A message for Potato Survivors who solo queue

If you don't work together toward the objectives of the TEAM, you will DEFINITELY all lose.

It may seem like you are trying to prolong your survival by hiding in a corner or walking around doing very little to nothing (not doing gens, healing others, unhooking, breaking totems, occupying some of the killers time) but what you are doing is making the killer's job much easier and ensuring that you will most likely die.

Getting hooked is actually a good thing when it is distributed among all 4 survivors because it keeps all the survivors in the game. If you play a game in which you are not hooked and 1 or 2 of your teammates is killed, then you have hurt your chances of survivng by contributing to a 2v1 or 3v1 scenario which favors the killer.

Finally, for the immersed crowd of spuds...you will never get better at the game unless you start interacting with the killer. Sure, you will be lousy at looping and chases at first but it's the only way to get better at the game. Behavior has stated that their changes all move toward forcing more interaction with the killer. Start making this aspect of your game stronger because that is the direction the game is going.



  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    This is why I run kindred. Best solo survivor perk!

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I am stealthy...I run Feng as my main and wear the "GG Noob" cosmetic. I run UE, SC (though once I can get through this head-on rift challenge I am going to inner strength and detectives hunch), BL and typically left behind (though I'll replace that with detectives once I drop SC). I find a gen, then another, if I come across a totem I'll do that and I'll try to unhook anyone I can, heal anyone I can, open the exit...wait around to say goodbye to the killer and then leave and hopefully I'll see the killer just once--at the exit gate as I run out. Now if I am found I'll do my best to escape the chase but not what I am all that good at nor what I like to do. I practice against  low rank killers as a smurf just to practice escaping as they are basically bots--can be fun at times, but doing a Benny Hill routine all game is not my thing. I rather do objectives, never see the killer and leave. Typically in horror movies after all you don't try to find the killer.

     Currently rank 7, been as high as rank 2, last season was rank 5. I don't exactly hide in the corner all game, but I don't go out of my way to find the killer to have him chase me either.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Also, try killers, get a feel for their powers strengths and weaknesses. It will help you I promise.

    An example I give is technically a different game, but it's Identity V which plays very similarly. I'm a Hunter main as I just prefer that role. However, because of my experience playing as all the Hunters , when I play survivor, I know their counters. I've legit kited Hunters longer than the characters who are designed to kite as characters who are designed to suck at it because I know the Hunters weaknesses and I know the maps.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    I had someone in the game yesterday that hid in the basement the entire time. To give them some credit, they came out to rescue someone from a hook, if they knew the killer was on the other side of the map, but then they went back into the basement to hide. It didn't do them any good, in the end. I was the only other survivor left, and when I got hooked the killer went right to the basement and got him.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    are all of you for real? So much anger and hostility. You guys do realize this game genre shouldn’t be this way. It’s a survival game and it’s supposed to be just for fun but these guys put a competitive twist on it when there shouldn’t be. Battle pass shouldn’t be thing. This whole ranking system is nonsense too 😂 it should not be that serious. Even with perks and everything else this type of genre isn’t built for this kind of competitive aggression and hostility over perks and ranking.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I wish you’d get punished for asking stealthy players to get punished. It’s a SURVIVAL game are we all forgetting that? Do you think survival is about confronting killers? No. Evasion and stealth is something that survival games are mostly comprised of. But somehow this game almost requires it at high level play. Gen rushing is an issue but to make the game longer, stealth and hiding is great. Delays the game adds suspense has more of a “hide and seek” kinda feel to the game. It really shouldn’t be about looping but somehow it’s what the game requires of us. Then you guys get mad when people get good at it and it becomes a problem 😂 I say as long as people have plenty of hiding go ahead hide for 30 minutes as long as you’re good at it.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    the game doesn’t give us many options for hiding as lockers are so obvious 😂 for the survivors, teamwork is absolutely mandatory. But how can killers be mad at gen rushing and whatever else seems OP to them when survivors are basically playing on thin ice the entire match where after losing just ONE player the game starts to feel killer sided. It’s heavily reliant on teamwork to succeed so much that all 4 seem required to do their part. However the killers are built to mow people down unless you find a good place to loop them. I’m sorry but that’s not fun for those that do want to come in and play survival games the way they are meant to be played not how this game wants you to play. Last I checked games are supposed to be fun not a chore. LB and RB interactions as a survivor the entire match that’s it? Complaining killers? Sheesh. I think I’ll go play Friday 13th

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364
    edited February 2020

    It really sucks when you go in and try as a lone survivor and once one guy goes down everyone does. I really think killers can just mow down teams Within 5 minutes of the game and that’s not how it should be happening 😂 Especially when I’ve been matchmaking for 5 hours trying to find a game. Slower gen speeds are not the answer. If you do that then slow the damn killer down too. Shorten his melee range. It’s ridiculously lengthy....

