I'm never playing another survivor game without DS again

I know a lot of people hate this perk but it's absolutely needed especially if you solo queue.

Killers are tunneling and proxy camping like mad men lately..


  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    If every survivor had your opinion, DS would be next on the chopping block.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I dont like DS, but I dont like getting tunneled/camped either

    I think the devs should nerf DS and BT to the ground but also implement a mechanic that softens the effects of camping and tunneling.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It's a mandatory perk.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Not really. A camper is just going to now camp your team mate. I could say the same thing about survivors caring about killers fun. "Don't even try to pretend otherwise". For your own sake, don't get into it with me. Your ego will crumble to pieces.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    I havent even unlocked DS cause I won't use it and I escape most matches as solo.

    I guess it's like a drug, some people can function without it and others need it to function at all. *shrug*

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited February 2020

    ^ This, just this.

    I have so many moris stocked, and with the help of BBQ I get atleast one mori back every match. Which means I could bring one EVERY SINGLE MATCH.

    However I purposely choose against it, because I know how ridiculiosuly unfun they are. And I see the majority of the killers do the same, judging by how few moris I actually see around.

    Survivors on the other hand very frequently bring their strongest stuff. I see the same DS, BT, DH, Unbreakable + items + map offerings on 2 survivors minimum atleast every second match as killer.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    DS causes more tunneling, its the endless cycle:

    Everyone who uses DS is partially responsible for all the tunneling, even if they are "just using it so that they dont get tunneled".

    Everyone says that, but then an innocent killers get DSed because there was still 5/10/15 seconds of the DS timer left...

    And now that innocent killer starts to tunnel on purpose, so he doesnt get DSed by someone crawling out of exit gate ever again.

    He assumes that everyone has DS, so he tunnels everyone, countless innocent surviviors without DS get tunneled in the process.

    They swear reverenge against tunnelers and equip DS.

    And so it begins again...

    They are not even aware that it was their friends that created this monster, now they are going to create even more of them with their own hands...

    In the end DS becomes meta nad we fall into the spiral of hate.











  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    You really want us to believe you were the only survivor not running DS?

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Ds has always been necessary. As much as killers dont like it, the chances of coming across a camping/tunneling killer are just too high or you get survivors who rush the hook before the killer even has a chance to move away in which case the killer will often go after the person who is already injured.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I don't disagree with DS being needed however, whole builds are built around second chance perks and when you run against groups that all have the same build or similar, then it defeats the purpose of the killer outside of a Mori. In the current meta, that's gamebreaking. You can't even have variety like that in killer builds that are viable in the current meta because you already have to address gen rush, since the devs won't do it. Then people complain why they face the same killers with the same perks and the same tactics.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    Since neither tunneling or camping is a bannable offence. People see the need in running second chance builds in case killer does do that. Since those perks are counters to tunneling and camping you can’t really change them. It’s the same evil cycle like the one above. If you make tunneling and camping illegal for the most part you could start changing those perks but as it is right now I don’t think that anything will be done about it.

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    DS and BT wouldn't be mandatory if the game's design didn't allowed camping and tunneling.

  • kidmaxx
    kidmaxx Member Posts: 57

    The importance of tunneling has skyrocketed since the ruin nerf. If you're applying appropriate pressure as killer, 3 survivors do generators literally half as fast as 4 survivors. So getting that first person out of the game is huge. I can tell you personally I've incorporated tunneling into my playstyle much more since the ruin nerf, since it's usually the smartest thing to do. I used to care about that first person's fun, but not so much anymore since devs want to baby survivors so much.

    The argument that hooking different people spreads pressure around is just wrong. Regardless of who you hook, they're gonna get unhooked, heal, then do gens. So yeah you want to disrupt survivors on generators and maybe hit them, but when it comes to downing and hooking someone you want to prioritize the person you've already hooked.

