Key is heavily unbalanced.

Hey devs if we could go ahead and remove hatch key or change what it does that would be great. I'm tired of being well on my way to a 3 or 4k and then watching the hatch icon appear out of no where in the in the left corner. I'm a rank 9 and just had 4 red ranks against the ropes only to watch them all escape cause one magically found a key. I think it's a little unbalanced that even though they didn't complete their objective three of them escaped. Two were DOH one was second phase and the other was dead already. So even though I was doing ok at the least I still get punished? Come on devs I love this game but some one needs to start putting some elbow grease into all the unbalanced bs in this game. And of course it's not just the killer side of things. There needs to be some major changes to both sides. Survs shouldn't get punished with NOED because they did well or facecamped and tunneled because they slapped the killer one time. Or even mori'd cause they got hooked once. It all makes for boring unfun games.



    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    I can agree with that. The green one is fine but the pink one needs a nerf. This is coming from someone who plays ALOT of killer.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    I agree. The green one is fine. The pink needs a nerf though.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Lol we started playing same month and year. I do remember it being far worse then.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Yeah I get at least one pink Mori every bloodweb. Kinda ridiculous really.

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    its really a game to game thing. most of the time someone with a key ends up using it to save themselves at the end of a bad game where they played well but the team just flopped and died. keys are really nice for solo players.

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    but in those instances where its a swf and everyone gets out via hatch after being very toxic and wasting your time; yes that is annoying and unfun. Hatch should be slower to open at the very least, make it like an exit gate. at least half a gate.

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74

    Devs dont care, these threads wont do anything. Same with any form of gen speed discussion.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Lol moris are easily as bad. At least with hatch you need gens done.

    green mori is just as BS as the red for the survivor that gets hit with it

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    You ######### kidding me?

    A killer has to hook each survivor 3 times. For a total of 12 hooks.

    Green Mori bypasses two of these hooks. Requiring, if used, only a mere 10 hooks for a 4k 'win'. That bypasses 1/6 of their objective.

    A key to unlock a hatch, while also bypassing 1/6 of their objective, is not nearly as fair, because unlike the Green Mori, *it activates for EVERYONE in the match, not just for the single survivor*.

    Meaning, a Mori'd survivor can mean the other three can still recover, or do objectives. The Killer has one OFFERING that gives him the chance to do this to all survivors.

    The Survivors have not one, but TWO ITEMS that can open the hatch and instantly win matches for all survivors.

    Don't you even DARE compare a Green Mori to a Purple or Pink Key.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Survivors have not one, but two key items that unlock the Hatch. Purple and Red.

    Green Mori, while powerful, can only be used once and a survivor team can still operate in the match.

    A Purple and Red Key can instantly win a match for -all survivors- ignoring any concept of late game.

    Not only that, but the Survivors can guess on a Mori as its presented as an OFFERING. Killers have to guess what that tiny little object in the survivor's hands may be in rarity.

    Green may ######### you up in Early Game, but a Hatch will ######### you up regardless of how many kills you have, regardless if the Survivors are doing well or poorly, regardless if you have a late game strategy. Its like getting into a crash at 20 MPH versus getting in a crash when you're zooming down a highway at 80 MPH. Sure, you crash either way, and they're both crashes, but they're not even in the same ballpark in terms of ridiculous damage.

    Obviously this does not go for Pink Mori.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I keep saying that for years lol. The devs are a bit slow with their balance changes. (applies to moris too reee)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Yes, keys need to go. Totally cheap.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    How is pink mori more rare than keys? At most killers only have three pink items in their bloodweb, hell some have ONLY a pink mori like Billy and Leatherface. You can get 1 or 2 every single bloodweb.

    Survivors have pink key, rainbow map, syringe, odd bulb, brand new part. 5 vs 3 (some killers only 5 v 1/5 v 2).

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Survivors have two rarity of keys which give them the hatch. Purple and Pink.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Everyone brings up "But whataboutthis"?! When they have nothing to defend.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Lol you obviously didn't read my post. I never said there's anything wrong with ONE survivor using a key to get but an entire team? Especially when they did nothing all game but hide. I mean you said it yourself. If the survivors don't deserve it they shouldn't get out simple as that. Just like if the killer spends all game chasing one guy and all the gens pop he doesn't deserve to pip.

  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    It's a team based game for survivors, if they screw up then it's their fault, a killer can't do much about a key, plus if your team is doing that they'll eventually die off and you can get the hatch then. Everyone agreeing that pink moris shouldn't b in the game as well, it seems ur the only one who sounds biased.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    U said if your team is doing bad u should b able to escape using a key on a team based game where if they die from being cocky the hatch opens anyway. It sounds like ur being biased, if not then I apologise.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    You've got the wrong idea of what biased means hun.