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Someone had to say it.

    Not doing gens or going for saves because you’re scared screws over the team. If you’re not gonna help the good of the team, don’t expect to win

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364
    edited February 2020

    What is “winning” anyways? Is it the ability to survive? Or getting max bloodpoints in every category? Most of the time I’d say survivors are losing either way so.... 😂 killers do RAKE in the points as they have a lot more means of obtaining points. So why should they be able to slay all 4 consistently if surviving seems to be one of the categories that make it worth it to play survivor for points? I go in, if I die I look at the scoreboard and I see killers HOARDING points .... it’s like #########... idk about that. Unless the killer is just really bad, but it seems to be too damn easy to rack up fat amounts of points as a killer. So excuse me if I want to actually survive to get that 5K at the end 😂

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364
    edited February 2020


  • Nixxied
    Nixxied Member Posts: 5

    Lol you’re obviously in green ranks and the problem the OP is writing about. The game is designed with the idea of competition in mind, so yes you lemon, the game will have quite a bit of competition among it. Slow down the killer? You can’t be serious, all the nonsense survivors have to outpace the killers as is, the game is heavily survivor sided as is. If you can’t loop by now you shouldn’t be playing this game.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    The Dunning Krueger Effect.

    People who only know the 101's of a subject tend to think they're experts in it.

    It's why the more you actually know, the better you get, the more you realize you don't *actually* know.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I haven't versed solo survivors in a long time. Where do I find them? I miss those games.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Yesterday I had Blendette cleansing 4 times vs Plague in first 3 minutes. Usually I can salvage something even with potato team mate(s) and I never rage quit. But that game was a test of will to not alt + f4

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Not so sure about that, i've been running bond etc as a solo que and i noticed that unless the killer slug, these players who crouch and hide have better chances of escaping. And do take note i say escaping which means nothing, when i play, i just want points and getting into chase etc are all worth it for me

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    The rift can be blamed for some of this. Imagine you brought a key and need to unlock a hatch, you won't be playing properly. I was creeping around like a rank 15 yesterday just to escape after healing someone with Jane.

    This is particularly bad because when I play as a filthy survivor, I main Jane but I just wanted it out of the way so I could choose my next mission.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    if you get a lobby with already 4 survivors in there, how do you assume they are swf? because they outplayed you? oh dear, solo survivors can be good too and swf is usually casual players. (though whenever i solo q i usually get potato survivors but that's just my bad luck and the reason i only play swf and killer now)

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I assume nothing. I base my conclusion on how they play not how well they play. I've played enough games to tell when solo players are just good and when SWFs are communicating with eachother. Whether they win or not was not my point.

  • tkwmm
    tkwmm Member Posts: 103
    edited February 2020

    Survivor having potatoes in SWF and Solo.

    Based on my experience, Most worst is when all the SWF is potatoes and your are the only solo, when the game fail due to their ignorant keep going to the killer to head on, pallet stun, body block, flashlight, instant save with BT when all these tactic fail and 3 of them are down within 1 minute, they will blame the solo one.

    In 1 of these game, I had unhook them 3 time, solo repair 3 gen, heal 5 of them, where they only repaired 1 gen and cleanse ruin totem.

    Thanks to their bully tactic fail, they all died and I escape through hatch. They become super salty insulting the killer and me, accuse me doing nothing entire match, a PXXSSY, then complain killer camping, tunneler where they all rushing to the hooked person ( their friend ) to instant save with BT without giving killer chances to go away.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Do gens, I beg of you! No point hiding if the killer is chasing me!

    And also... Stop running immediately to get the save after i go down to a doctor! Stay out of his terror radius! I can't understand how this is still a thing! You just wasted 20-30 seconds of not doing a gens, you will get found and chased and now someone else has to come.