    Camping, yeah against good survivors it's rarely the right thing to do. But I think a lot more killers are doing it in protest since they know it ruins games for people and they're mad about ruin.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I don't run DS unless I'm getting a lot of killer attention in sessions and I run trials with randoms mostly.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited February 2020

    Ironically when I have DS, I don’t usually get tunneled, but the second I decide to take it off the killer just KNOWS and will tunnel me til I’m dead, or try to at least. And that’s why I bring DS to every game.

    whenever I try to play “fairly” as survivor OR killer, the opposition will notice and take full advantage. so I stopped trying to be fair for the sake of other people, since they don’t have the same respect for me. and that’s fine! :)

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Wow, this kid needs some serious help. This ego trip screams of desperation. DS will help vs a camper, seen it happen too many times to discount it.

    As for tunneling, it only works vs bad survivors. If they are worth their weight in pocket lint they will be able to pop gens during your singular focus while offering a single extra body to slow down your attempt to "quickly " dispatch someone. That is one of the top reasons I don't focus on a tunnel plan. It depends on playing vs bad survivors. Add in the limited perk setups that assist in tunneling and the game gets too boring too fast.

    Gen pressure is still the best overall strategy, but requires a fluid play style and an understanding of each map. I main Trapper, but can still hold my own, even though I admit the lack of alternative objectives for survivors often make it much more of a hassle these days. Gens are quite fast.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t use DS and sometimes I die, sometimes I live. I’ve found iron will, kindred, calm spirit and spine chill much more useful.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    As long as your ready to depip while they rush those gens I say go for it

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    Exactly this. Killers played the same before the Ruin-Nerf, it is kinda cheap to blame the Devs for the ######### playstyle, lol.


    Wise decision. Sadly DS is needed these days. If the Killer notices you dont have DS, you are practically dead.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Agree. Besides the fact i have all perks unlocked, the times a DS would make a diference in a match is minimal... and im a solo when playing surv. I rather not get caught perks.

  • walookeyes
    walookeyes Member Posts: 10

    Yes it has to do with gen speed. killers are forced to tunnel and camp because the only chance of having a decent result in the game now is to get a survivor out of the game as quick as possible. If you perform 4 hook action on 4 different survivors you will still have to deal with 4 survivors doing gens. And since 4 survivors can do 4 gens in less than 2 minutes the game is not playable. I don' t like tunnel and camp but there is no other way of playing the game unless you wanna get genrushed in 2 minutes. Everyone with a brain understands that the game is utterly broken right now. you down one survivor and 3 gens get popped. what do yoi expect?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Spoken like a true survivor main. I bet you complained about the rework to old MoM and you want back the ability to recharge SB while running?

    Ruin was a band aid over a serious problem. It didn't help much but it was something. Now that band aid was removed and all the blood is pouring out. By blood being a metaphor for the killer community. Lots of killers simply don't have early game pressure or a way to end chases quickly. Ruin was the devs lazy attempt to address that. It didn't work on good survivors but it kept the newbies where they belong. Now that it's gone the newbies are ranking up and that's why your que times suck.

    My personal opinion. If you NEED DS, your not a good survivor. If you NEED noed your not a good killer. BT is perfectly fine.

    If the killer wants to tunnel and face camp you to death that's their choice, not yours. If the killer is face camping the rest of you get an easy game. If you stop drooling over the hook save bp you can do the rest of the gens and get out. That killer isn't going to rank up, not that rank matters with this MM. Majority of killers that camp usually suck. Good killers realize it's better to pressure gens or hunt someone else than stand there ensuring that one person dies.

    Me, I do what is best for my game. If I see you unhook right in front of me I assume BT+DS so I go after the one who made the save. If I'm patrolling and see 1 healthy and 1 injured survivor, the injured one is my target. It don;t matter who clicks a flashlight in my face or tries to body block. The injured one is going on the hook cause that's the best choice for "my" objective.

    TL:DR. Devs made killer's job harder so they are going to fight dirty. Blame the devs for their broken mechanics not the killers. Without them you don't have a match and the way things are looking, your que times aren't going to get better.