly with the small sensitivity for killers and the 30 FPS cap. As a killer main who plays survivor with a friend or two often (never 4) I can say when you compare my killer tape to about like 90% of other killer tape (red rank) killers on ps4 (console altogether prob) are really, REALLY bad.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    See you can say that, but it's all a matter of skill. As a killer, i 4K most games as well, quite easily, and of course not playing toxic. But on the other hand, most survivor games i also escape, and i only die if the killer specifically camps/tunnels me, or if the other survivor don't do gens. A perfect survivor can run a killer for a full game, but a smart killer will just leave immediately after getting 1 hit or a pallet down, because if they have time to get from 1 good loop to another, killer can't catch them. It's up to the killer to use skill and abilities to catch survivors off guard. The game is poorly balanced in the sense of skill, but a good killer will still have no problem unless he's up against 4 good survivors. The game is for sure not in favor of killers though. It's not as black and white as people think, but at the impossibly perfect level, survivors have the advantage.

  • sjayc1
    sjayc1 Member Posts: 9

    Pre ruin nerf? Maybe. Post? Hardly. I can spawn and move towards a generator and within 45 seconds a gen pops. Turn, head that direction. Chase, down, hook & 2nd gen pops. I’m not proficient with nurse who most consider the best killer. Can I get a 4k? Yes. However, most matches end with 2 dead & brutal killer since the ruin change. Survivor is much easier. I don’t consider myself a great player on either side but I can reach rank 2 as survivor. I’ve never been higher than a 5 as killer.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited February 2020

    Hey, try to face this team and tell me if u get 4K as Trapper with Brown addon

    Pretty easy though

    -3 Flash light

    -3 Headon

    -3 Borrowtime

    -3 Andrenaline

    -A chaser with DS and toolbox for sabo hook with Hook distance offer.

    I dont think Killer is easy. I think you're great at the game.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Is this without tunneling, camping, slugging, body blocking, ect..? If it's all skill, then hats off to you..

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited February 2020

    Didnt we already discussed why killers may look op? Especially Bubba! I cant wait for devs to make him 105 speed. But Im afraid that he will continue 4k..

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    killer starts easy and gets harder the more you play.

    just like survivor starts hard and gets easier the more you play.

    i dont know what rank / plattform you are playing on, but your experience here differs quite a lot from mine - and i play both sides in red ranks (PC).

    as a killer, games are extremely stressfull, especially when you play a killer with not too good map pressure. like, gens get done extremely fast and while i still 3 - 4k a lot, though i also have to put a lot of work into these results - and hope the team i am going up against isnt coordinated.

    like, against 4 solos you can play majority of the killers, but a coordinated team makes almost every killer unviable, you can really just play the top 3 (Nurse, Spirit, Billy) when you want to stand a chance.

    the main problem i have noticed with killer gameplay is, that you are racing against the clock and cant afford to waste any time - which is also why the second chance perks survivors have feel so cheap to killers, they are huge time wasters for little to no effort on the survivor side, therefore having a huge impact on the game.

    for my survivvor experience, i find that to be a lot less stressfull. its mostly just chillin on a gen holding M1 and sometimes running circles with the killer (add some mindgames here aswell), stalling them for as long as i can so my team can get the gens done. honestly, the only times i died as a survivor lately was eigther by the killer having a red mori or my team being utterly useless. i end up escaping majority of my games without much effort, just by us finishing the gens faster than the killer could handle.

    honestly, balance wise most killers are fine. the only thing that needs to change here are the trial times which are ridiculously short.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    Judging by the fact that you are saying you don't play it regularly shows me that you're probably not the highest rank? High rank killer and low rank killer are two completely different beasts.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    This has to be some of the worst bait I've seen in a long time XD

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2020

    People need to stop saying BS about consoles players. Yes there is a lot of potatoes and what on PC is even worse. I guess some of you never played against actual good player. Middle-east SwF is toxic and very strong but once again i guess no one ever played against them.

    Me too i play killer win about 95% of my games is that due to me being a god or the ranking system being so flexible (Bad and Good mixed). I'm sure the second is the issue there.

    I'm gonna repeat myself but, if matchmaking were skill-based all of you wouldn't be here doubting about what some killers said. Gens done in 3-5 min while barely hooking one or two have happened to me and with hillbilly. These SwF is rare but they do exist. I do not encounter them often but when i do it's not a easy match at all.

    @Rizzo90 I'm i allowed to use Middle-east word.

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    Depends on the killer you play.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    Those are 2 killers I’m really good at though. :( The only ones I’m not good at is Billy, Myers, Bubba, nurse, and Plaque

  • IamB4tm4n88
    IamB4tm4n88 Member Posts: 58

    I dont think its hard to play killer and im far from the best. The problem is the amount of toxicity in survivors. Survivors can stun you a million times with pallets, head-on you and T bag think there funny or that there some how way better than you but right when you kill all 4 they D/C and your messages blowup calling you a try hard or a sweat. Every game I play ends in a GG no matter the out come I play for fun and people are wayyyyy to serious when it comes to this game. Everybody thinking Im just against survivors im not because killers can be toxic too