    Sometimes solo queue is painful

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Mwahahaha I will find the hatch once my brethren have met the deep fat fryer!

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    The fact that you literally have to be afraid of getting potatoes every match in solo queuing is the main reason I don't enjoy this game so much anymore. I had matches where all 3 others survivors got downed in a row after 1 min against russian sweaty tryhard billys. But killers still keep crying although they know the majority of matches consists of solo potatoes that are ez kills because they only run in straight lines. Disgusting.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I think killers that main the top tier killers are not the ones complaining. The Legions, Clowns and Cannibals of our game certainly need a lot of love. But even the mid-tier killers have nowhere near the power of those at the top.

    Personally, I quite like playing with potato survivors. I feel like that I am supposed to lose and if I escape despite my team-mates, I get a lot out of that.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    i usually feel like i'm the one carrying the team.

    and yes, im a stealth player.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    i hate solo queing, for some reason it likes to pair me with rank 17s while im a rank 5. all i see is them self caring while im dying on a hook.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    nothing against you but, if you are getting hard camped and im not running borrowed time im not getting you. mainly because i would just be giving the killer two downs.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Swf casual? Yeah and Stalin was just a casual dictator. In all seriousness though, there's no such thing as a casual swf. They all play like sweaty ochido wannabes who treat this game like it's a Halo tournament. At least this is true for swf in red-green ranks. Either swf tries to bully with bodyblocking and flashlights (this is what usually gets them all killed) or half of the team brings toolboxes and completely focuses on gens and puts everything 2nd.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    How else is the killer supposed to get kills if it wasn't for potato survivors?

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I play killers if there is a daily. Of the 81 days I have in game (I am a devotion level 7) maybe a total of 1 day will have been as a killer (maybe even less). Obviously my killer rank is very low (rank 16 or 17 I think) and thus usually play pretty bad survivors. Had two dailies yesterday...chase survivors as Freddie for 180 seconds and catch three survivors in a bear trap. I got a 3K in one and a 2K in the other (should have been a 3K for the trapper too but she slipped off at the last second right as I got her to the hook and was able to run out). I am awful at killer, but then I don't like killers so not really important to me to play them.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    I'm saying it more as a top to help. If you play the killers you struggle against and learn some of their ins and outs, you can counter them way better.

    Like, in Identity V, I'm not the best Ripper player as I don't play him too often, but I've played him enough to know his tricks, and when I face a Ripper when I play survivor (he's one of the better hunters. He's kind of a Wraith-Huntress hybrid.) I typically do much better than the others, as I know his cooldowns and abilities and how to counter them. And also when something is fishy (I legit faced someone who was using an ability that was like, absolute fastest in any mode 12 second cooldown every 4 seconds or so) I'll ask if anyone else noticed the crazy fast cooldown and just get lines that show they don't even play him but act as if they know everything. Someone legit told me the power cools down faster once he's built up his presence (in Identity V, Hunters powers grow stronger as they damage survivors, unlocking abilities and upgrades.) But I know that is false, but they were so insistent.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    I wanna complain and rant and give details of teams that were just like this but I cannot. Why? Because the "potatoes" I've dealt with have all been inconsistently matched with me. In other words, they were 15 or higher. It makes me so mad to see a player, not even a blendette, hiding in a corner, crouched. Or when two survivors can clearly save me, but instead they run around in circles. All of these scenarios and then some really make me want to run up the wall. But it's unfair to those players. Unfair because it's not their fault they were put in a match with me and a killer of my skill. It's not their fault they're trying to learn the game with all of these variables they have yet to learn. This doesn't make it any easier, but I try to keep calm when in these rounds, because keeping calm and carry on. Good medicine when it works.

    But of course. There's those teams that do it out of spite and it makes me wanna scream all over again.

