32000 Killer Points with One Survivor Escape

I always thought you had to 3 hook everyone for a perfect sacrifice category but with 3 late games hooks, you still get enough points for it. I found it mildly interesting and thought I would share. While I personally have no issues with it at all, does anyone think a 4k should be required for a "perfect" game?

I'm also too lazy to do the math but does anyone know if it'd be possible to let two people go but still have a "perfect" game if you had enough late game hooks?

Also, I was working on the 5-end game sacrifices if anybody was curious; I never use Bloodwarden and rarely use Noed. Pretty interesting game considering I had 2-hooked them all with 3 gens left and just messed around and pretended to lose them, miss swings, ignore Nurse procs, etc They all got a lot of points at least which was nice. ^_^

