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Addon's between Killers and Survivors has no Balance

Rexis Member Posts: 190

this game should be about balance, and its far away from balance

Lets look at the red addons that a killer has comparing to a red addon a survivor have

so a red addon for huntress will down survivors with one hatchet, a red addon for freddie will send everyone in a dream world from the start without being able to wakeup from missing skill check entire game and obsession stay dreaming the entire game, a mirror myres will give ability to see behind walls while he has no terror radius and his red addon will give him the ability to stay tier 3 for entire game or to kill survivors with hand, red addon for clown will down a survivor with one hit, a red addon for legion will give annoying loud noise every time he is in frenzy and you never know if he is coming your way or still in chase with someone and we cant forget about Ebony Mori that all killers easily find almost every bloodweb

lets look at red addons for survivors, spare part with 2 skill checks that if you hit doesnt even give you 20% of gen fix, Syringe that is for 1 time use that send you into mending status! thats it! a map that view's the killer belongings as if its so hard to find it! which in my opinion useless or at best is a green addon comparing to killers and a key that maybe you will be lucky and able to use

so how about we make huntress red addon hatchet for 1 hatchet only! or 1 bottle only for clown? or mirror myres gives him terror radius! wouldnt that be fair? since we use it only once also? yeah sound unfair isnt it? well thats what survivors suffers using red addon, a useless addon


  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    I was well aware of that when I posted the comment, thanks for highlighting it to me again :)

    Show me a good Myres with Ultimate Tier 3 in red ranks who cannot easily 4k if he uses his Red addon

    while if the same 4 survivors using the red addons wouldnt change the fact that he will 4k :)

    is that balance?

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    imagine complaining about addons yet doesnt look at the new killer addons. those were made in an era where strongaddons were everywhere. nowadays you'll be lucky to find a decent pink addon that is not a gimmick.

  • BelganPancake
    BelganPancake Member Posts: 43

    Dude... you sound like a entitled person... its 4 v 1 those add-ons have specifications that need to be met before being used properly (like clown and huntress) survivors have fast vaults, pallets, flashlights, godly stunning perks, and firecrackers they have alot more but im just to lazy to specify each and single item a survivor can use to their own advantage cough like a key cough

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    im just upset they are doing 1 thing aside from other,

    if they would nerf surv add ons and killer add ons (almost over year ago McLean told 1shot huntress will be goner soon, soon almost year ago) neither survs or killers would be upset, but because they are nerfing similar things one after another both sides are mad at devs (imagine what will happen if devs nerf moris without nerfing keys or keys without mori and after year other side would tell but xxx is balanced wasnt nerfed year ago)

    infinite tombstone yea its almost whole team fault, but infinite tier 3? or 3 stbfl stacks + normal tombstone with 99% T3? your 4Head teammate will give him stacks/stalk and you will pay for it, that idea is good only if teams are balanced but not the case in 90% of games for soloQ xd (you get 1 good team per 10 games at least in my experience)

    i dont mind mirror myers (shift + W is countering him hard) + after changes spine chill works vs him (thats dumb)

    im not telling old BNP or 2 up medkit were healthy for game, but neither is 1shot hatchet, perma T3 myers, and some add on combos (insta saw, sketch + temp timer, and so on) only unfair combo for survs is commodius + instructions and Socket but thats soon gone

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    YET, an Ultimate tier 3 myres can take them all down with all their godly addons, a huntress with amazing hitboxes and dedicated servers

    Killer game is so easy dude, there is not a single loop that cannot be mind gamed, not even the infinite windows

    4v1 Yupe cause we are playing counter strike and we can hit the killer back, what a comment what a gamer

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Ehhh, not always. "Tremendously" raising the time to reach Unlimited Tier 3 is a significant downside and basically mandates that you use an add-on that speeds up stalk rate. Strong Survivors can make that a real pain for Myers.

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    Really? Yet 1 Red addon can beat all 4 survivors even if they come with red addons

    whats with the 4v1 crap? thats how the game is designed buddy, should we reduce them to 3 for your pleasure? what a comment

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Do killers have items?