    I appreciate the apology though.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I already did a key rework idea that went something like this. Key's now take at most 12 seconds to open the hatch, addon's and key rarity can make it take 8 seconds at the most. When a survivor uses a key to open a hatch it will play a sound that can be heard from around 24 meters so that the killer can try to stop the survivors from opening the hatch, Progress on opening the hatch does not save.

    this will make the instant key escapes no longer a thing and give the killer a way to stop the survivors from escaping by the hatch.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    The point with both keys and moris is yes, you may have outplayed them but say half the time you won't have and that means half the time you get an undeserved kill or escape meaning half the time the other player who actually deserved the escape or the kill doesn't get it. It's all well and good saying 'well sometimes it makes sense' well if it doesn't make sense sometimes and the sometimes it doesn't make sense is a large amount that's when it's broken. You got an OP item in a game that doesn't require skill to use or obtain. Sure maybe your good at the game but either way it doesn't give the other player a chance to prove themselves as you suddenly have an unfair advantage over them. Maybe you would've still won sure, but maybe you wouldn't have...

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    honestly just needs to take like 5 seconds to open or something and then it'll be fine

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Mori's need to have an additional stipulation like all other survivors have to be hooked at least once prior to the Mori being activated. The pink one would have the same requirement but only would allow you to Mori after the survivor has been hooked twice. I feel like mori's should be a way to circumvent DS and flashlights from ballsy survivors trying to save someone last second. Not as a way to speed up a game for an individual who already has so much at their disposal but doesn't use it well.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    I totally understand all of this however I also believe there is a lot that could be done to fix this. Like the last survivor could have the hatch revealed to them for five seconds. And make it take longer for the killer to close it. Or just remove the sound from killers so they literally have to look for it. But the hatch shouldn't be an option for everyone to escape through if the played bad or didn't complete the main objective.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    I'm sorry if you don't believe me doesn't hurt me none. Sorry you wasted your time writing whatever you wrote cause I'm not gonna waste my time reading it.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Keys and mories should be reworked in some way yeah...

    Unless you plan on camping the hatch as a killer, those 5 seconds to open the hatch are meaningless. The problem is that keys allow survivors to leave the match earlier and not that it takes them a mouseclick to do so. The problem will still remain.

  • frostthejack
    frostthejack Member Posts: 9

    As for red moris they are not overpowered either. I've been in several games where all 4 survivors including me as one of those survivors got out just to then learn the killer had a red mori and even more games were just 1 or 2 of us got out with a red mori in play

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    ok, fair point. than how about the 5 second thing and when the opening starts the killer will get a noise notification? adds a bit more skill for it to be used as they have to make sure the killer is away.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    is this for real? Absolutely ridiculous. Take away the hatch? These killers are feeling quite entitled to getting all 4 kills every match. If That’s not lopsided idk what is. Balanced is killers getting 1-2 kills on a regular basis. Look at these entitled players. Before you know it, they’ll be in the queue all day trying to find survivors other than rank 1. And that’s just the few that stick around. Killers need a nerf man. Or survivors a buff. I can not believe someone wants the hatch gone when it literally makes the game not fun to be a survivor if that happens. The game isn’t all about you man. Survivors are human people too that also want to .... well... you know actually survive if things go awry with their team. There HAVE to be alternate escape routes. I think what this game lacks is that exactly. Friday 13 has 5 different ways of getting out alive and 1 includes killing Jason himself. So why confine 4 people to getting 5 gens out and that’s it? Why not at least say hey, survive this long and you win? I’d rather stop playing if you’re gonna force me to get 5 gens done to win every single time. A hatch isn’t enough in my opinion. I can’t predict what my teammates are gonna do. I’d rather not play anymore tbh

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    Jesus this is cringe lol

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Rework that in there and I quit. That’s a bad idea. So you mean to tell me the survivor went In there with the ability to find the hatch and you’re taking the uniqueness of his ability away from him by giving the killer an easier way to find it. No. The hatch is fine the way it is.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    If anything survivors need more ways to escape. Variety makes the game more fun. It’s not about slaying all 4 every game or making it more difficult to survive. Just give people different options to survive like a hatch or gens and leave it alone. Screw it let survivors repair a car in a garage where they have to go find the parts. People like options.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2020

    I play both sides because they are both fun but honestly this sounds like a angry killer that just got an unlucky match and now is mad. I mean you are not meant to win every match. The key is maybe a little OP but to use it can be tough. You have to get at least a certain number of gens and for me in my Solo Ques I am lucky to get 2 because I end up babysitting.

    THEN if by some miracle you get the right amount of gens done and the hatch does spawn now unless someone brings a key you have to hope and pray to the gods a key even comes out of a box.

    Then the real fun starts you can try to find the hatch which I will also say you can ask many people can sometimes be down right damn near impossible to find. Then lets say you do find it do you try and gather your fellow survivors or save yourself.

    I will say even with the key I still try to do gens because the time it takes to find the hatch waste time and I feel bad leaving teammates behind. It is only a OH CRAP thing for me.

    I do not think keys are a problem and if the PINK key is a problem THEN they should do something about EBONY mori's.

    I have seen killers bring Ebony Mori's and tunnel players just to use them. As a survivor you have to jump through hoops sometime to even get to use the key and still not get the chance to use it. It doesn't have to be a ebony but even a green one can ruin a game quick. You go from 4 to 3 survivors and that can be a big game changer.

    Also Key vs Mori use well I see WAAAY more Mori's and personally I only use either one if it is a daily or a tome.