    DBD how our love/hate relationship has blossom >,<

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I only have a few of the killers. We bought the DLC for BBQ and I accidently bought Legion with Sherds thinking everyone (all three accounts) would get to use him and no only I would. We got the special edition so I have more killers than others I guess--I have Freddie, the Doctor, Hillbilly and the Cannibal, Legion as I said, the standard killers of course like trapper, the hag, nurse, etc but I don't have any of the others like Oni (I think he is pretty much trash anyway and I don't see him all that often), GF, the Demogorgon (trash too), Spirit, Clown or the Plague (and if you don't cleanse she is trash but of course they always cleanse don't they? So of the 18 killers, I have 12 of them...of the 20 survivors I have 18 and will get the new survivor as well--only Adam and Steve are the ones I don't have and of the 18 I have now, seven are PIII and one is PII and one is PI (have a few others that could be PI as I am at level 50)--have no killers at PI and none I could even get to PI. I have played a few killers I see like Myers, the Doctor, but others I either don't have or I like them even less than most killers so don't play them at all--I don't do chainsaws, don't like the Wraith or the Pig or the Nurse (who I never really see and if I do usually it is going to be an easy game because the person is trash playing her), I don't like the Hag either. If I actually would play killer I'd play trapper because he is easy, but he will get stomped by anyone who has any sense. By the time he sets up probably 2 or 3 gens will be done already.

  • MorsNoxFleuret
    MorsNoxFleuret Member Posts: 16

    I love getting totems ,I always like to assume they're running noed or devour hope

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i mean there sure are sweaty swf squads, but not even nearly all of them. i play killer a lot and survivor i only play swf anymore (sick of solo queue) and we just play and have fun. same when i play killer, sometimes the survivors play sweaty and other times they're just trying to have fun. me and my friends usually play casually and talk about life n stuff, troll around with head on and try to have fun and it's usually the killer who is really sweaty

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I would be surprised if they do either. They may have a spot behind a bookshelf in the corner where they crouch down and read...

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Bullets...The game for survivors relies on 4 people working together. If one person is not doing something toward the survivor goals, then the burden is greater for the other 3 survivors. I am not saying everyone has to become a Monto level survivor. The post is about Potato players who don't work on survivor goals.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I still wonder why survivors don't get as many points as killers...also why they max out points in categories. Survivors should get the additional points (even if the emblem only counts the first 8000 or so).

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Truth be told, no one is a potato and no one is a "pro" (pro, meaning master of the game.) Everyone makes mistakes and learns from them, or doesn't. It's that mentality of "Oh that's rediculous how he hit me through that pallet" "I can't believe that corner of that pallet hit me" "The killer is camping me!!!" (Even though your teammates are all at the hook with only one generator done.) Everyone has their flaws and learning from them is what makes us "better at the game" than others.

    My advice is to play both sides and get to know all the characters, find the one's you feel suits you best and run them while learning from your mistakes. Did a survivor pallet stun you and then loop you for about 2 minutes. Maybe your just not at their level of understanding how to mind game the other yet and can't keep up? If that's the case, you go stop the other survivors from completing objectives and try to kill them off one by one until all that is left is the one you couldn't catch. Is a killer constantly "camping" and "tunneling?" Engage yourself with the generators while your teammates are trying to make a save, or if they are on generators... Try to make the save yourself, but don't get yourself killed by unhooking in front of the killer or near them unless you know for sure the other survivor will get away and you can buy time.

    Sorry about the long post but I really feel all this needs to be said... People forget to understand what it's like to be on the other side, some even refuse to learn it and then get mad when things don't go their way... We have to remember this is a game and yes, it can be tedious... But it will most likely be even more tedious than ever if you keep making the same mistakes and blaming it on the other side and asking DEVS for changes to characters and maps.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    What is your player id?

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I m pretty sure i always get called a noob when i wait for a save running around a hook with 99% exhaustion sprint burst.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This game is too easy to rank on both sides to be honest. I'm colorblind to the point that most maps blend together. I can only see a survivor if they are moving. I'll pass by Jane in her rainbow shirt if she is hiding in next to the combine because the colors all clash and become a bland blend. I can only see scratch marks in The Game and Hawkins because they appear as black streaks on the floor and wall. Yet, I rank easily. I kill easily.

    As survivor, I often can't see the pallets until the prompt is up on my screen. The pallets blend in. I am mediocre at running the killer unless I have windows nearby (DWM is my go to). My strength is in breaking LoS and vanishing. Though I don't play immersed, I do play stealth. I'll work to evade instead of loop. Unfortunately, the devs hate stealth and it gets harder and harder with each new perk/ability. Yet, I rank up easily.

    The ranks are a total joke. They have zero to do with the player's skills and abilities.