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Uh huh. Lets look at survivor perks vs killer perks.

    Killer can slow gens 4% for every injured survivor - Survivor can speed gens by 10% for every survivor nearby.

    Killer can know when someone is in a 32M circle - Survivor can know when the killer is looking at him, or downright see his aura.

    Killer can block the exit doors for 60 seconds - Survivors can find keys in a box that allows 3 people to escape without warning.

    Survivor can gain distance and be invulnerable for a swing. Survivor can have 60 seconds of god mode after being hooked. Survivors can take a hit without being injured upon unhook. Survivor can get a sprint burst exhaustion perk that ignores the rules of exhaustion. Survivors can pick themselves up of the ground. Survivors can heal themselves without needing a teammate. Survivors can see the auras of the most powerful killer perks.

    So yeah, killers have far better addons than survivors, but survivors have far stronger perks.

  • Creepytaco
    Creepytaco Member Posts: 36

    I play killer and I agree with you. This is actually why I hardly use any of my iridescent add ons unless there is a challenge, or a team is asking for it because many of them are just straight unfair. You like literally do not have to work at all when they're used. For all the complaining killers seem to overwhelmingly do about game balance they sure don't seem to actually want the game to be so. Add ons entirely need to be reworked. Killer have perks AND an ability. They come in with an advantage. That will always be true.

  • Creepytaco
    Creepytaco Member Posts: 36

    I disagree. Mainly because most of the supposed God perks you mentioned and that I can think of require an action to be done for it to activate or leads to exhaustion. Killers don't have to deal with that. And keys? We killers can see people bring them in before survivors even know who they are dealing with, and can easily target said people with them. Can even run Franklin's to get rid of it pretty easily, especially at top tier due to their fragility. On top of that survivors have to actually fix an X amount of gens to even use keys meanwhile our equivalent requires us just to hook them once. Unlike us survivors overwhelmingly can't just do something just cause. Killers have far more favor. That's my honest opinion. Balance needs to happen, but it's to find a way to make the survivor experience more enjoyable by making them a bit stronger and by making the chase more exhilarating. No easy task, true but any killer worth a salt knows better than to say that survivors are overpowered because that is simply untrue.

  • supman22
    supman22 Member Posts: 17

    For Myers to get T3 you basically have to feed him just get out of line of sight if you don't have 4 gens done by the time he hits T3 you or your allies fed him and mirror Myers if you can do literally any loop and just pay attention you'll be fine. Huntress iri heads should be only 1 hatchet that's true. Clown has such a slow down when throwing bottles you have to let him get right on your ass for him to get the insta down. Legion add-on just pay attention once again. Freddy needs a rework true but. Insta heal bottled time key with blood Amber and beads toolbox's with rag and socket are all super strong as well I'm not defending or opposing I'm saying you have to look at both sides

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Obsession perks require you to basically leave the obsession alone. Hex perks require you to guard them and can still be destroyed. Those are not brain dead perks, they require action on your part and don't carry near the power of exhaustion perks. Imagine if a killer could double his lunge distance every 60 seconds and you don't know about it until it happens. With plunderers instinct, you have a about a 75% chance of finding a key, not like a killer can find a mori.

    Name me one killer perk combination with as much power as DS, DH, Adrenaline, and Unbreakable.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Decisive Strike + Unbreakable is basically a free hook state. Killer found you again after being unhook? Too bad, they can't capitalise on it. They pick you up, they get punished, they don't pick you up, they also get punished.

