P. 3.5.2 Genrush and second chance has become Meta & The Devs are only watching.
Point 1: PTB Toolboxes
As "Levitika" says: Did some testing with a friend; using any toolbox with Scraps, Wire Spool, and Streetwise, a single Survivor can get a generator to between 50-60% in the span of 20-30 seconds. With a Commodious Toolbox, Wire Spool, Brand New Part, and Streetwise, you can get it to over 75% in that time. Doing the math, toolboxes now allow single Survivors to repair faster than two survivors without items. This is absolutely ridiculous; paired with the sabotage changes, Killers are now weaker than ever and finishing four generators simultaneously can now be accomplished in 46 seconds.
With or without a Toolbox ? It doesn´t matter !
Games are faster than ever. Specially on red ranks. Second objectives like Totems get ignored. Rush your Mainobjective as fast you can. Rush the Hook with Borrowtime to get your 100% save points. Killer tunnels ? No problem, you had "DS" your save escape. Combine it with "Dead Hard" and if you want use "Resilience" for moooore speed if you injured. A toolbox ? Luxus, you don´t need it, cause gens are going fast too without. GG ez games
The new Sabotage ?
Dead by Daylight feels like a bullysimulator....
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