    Moris allow killers to skip part of their objective, keys do the same for survivors.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    If a Tombstone+Fragrant Tuft Myers gets even one kill against a group of survivors with 4 BNPs then my suggestion would be for the survivors to turn on their monitors.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the difference here is, that those add ons have downsides / counterplay attached to them.

    the previously mentioned survivor add ons did not, whoch made them clearly too strong - hence the nerf.

    is it fair to get a gen instantly done just by pressing space with a toolbox on it? up to 4 times a match?

    is it fair to instantly blind the killer for multiple seconds just by turning around mid chase and holding M1 in their face for .5 seconds?

    is it fair to instantly heal a full healthstate / get someone to full health just by pressing space on them with a medkit without even having to enter an animation for it? you could literally fully heal a downed guy while the killer was in the wipe off animation and get away with it - is that fair?

    the mentioned tombstone or the infinite tier 3 Myers have both have downsides.

    both require you to stalk the survivors a LOT longer - and the tombstone reduces the killers movementspeed which is quite the big deal. if you wanted to get both to work you'd need to fully stalk 3 survivors and start stalking the 4th. with a bit awareness you can easily avoid that and genrush the killer before he ever gets that combo to work.

    insta hatchets - while being on the stronger side of the UR add ons - themselves are basically worthless. only having one shot that therefore instadowns is quite bad, this add on only really shines when combined with the infantry belt (which is strong, yes, but not unbeatable). and when you dodge her shot? welp, now you got a 110% M1 killer until she finds a locker to reload and you gain additional distance.

    the redheads pinky finger requires the clown to precisely hit you with the bottle itself, which is quite hard to do - and can be dodged by the survivor.

    in the end URs are supposed to be game changers.

    and of course the killer ones are supposed to be stronger than the survivor ones, simply because there are 4 survivors versus 1 killer, therefore their URs have to be weaker as there can be more of them in a single game.

    they are still not weak though (okay ill admit the odd bulb is).

    also, yes killers have it "easier than ever", though that does not necessarily mean everything is balanced.

    Genrush for example is a very real issue that needs to be addressed - and i highly doubt anyone could deny that.

  • BelganPancake
    BelganPancake Member Posts: 43

    First of all isn’t it the killers job to kill the survivors? Lmao. Infinite tomb myers like needs 5 minutes to fully achieve which is how many gens? 5? Oh added the time to find all of the survivors and thats a total of 10 minutes enough for a quick game listen here bud huntresses also don’t like the hitboxes it feels like they have no talent and the only reason why they hit the survivor is because of the wack hitboxes. Second tool boxes and keys knowing your probably a sweaty survivor main i think you already know this 4 tool boxes can finish a gen in like 20 seconds and once you find the hatch with a key its game over for the killer. Third godly is a strong word bud. Fourth don’t try to sound smug also another note don’t bring different games into this survivors can definitely fight back using pallets, fire crakers, head on, DS, breakout, boil over, dead hard, flash lights, windows, quick and quiet for dukes, dark colored cosmetics, Alex’s toolbox with full sabo add ons, saboteur, iron will, and a lot more. Fifth oh ######### off with your “BUT KILLER IS SO EASYYY” tell that to amateur killers it may not seem like it but it is HELL being a killer shut up. Sixth its not the killers fault the servers are wack. Seventh i can now see that you are definitely ENTITLED i do not want anything to do with you. Eighth you can mind game a ######### hallway whats your point. Ninth its called an infinite cuz its not mind game-able? Killers either have to get blood lust or get lucky with their attempted mind game *key word “attempted”* tenth if you have read through this good job now jet a ######### expansion on that narrow mind of yours its like a funnel with a filter that only lets survivor problems through. And lastly eleventh grow the ######### up

  • BelganPancake
    BelganPancake Member Posts: 43

    Forgot to add dance with me and styptic agent to number 4 my bad

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    anti styptic that allows to use it once comparing to tier 3 entire game, what a smart fella

    yeah buddy, tbag 3 times should make you exhausted

    am entitled? I can hear a whining sweatlord who try hard every game :)

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Those were kinda OP. Of course so are some of the killers pink addons. But there's alot of crap ones as well.

  • Han
    Han Member Posts: 196

    For the last time, the killer is the power role, hes meant to be stronger than a survivor, hows that so hard to understand?

  • BelganPancake
    BelganPancake Member Posts: 43

    Using anti styptic can mean life or death whats your point also it seems you didnt read the whole thing congrats on being narrow minded

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well I will agree there is some discrepancy in the add-ons you can't really compare them on a 1 vs 1 basis

    Killers add-ons I meant to potentially be as strong as 4 survivor add-ons.

    As I said I do agree there's a discussion to be had here but it's pretty much false equivalency if you're comparing only comparing them on a one-to-one basis.

    For example if you were to increase the survival add-ons to the level of Killers then you would have four survivors running extremely strong add-ons which really wouldn't be fun for the Killer.

    Alternatively if you were drag down the killer add-ons to the same level as the survival add-ons then the killer would potentially be equal on a one-to-one basis but the game is not 1v 1 it's 1v 4 so they'll be outclassed very quickly

  • BelganPancake
    BelganPancake Member Posts: 43

    Also i was stating the obscenities that survivors use/equip

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Nobody thinks iri head is ok. Literally nobody with a brain. The other ones you mentioned are fine. Tombstone isn't good, and barely works if you do gens, and Clown's red add-on actually turns him into an almost functioning killer.

  • ToastyBois
    ToastyBois Member Posts: 26

    “How about we make red huntress add on one hatchet?” Imagine that, almost as if that’s how that currently is? Coming from someone who plays both (more survivor), currently the game is heavily survivor sided. Stop complaining, red addons for killer are fine. That’s why they’re ultra rare. They’re meant to be good.

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    Ultra rare! you joking buddy right? I get in a killer bloodweb a green and a red mori with some purple and red addons in every blood web

    so MOM, Self Care, DS, Insta Heal, Med Kits and now tool boxes

    Yupe very survivor sided

    you wanna tell me you dont 4k at least half of your games and the rest you at least have 2k? I think its pretty balanced buddy

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Oh Shut Up!

    Seriously people need to stop brining this BS up. Yes, they are powerful add-ons and Killer mains know this. They know it's not fun to go against it and that's why they have a ton of them in their inventory. They choose not to use them very often. But this can be changed. Let the Iri-Huntress come out every game they play or let the Perma Insta Myers be unleashed every game. On top the Killers should also release the hundreds of moris they have.

    This will be fun. If they chose to play like this, then you can complain and only then!

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    This is really all that needs to be said, and it not only deflates the entire argument, but buries it 6 feet under. Killer is the power role. They are meant to be powerful.

  • PyroTheEngineer
    PyroTheEngineer Member Posts: 3

    I do agree with this, being a killer main myself. While some red addons do require skill to use effectively, most of this skill requirement can be completely removed using addon combos, or didn't exist in the first place (eg Myers' red addons, huntress' iri hatchet, and clown's pinky finger), all of which therefore need a nerf IMO.

    For example, I think Myers' lock of hair should make him slower when activated or that tombstone can only be used twice and is then removed, that huntress' iri hatchet amount can't be increased, or that clown's pinky finger doesn't slow survivors. This would make at least clown and huntress red addons more skill reliant, while Myers can't abuse infinite tombstone to easily 4k.

    Yes, I know that killer addons should be stronger than survivor, because it's a 1v4, but that shouldn't mean the killer can easily kill all survivors in like 10 seconds, because that would NOT be balanced. If we really want to balance the addons, we should be trying to create a balance, where 1 red killer addon has the same strength as 4 red survivor addons. At this point in the game, an iri hatchet is more powerful than 4 insta heals, because it completely counters an insta heal, while also countering a survivor being alive, which is really dumb.

    Trapper is one of the better killers for red addon balance (at least with iri stone), because it punishes survivors for not paying attention, and can give the trapper more time to chase, because they don't have to run around constantly, resetting and picking up traps. IMO, red addons shouldn't make a killer insanely powerful, they should be a way to create a new playstyle, and freshen up a game, allowing for unique tactics to be created, and allow everyone ti have more fun.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Are you actually telling me right now you don't think instablinds were actually unfair? Because I'm inclined to believe you never played against or used one if your life if thats the case. Also having potentially 1 or more gens pop 20 seconds in was unfair. It's similar to moris.